
Examples of

      } else {
        partitionIndex = (Integer)tuple.get(1);

            PigNullableWritable key =
                HDataType.getWritableComparableTypes(tuple.get(tupleKeyIdx), DataType.TUPLE);

            NullablePartitionWritable wrappedKey = new NullablePartitionWritable(key);

            NullableTuple val = new NullableTuple((Tuple)tuple.get(tupleValIdx));
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                        Result redRes = leaf.getNext(DUMMYTUPLE);
                            Tuple tuple = (Tuple)redRes.result;
                            Byte index = (Byte)tuple.get(0);
                            PigNullableWritable outKey =
                                HDataType.getWritableComparableTypes(tuple.get(1), this.keyType);
                            NullableTuple val =
                                new NullableTuple((Tuple)tuple.get(2));
                            // Both the key and the value need the index.  The key needs it so
                            // that it can be sorted on the index in addition to the key
                            // value.  The value needs it so that POPackage can properly
                            // assign the tuple to its slot in the projection.

                            oc.write(outKey, val);

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        public int compare(WritableComparable a, WritableComparable b)
            PigNullableWritable wa = (PigNullableWritable)a;
            PigNullableWritable wb = (PigNullableWritable)b;
            if ((wa.getIndex() & PigNullableWritable.mqFlag) != 0) { // this is a multi-query index
                if ((wa.getIndex() & PigNullableWritable.idxSpace) < (wb.getIndex() & PigNullableWritable.idxSpace)) return -1;
                else if ((wa.getIndex() & PigNullableWritable.idxSpace) > (wb.getIndex() & PigNullableWritable.idxSpace)) return 1;
                // If equal, we fall through
            // wa and wb are guaranteed to be not null, POLocalRearrange will create a tuple anyway even if main key and secondary key
            // are both null; however, main key can be null, we need to check for that using the same logic we have in PigNullableWritable
            Object valuea = null;
            Object valueb = null;
            try {
                // Get the main key from compound key
                valuea = ((Tuple)wa.getValueAsPigType()).get(0);
                valueb = ((Tuple)wb.getValueAsPigType()).get(0);
            } catch (ExecException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Unable to access tuple field", e);
            if (!wa.isNull() && !wb.isNull()) {
                int result =, valueb);
                // If any of the field inside tuple is null, then we do not merge keys
                // See PIG-927
                if (result == 0 && valuea instanceof Tuple && valueb instanceof Tuple)
                    try {
                        for (int i=0;i<((Tuple)valuea).size();i++)
                            if (((Tuple)valueb).get(i)==null)
                                return (wa.getIndex()&PigNullableWritable.idxSpace) - (wb.getIndex()&PigNullableWritable.idxSpace);
                    } catch (ExecException e) {
                        throw new RuntimeException("Unable to access tuple field", e);
                return result;
            } else if (valuea==null && valueb==null) {
                // If they're both null, compare the indicies
                if ((wa.getIndex() & PigNullableWritable.idxSpace) < (wb.getIndex() & PigNullableWritable.idxSpace)) return -1;
                else if ((wa.getIndex() & PigNullableWritable.idxSpace) > (wb.getIndex() & PigNullableWritable.idxSpace)) return 1;
                else return 0;
            else if (valuea==null) return -1;
            else return 1;
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        Pair <Integer, Integer> indexes;
        Integer curIndex = -1;
        Tuple keyTuple = TupleFactory.getInstance().newTuple(1);

        // extract the key from nullablepartitionwritable
        PigNullableWritable key = ((NullablePartitionWritable) wrappedKey).getKey();

        try {
            keyTuple.set(0, key.getValueAsPigType());
        } catch (ExecException e) {
            return -1;

        // if the key is not null and key
        if (key instanceof NullableTuple && key.getValueAsPigType() != null) {
            keyTuple = (Tuple)key.getValueAsPigType();

