Package org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.schema

Examples of org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.schema.Schema$FieldSchema

                HandleSpec streamOutputSpec = command.getOutputSpec();
                FuncSpec streamLoaderSpec = new FuncSpec(streamOutputSpec.getSpec());
                return streamLoaderSpec;
            Schema s = op.getSchema();
            if(null != s) {
              FieldSchema fieldSchema = s.findFieldSchema( parentCanonicalName );
                getLoadFuncSpec( fieldSchema, loadFuncSpecMap );
            } else {
                LogicalPlan lp = op.getPlan();
                for(LogicalOperator pred: lp.getPredecessors(op)) {
                    FuncSpec lfSpec = getLoadFuncSpec(pred, parentCanonicalName);
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    public Schema outputSchema(Schema input) {
        return new Schema(new Schema.FieldSchema(null, DataType.LONG));
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    public Schema outputSchema(Schema input) {
        try {
            Schema tupleSchema = new Schema();
            for (int i = 0; i < input.size(); ++i) {
            return new Schema(new Schema.FieldSchema(getSchemaName(this
                    .getClass().getName().toLowerCase(), input), tupleSchema,
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return null;
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     * @param input - schema of the input data
     * @return schema of the input data
    public Schema outputSchema(Schema input) {
        return new Schema(new Schema.FieldSchema(getSchemaName(this.getClass().getName().toLowerCase(), input), DataType.CHARARRAY));
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      * @see org.apache.pig.EvalFunc#getArgToFuncMapping()
     public List<FuncSpec> getArgToFuncMapping() throws FrontendException {
        List<FuncSpec> funcList = new ArrayList<FuncSpec>();
        funcList.add(new FuncSpec(this.getClass().getName(), new Schema(new Schema.FieldSchema(null, DataType.CHARARRAY))));

        return funcList;
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    public boolean check(List<LogicalOperator> nodes) throws OptimizerException {      
        try {
            LogicalOperator op = getOperator(nodes);
            Schema s = op.getSchema();
            if (s == null) return false;
            boolean sawOne = false;
            List<Schema.FieldSchema> fss = s.getFields();
            List<Byte> types = new ArrayList<Byte>(s.size());
            Schema determinedSchema = null;
            if(LOLoad.class.getName().equals(operatorClassName)) {
                determinedSchema = ((LOLoad)op).getDeterminedSchema();
            for (int i = 0; i < fss.size(); i++) {
                if (fss.get(i).type != DataType.BYTEARRAY) {
                    if(determinedSchema == null ||
                            (fss.get(i).type != determinedSchema.getField(i).type)) {
                            // Either no schema was determined by loader OR the type
                            // from the "determinedSchema" is different
                            // from the type specified - so we need to cast
                            sawOne = true;
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    public void transform(List<LogicalOperator> nodes) throws OptimizerException {
        try {
            LogicalOperator lo = getOperator(nodes);
            Schema s = lo.getSchema();
            String scope = lo.getOperatorKey().scope;
            // For every field, build a logical plan.  If the field has a type
            // other than byte array, then the plan will be cast(project).  Else
            // it will just be project.
            ArrayList<LogicalPlan> genPlans = new ArrayList<LogicalPlan>(s.size());
            ArrayList<Boolean> flattens = new ArrayList<Boolean>(s.size());
            Map<String, Byte> typeChanges = new HashMap<String, Byte>();
            // if we are inserting casts in a load and if the loader
            // implements determineSchema(), insert casts only where necessary
            // Note that in this case, the data coming out of the loader is not
            // a BYTEARRAY but is whatever determineSchema() says it is.
            Schema determinedSchema = null;
            if(LOLoad.class.getName().equals(operatorClassName)) {
                determinedSchema = ((LOLoad)lo).getDeterminedSchema();
            for (int i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) {
                LogicalPlan p = new LogicalPlan();
                List<Integer> toProject = new ArrayList<Integer>(1);
                LOProject proj = new LOProject(p, OperatorKey.genOpKey(scope),
                    lo, toProject);
                Schema.FieldSchema fs = s.getField(i);
                if (fs.type != DataType.BYTEARRAY) {
                    if(determinedSchema == null || (fs.type != determinedSchema.getField(i).type)) {
                            // Either no schema was determined by loader OR the type
                            // from the "determinedSchema" is different
                            // from the type specified - so we need to cast
                            LOCast cast = new LOCast(p,
                                        OperatorKey.genOpKey(scope), fs.type);
                            p.connect(proj, cast);
                            FuncSpec loadFuncSpec = null;
                            if(lo instanceof LOLoad) {
                                loadFuncSpec = ((LOLoad)lo).getInputFile().getFuncSpec();
                            } else if (lo instanceof LOStream) {
                                StreamingCommand command = ((LOStream)lo).getStreamingCommand();
                                HandleSpec streamOutputSpec = command.getOutputSpec();
                                loadFuncSpec = new FuncSpec(streamOutputSpec.getSpec());
                            } else {
                                int errCode = 2006;
                                String msg = "TypeCastInserter invoked with an invalid operator class name: " + lo.getClass().getSimpleName();
                                throw new OptimizerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG);
                            typeChanges.put(fs.canonicalName, fs.type);
                            if(determinedSchema == null) {
                                // Reset the loads field schema to byte array so that it
                                // will reflect reality.
                                fs.type = DataType.BYTEARRAY;
                            } else {
                                // Reset the type to what determinedSchema says it is
                                fs.type = determinedSchema.getField(i).type;
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    public Schema outputSchema(Schema input) {
        return new Schema(new Schema.FieldSchema(null, DataType.INTEGER));
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    public ProjectionMap getProjectionMap() {
        if(mIsProjectionMapComputed) return mProjectionMap;
        mIsProjectionMapComputed = true;
        Schema outputSchema;
        try {
            outputSchema = getSchema();
        } catch (FrontendException fee) {
            mProjectionMap = null;
            return mProjectionMap;
        Schema inputSchema = null;       
        List<LogicalOperator> predecessors = (ArrayList<LogicalOperator>)mPlan.getPredecessors(this);
        if(predecessors != null) {
            try {
                inputSchema = predecessors.get(0).getSchema();
            } catch (FrontendException fee) {
                mProjectionMap = null;
                return mProjectionMap;
        } else {
            try {
                inputSchema = getSchema();
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                mProjectionMap = null;
                return mProjectionMap;
        if(inputSchema == null) {
            if(outputSchema != null) {
                //determine schema returned null and the user specified a schema
                //the predecessor did not have a schema and the user specified a schema
                mProjectionMap = new ProjectionMap(false);
                return mProjectionMap;
        if(Schema.equals(inputSchema, outputSchema, false, true)) {
            //there is a one is to one mapping between input and output schemas
            mProjectionMap = new ProjectionMap(false);
            return mProjectionMap;
        } else {
            MultiMap<Integer, ProjectionMap.Column> mapFields = new MultiMap<Integer, ProjectionMap.Column>();
            //compute the mapping assuming its a prefix projection
            for(int i = 0; i < inputSchema.size(); ++i) {
                mapFields.put(i, new ProjectionMap.Column(new Pair<Integer, Integer>(0, i)));
            mProjectionMap = new ProjectionMap(mapFields, null, null);
            return mProjectionMap;
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    public Schema outputSchema(Schema input) {
        return new Schema(new Schema.FieldSchema(null, DataType.CHARARRAY));
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Related Classes of org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.schema.Schema$FieldSchema

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