Package org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators

Examples of org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.POLocalRearrange

    private void setUp2() throws PlanException, ExecException{
        lr = GenPhyOp.topLocalRearrangeOPWithPlanPlain(0,0,db.iterator().next());
        List<PhysicalPlan> plans = lr.getPlans();
        POLocalRearrange lrT = GenPhyOp.topLocalRearrangeOPWithPlanPlain(0, 1, db.iterator().next());
        List<PhysicalPlan> plansT = lrT.getPlans();
        POProject proj = GenPhyOp.exprProject();
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        List<PhysicalPlan> pls = splitOp.getPlans();
        for (PhysicalPlan pl : pls) {
            PhysicalOperator leaf = pl.getLeaves().get(0);
            if (leaf instanceof POLocalRearrange) {
                POLocalRearrange lr = (POLocalRearrange)leaf;
                try {
                } catch (ExecException e) {                   
                    int errCode = 2136;
                    String msg = "Internal Error. Unable to set multi-query index for optimization.";
                    throw new OptimizerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e);                  
                // change the map key type to tuple when
                // multiple splittees have different map key types
                if (!sameKeyType) {
            } else if (leaf instanceof POSplit) {
                POSplit spl = (POSplit)leaf;
                index = setIndexOnLRInSplit(index, spl, sameKeyType);
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        int curIndex = index;
        PhysicalOperator leaf = pl.getLeaves().get(0);
        if (leaf instanceof POLocalRearrange) {
            POLocalRearrange lr = (POLocalRearrange)leaf;
            try {
            } catch (ExecException e) {                                     
                int errCode = 2136;
                String msg = "Internal Error. Unable to set multi-query index for optimization.";
                throw new OptimizerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e);
            // change the map key type to tuple when
            // multiple splittees have different map key types
            if (!sameKeyType) {
        } else if (leaf instanceof POSplit) {
            // if the map plan that we are trying to merge
            // has a split, we need to update the indices of
            // the POLocalRearrange operators in the inner plans
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        PhysicalOperator leaf = from.getLeaves().get(0);
        if (leaf instanceof PODemux) {
            List<PhysicalPlan> pls = ((PODemux)leaf).getPlans();
            for (PhysicalPlan pl : pls) {
                POLocalRearrange lr = (POLocalRearrange)pl.getLeaves().get(0);
                try {
                    lr.setMultiQueryIndex(initial + plCount++);           
                } catch (ExecException e) {                                       
                    int errCode = 2136;
                    String msg = "Internal Error. Unable to set multi-query index for optimization.";
                    throw new OptimizerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e);
                // change the map key type to tuple when
                // multiple splittees have different map key types
                if (!isSameKeyType) {
        } else {
            POLocalRearrange lr = (POLocalRearrange)from.getLeaves().get(0);
            try {
                lr.setMultiQueryIndex(initial + plCount++);           
            } catch (ExecException e) {                                       
                int errCode = 2136;
                String msg = "Internal Error. Unable to set multi-query index for optimization.";
                throw new OptimizerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e);
            // change the map key type to tuple when
            // multiple splittees have different map key types
            if (!isSameKeyType) {
        if (plCount != total) {
            int errCode = 2146;
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        this.ignoreNullKeys = Boolean.parseBoolean(ignoreNulls);
        try {
            List<PhysicalPlan> innerPlans = (List<PhysicalPlan>)ObjectSerializer.deserialize(innerPlan);
            lr = new POLocalRearrange(new OperatorKey(scope,NodeIdGenerator.getGenerator().getNextNodeId(scope)));
            keysCnt = innerPlans.size();
            precedingPhyPlan = (PhysicalPlan)ObjectSerializer.deserialize(serializedPhyPlan);
            if(precedingPhyPlan != null){
                    if(precedingPhyPlan.getLeaves().size() != 1 || precedingPhyPlan.getRoots().size() != 1){
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        PhysicalOperator mapLeaf = mapLeaves.get(0);
        if (!(mapLeaf instanceof POLocalRearrange)) {
        POLocalRearrange rearrange = (POLocalRearrange)mapLeaf;

        List<PhysicalOperator> reduceRoots = mr.reducePlan.getRoots();
        if (reduceRoots.size() != 1) {
          messageCollector.collect("Expected reduce to have single leaf", MessageType.Warning, PigWarning.MULTI_LEAF_REDUCE);

        // I expect that the first root should always be a POPackage.  If
        // not, I don't know what's going on, so I'm out of here.
        PhysicalOperator root = reduceRoots.get(0);
        if (!(root instanceof POPackage)) {
          messageCollector.collect("Expected reduce root to be a POPackage", MessageType.Warning, PigWarning.NON_PACKAGE_REDUCE_PLAN_ROOT);
        POPackage pack = (POPackage)root;