        // if the partition file is empty, use numPartitions
        totalReducers = (totalReducers > 0) ? totalReducers : numPartitions;
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        public int compare(WritableComparable a, WritableComparable b)
            PigNullableWritable wa = (PigNullableWritable)a;
            PigNullableWritable wb = (PigNullableWritable)b;
            if ((wa.getIndex() & PigNullableWritable.mqFlag) != 0) { // this is a multi-query index
                if ((wa.getIndex() & PigNullableWritable.idxSpace) < (wb.getIndex() & PigNullableWritable.idxSpace)) return -1;
                else if ((wa.getIndex() & PigNullableWritable.idxSpace) > (wb.getIndex() & PigNullableWritable.idxSpace)) return 1;
                // If equal, we fall through
            // wa and wb are guaranteed to be not null, POLocalRearrange will create a tuple anyway even if main key and secondary key
            // are both null; however, main key can be null, we need to check for that using the same logic we have in PigNullableWritable
            Object valuea = null;
            Object valueb = null;
            try {
                // Get the main key from compound key
                valuea = ((Tuple)wa.getValueAsPigType()).get(0);
                valueb = ((Tuple)wb.getValueAsPigType()).get(0);
            } catch (ExecException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Unable to access tuple field", e);
            if (!wa.isNull() && !wb.isNull()) {
                int result =, valueb);
                // If any of the field inside tuple is null, then we do not merge keys
                // See PIG-927
                if (result == 0 && valuea instanceof Tuple && valueb instanceof Tuple)
                    try {
                        for (int i=0;i<((Tuple)valuea).size();i++)
                            if (((Tuple)valueb).get(i)==null)
                                return (wa.getIndex()&PigNullableWritable.idxSpace) - (wb.getIndex()&PigNullableWritable.idxSpace);
                    } catch (ExecException e) {
                        throw new RuntimeException("Unable to access tuple field", e);
                return result;
            } else if (valuea==null && valueb==null) {
                // If they're both null, compare the indicies
                if ((wa.getIndex() & PigNullableWritable.idxSpace) < (wb.getIndex() & PigNullableWritable.idxSpace)) return -1;
                else if ((wa.getIndex() & PigNullableWritable.idxSpace) > (wb.getIndex() & PigNullableWritable.idxSpace)) return 1;
                else return 0;
            else if (valuea==null) return -1;
            else return 1;
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        public void collect(Context oc, Tuple tuple)
                throws InterruptedException, IOException {
            Byte index = (Byte)tuple.get(0);
            PigNullableWritable key =
                HDataType.getWritableComparableTypes(tuple.get(1), keyType);
            NullableTuple val = new NullableTuple((Tuple)tuple.get(2));
            // Both the key and the value need the index.  The key needs it so
            // that it can be sorted on the index in addition to the key
            // value.  The value needs it so that POPackage can properly
            // assign the tuple to its slot in the projection.

            oc.write(key, val);
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                keyTuple = tuple.get(1);

            Byte index = (Byte)tuple.get(0);
            PigNullableWritable key =
                HDataType.getWritableComparableTypes(keyTuple, DataType.TUPLE);
            NullableTuple val = new NullableTuple((Tuple)tuple.get(2));
            // Both the key and the value need the index.  The key needs it so
            // that it can be sorted on the index in addition to the key
            // value.  The value needs it so that POPackage can properly
            // assign the tuple to its slot in the projection.

            oc.write(key, val);
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      } else {
        partitionIndex = (Integer)tuple.get(1);

            PigNullableWritable key =
                HDataType.getWritableComparableTypes(tuple.get(tupleKeyIdx), keyType);

            NullablePartitionWritable wrappedKey = new NullablePartitionWritable(key);

            NullableTuple val = new NullableTuple((Tuple)tuple.get(tupleValIdx));
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            Mapper<Text, Tuple, PigNullableWritable, Writable> {

        public void collect(OutputCollector<PigNullableWritable, Writable> oc, Tuple tuple) throws ExecException, IOException {
            Byte index = (Byte)tuple.get(0);
            PigNullableWritable key =
                HDataType.getWritableComparableTypes(tuple.get(1), keyType);
            NullableTuple val = new NullableTuple((Tuple)tuple.get(2));
            // Both the key and the value need the index.  The key needs it so
            // that it can be sorted on the index in addition to the key
            // value.  The value needs it so that POPackage can properly
            // assign the tuple to its slot in the projection.
            oc.collect(key, val);
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                keyTuple = tuple.get(1);

            Byte index = (Byte)tuple.get(0);
            PigNullableWritable key =
                HDataType.getWritableComparableTypes(keyTuple, DataType.TUPLE);
            NullableTuple val = new NullableTuple((Tuple)tuple.get(2));
            // Both the key and the value need the index.  The key needs it so
            // that it can be sorted on the index in addition to the key
            // value.  The value needs it so that POPackage can properly
            // assign the tuple to its slot in the projection.
            oc.collect(key, val);
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