else if(!rightMROpr.reduceDone){
// Indexer must run in map. If we are in reduce, close it and start new MROper.
// No need of yanking in this case. Since we are starting brand new MR Operator and it will contain nothing.
POStore rightStore = getStore();
FileSpec rightStrFile = getTempFileSpec();
rightMROpr = startNew(rightStrFile, rightMROpr);
rightPipelinePlan = null;
int errCode = 2022;
String msg = "Both map and reduce phases have been done. This is unexpected while compiling.";
throw new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG);
rightMROpr.requestedParallelism = 1; // we need exactly one reducer for indexing job.
// At this point, we must be operating on map plan of right input and it would contain nothing else other then a POLoad.
POLoad rightLoader = (POLoad)rightMROpr.mapPlan.getRoots().get(0);
LoadFunc rightLoadFunc = rightLoader.getLoadFunc();
if(IndexableLoadFunc.class.isAssignableFrom(rightLoadFunc.getClass())) {
// we don't need the right MROper since
// the right loader is an IndexableLoadFunc which can handle the index
// itself
if(rightMROpr == compiledInputs[0]) {
compiledInputs[0] = null;
} else if(rightMROpr == compiledInputs[1]) {
compiledInputs[1] = null;
rightMROpr = null;
// validate that the join keys in merge join are only
// simple column projections or '*' and not expression - expressions
// cannot be handled when the index is built by the storage layer on the sorted
// data when the sorted data (and corresponding index) is written.
// So merge join will be restricted not have expressions as
// join keys
int numInputs = mPlan.getPredecessors(joinOp).size(); // should be 2
for(int i = 0; i < numInputs; i++) {
List<PhysicalPlan> keyPlans = joinOp.getInnerPlansOf(i);
for (PhysicalPlan keyPlan : keyPlans) {
for(PhysicalOperator op : keyPlan) {
if(!(op instanceof POProject)) {
int errCode = 1106;
String errMsg = "Merge join is possible only for simple column or '*' join keys when using " +
rightLoader.getLFile().getFuncSpec() + " as the loader";
throw new MRCompilerException(errMsg, errCode, PigException.INPUT);
} else {
// Replace POLoad with indexer.
LoadFunc loadFunc = rightLoader.getLoadFunc();
if (! (OrderedLoadFunc.class.isAssignableFrom(loadFunc.getClass()))){
int errCode = 1104;
String errMsg = "Right input of merge-join must implement " +
"OrderedLoadFunc interface. The specified loader "
+ loadFunc + " doesn't implement it";
throw new MRCompilerException(errMsg,errCode);
String[] indexerArgs = new String[6];
List<PhysicalPlan> rightInpPlans = joinOp.getInnerPlansOf(1);
FileSpec origRightLoaderFileSpec = rightLoader.getLFile();
indexerArgs[0] = origRightLoaderFileSpec.getFuncSpec().toString();
indexerArgs[1] = ObjectSerializer.serialize((Serializable)rightInpPlans);
indexerArgs[2] = ObjectSerializer.serialize(rightPipelinePlan);
indexerArgs[3] = rightLoader.getSignature();
indexerArgs[4] = rightLoader.getOperatorKey().scope;
indexerArgs[5] = Boolean.toString(true);
FileSpec lFile = new FileSpec(rightLoader.getLFile().getFileName(),new FuncSpec(MergeJoinIndexer.class.getName(), indexerArgs));
// Loader of mro will return a tuple of form -
// (keyFirst1, keyFirst2, .. , position, splitIndex) See MergeJoinIndexer
POStore st = getStore();
FileSpec strFile = getTempFileSpec();
// set up the DefaultIndexableLoader for the join operator
String[] defaultIndexableLoaderArgs = new String[5];
defaultIndexableLoaderArgs[0] = origRightLoaderFileSpec.getFuncSpec().toString();
defaultIndexableLoaderArgs[1] = strFile.getFileName();
defaultIndexableLoaderArgs[2] = strFile.getFuncSpec().toString();
defaultIndexableLoaderArgs[3] = joinOp.getOperatorKey().scope;
defaultIndexableLoaderArgs[4] = origRightLoaderFileSpec.getFileName();
joinOp.setRightLoaderFuncSpec((new FuncSpec(DefaultIndexableLoader.class.getName(), defaultIndexableLoaderArgs)));
// We are done with right side. Lets work on left now.
// Join will be materialized in leftMROper.
if(!curMROp.mapDone) // Life is easy
else if(!curMROp.reduceDone){ // This is a map-side join. Close this MROper and start afresh.
POStore leftStore = getStore();
FileSpec leftStrFile = getTempFileSpec();
curMROp = startNew(leftStrFile, curMROp);