op = mrRoots.get(0);
if (!(op instanceof POPackage)) {
POPackage pack = (POPackage)op;
List<PhysicalOperator> sucs = mr.reducePlan.getSuccessors(pack);
if (sucs == null || sucs.size()!=1) {
op = sucs.get(0);
boolean lastInputFlattened = true;
boolean allSimple = true;
if (op instanceof POForEach)
POForEach forEach = (POForEach)op;
List<PhysicalPlan> planList = forEach.getInputPlans();
List<Boolean> flatten = forEach.getToBeFlattened();
POProject projOfLastInput = null;
int i = 0;
// check all nested foreach plans
// 1. If it is simple projection
// 2. If last input is all flattened
for (PhysicalPlan p:planList)
PhysicalOperator opProj = p.getRoots().get(0);
if (!(opProj instanceof POProject))
allSimple = false;
POProject proj = (POProject)opProj;
// the project should just be for one column
// from the input
if(proj.isProjectToEnd() || proj.getColumns().size() != 1) {
allSimple = false;
try {
// if input to project is the last input
if (proj.getColumn() == pack.getNumInps())
// if we had already seen another project
// which was also for the last input, then
// we might be trying to flatten twice on the
// last input in which case we can't optimize by