        List<PhysicalOperator> packSuccessors =
        if (packSuccessors == null || packSuccessors.size() != 1) return;
        PhysicalOperator successor = packSuccessors.get(0);

        // Need to check if this is a distinct.
        if (successor instanceof POFilter) {
            POFilter filter = (POFilter)successor;
            PhysicalPlan filterInner = filter.getPlan();
            if (onKeysOnly(filterInner)) {
                // TODO move filter to combiner
                // TODO Patch up projects of filter successor
                // Call ourselves again, as we may be able to move the next
                // operator too.
            } else if (algebraic(filterInner)) {
                // TODO Duplicate filter to combiner
        } else if (successor instanceof POForEach) {
            POForEach foreach = (POForEach)successor;
            List<PhysicalPlan> feInners = foreach.getInputPlans();
            List<ExprType> ap = algebraic(feInners, foreach.getToBeFlattened());
            if (ap != null) {
      "Choosing to move algebraic foreach to combiner");

                // Need to insert two new foreachs - one  in the combine
        // and one in the map plan which will be based on the reduce foreach.
        // The map foreach will have one inner plan for each
        // inner plan in the foreach we're duplicating.  For
        // projections, the plan will be the same.  For algebraic
        // udfs, the plan will have the initial version of the function.
        // The combine foreach will have one inner plan for each
        // inner plan in the foreach we're duplicating.  For
        // projections, the project operators will be changed to
        // project the same column as its position in the
        // foreach. For algebraic udfs, the plan will have the
        // intermediate version of the function. The input to the
        // udf will be a POProject which will project the column
        // corresponding to the position of the udf in the foreach
          // In the inner plans of the reduce foreach for  
        // projections, the project operators will be changed to
        // project the same column as its position in the
        // foreach. For algebraic udfs, the plan will have the
        // final version of the function. The input to the
        // udf will be a POProject which will project the column
        // corresponding to the position of the udf in the foreach
                if (mr.combinePlan.getRoots().size() != 0) {
                  messageCollector.collect("Wasn't expecting to find anything already "
                        + "in the combiner!", MessageType.Warning, PigWarning.NON_EMPTY_COMBINE_PLAN);
                mr.combinePlan = new PhysicalPlan();
                try {
                    // If we haven't already found the key (and thus the
                    // key type) we need to figure out the key type now.
                    if (mKeyType == 0) {
                        mKeyType = rearrange.getKeyType();

                    POForEach mfe = foreach.clone();
                    POForEach cfe = foreach.clone();
                    fixUpForeachs(mfe, cfe, foreach, ap);
                    // Use the ExprType list returned from algebraic to tell
                    // POCombinerPackage which fields need projected and
                    // which placed in bags.
                    int numFields = (mKeyField >= ap.size()) ? mKeyField + 1 :
                    boolean[] bags = new boolean[numFields];
                    for (int i = 0; i < ap.size(); i++) {
                        if (ap.get(i) == ExprType.SIMPLE_PROJECT) bags[i] = false;
                        else bags[i] = true;
                    bags[mKeyField] = false;
          // Use the POCombiner package in the combine plan
          // as it needs to act differently than the regular
          // package operator.
                    POCombinerPackage combinePack =
                        new POCombinerPackage(pack, bags, keyFieldPositions);
                    mr.combinePlan.connect(combinePack, cfe);
                    // No need to connect projections in cfe to cp, because
                    // PigCombiner directly attaches output from package to
                    // root of remaining plan.
                    POLocalRearrange mlr = rearrange.clone();

                    // A specialized local rearrange operator will replace
                    // the normal local rearrange in the map plan. This behaves
                    // like the regular local rearrange in the getNext()
                    // as far as getting its input and constructing the
                    // "key" out of the input. It then returns a tuple with
                    // two fields - the key in the first position and the
                    // "value" inside a bag in the second position. This output
                    // format resembles the format out of a Package. This output
                    // will feed to the map foreach which expects this format.
                    // If the key field isn't in the project of the combiner or map foreach,
                    // it is added to the end (This is required so that we can
                    // set up the inner plan of the new Local Rearrange leaf in the map
                    // and combine plan to contain just the project of the key).
                    patchUpMap(mr.mapPlan, getPreCombinerLR(rearrange), mfe, mlr);
                    POLocalRearrange clr = rearrange.clone();

                    mr.combinePlan.connect(cfe, clr);
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     * @throws PlanException
    private void patchUpMap(PhysicalPlan mapPlan, POPreCombinerLocalRearrange preCombinerLR,
            POForEach mfe, POLocalRearrange mlr) throws PlanException {
        POLocalRearrange oldLR = (POLocalRearrange)mapPlan.getLeaves().get(0);
        mapPlan.replace(oldLR, preCombinerLR);
        mapPlan.connect(preCombinerLR, mfe);
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        assertEquals(physicalPlan.getRoots().size(), 2);
        // Check Load and LocalRearrange and GlobalRearrange
        PhysicalOperator LoR = (PhysicalOperator)physicalPlan.getSuccessors(physicalPlan.getRoots().get(0)).get(0);
        assertEquals( POLocalRearrange.class, LoR.getClass() );
        POLocalRearrange Lor = (POLocalRearrange) LoR;
        PhysicalOperator prj3 = Lor.getPlans().get(0).getLeaves().get(0);
        assertEquals( POProject.class, prj3.getClass() );
        assertEquals(0, ((POProject)prj3).getColumn() );
        PhysicalOperator inp1 = Lor.getInputs().get(0);
        assertEquals( POLoad.class, inp1.getClass() );
        assertTrue(  ((POLoad)inp1).getLFile().getFileName().contains("d1.txt") );
        PhysicalOperator LoR1 = (PhysicalOperator)physicalPlan.getSuccessors(physicalPlan.getRoots().get(1)).get(0);
        assertEquals( POLocalRearrange.class, LoR1.getClass() );
        POLocalRearrange Lor1 = (POLocalRearrange) LoR1;
        PhysicalOperator prj4 = Lor1.getPlans().get(0).getLeaves().get(0);
        assertEquals( POProject.class, prj4.getClass() );
        assertEquals(1, ((POProject)prj4).getColumn() );
        PhysicalOperator inp2 = Lor1.getInputs().get(0);
        assertEquals( POLoad.class, inp2.getClass() );
        assertTrue(  ((POLoad)inp2).getLFile().getFileName().contains("d2.txt") );
        PhysicalOperator GoR = (PhysicalOperator)physicalPlan.getSuccessors(LoR).get(0);
        assertEquals( POGlobalRearrange.class, GoR.getClass() );
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        assertEquals(phyPlan.getLeaves().size(), 1 );

        // Check Load and LocalRearrange and GlobalRearrange
        PhysicalOperator LoR = (PhysicalOperator)phyPlan.getSuccessors(phyPlan.getRoots().get(0)).get(0);
        assertEquals( POLocalRearrange.class, LoR.getClass() );
        POLocalRearrange Lor = (POLocalRearrange) LoR;
        PhysicalOperator prj1 = Lor.getPlans().get(0).getLeaves().get(0);
        assertEquals( POProject.class, prj1.getClass() );
        assertEquals(0, ((POProject)prj1).getColumn() );
        PhysicalOperator inp1 = Lor.getInputs().get(0);
        assertEquals( POLoad.class, inp1.getClass() );
        assertTrue(  ((POLoad)inp1).getLFile().getFileName().contains("d3.txt") );

        PhysicalOperator LoR1 = (PhysicalOperator)phyPlan.getSuccessors(phyPlan.getRoots().get(1)).get(0);
        assertEquals( POLocalRearrange.class, LoR1.getClass() );
        POLocalRearrange Lor1 = (POLocalRearrange) LoR1;
        PhysicalOperator prj2 = Lor1.getPlans().get(0).getLeaves().get(0);
        assertEquals( POProject.class, prj2.getClass() );
        assertEquals(1, ((POProject)prj2).getColumn() );
        PhysicalOperator inp2 = Lor1.getInputs().get(0);
        assertEquals( POLoad.class, inp2.getClass() );
        assertTrue(  ((POLoad)inp2).getLFile().getFileName().contains("d2.txt") );
        PhysicalOperator GoR = (PhysicalOperator)phyPlan.getSuccessors(LoR).get(0);
        assertEquals( POGlobalRearrange.class, GoR.getClass() );
        PhysicalOperator Pack = (PhysicalOperator)phyPlan.getSuccessors(GoR).get(0);
        assertEquals( POPackage.class, Pack.getClass() );
        PhysicalOperator LoR2 = (PhysicalOperator)phyPlan.getSuccessors(phyPlan.getRoots().get(2)).get(0);
        assertEquals( POLocalRearrange.class, LoR2.getClass() );
        POLocalRearrange Lor2 = (POLocalRearrange) LoR2;
        PhysicalOperator prj3 = Lor2.getPlans().get(0).getLeaves().get(0);
        assertEquals( POProject.class, prj3.getClass() );
        assertEquals(0, ((POProject)prj3).getColumn() );
        PhysicalOperator inp3 = Lor2.getInputs().get(0);
        assertEquals( POLoad.class, inp3.getClass() );
        assertTrue(  ((POLoad)inp3).getLFile().getFileName().contains("d1.txt") );
        PhysicalOperator GoR2 = (PhysicalOperator)phyPlan.getSuccessors(LoR2).get(0);
        assertEquals( POGlobalRearrange.class, GoR2.getClass() );
        PhysicalOperator Pack2 = (PhysicalOperator)phyPlan.getSuccessors(GoR2).get(0);
        assertEquals( POPackage.class, Pack2.getClass() );
        // Check for ForEach
        PhysicalOperator ForE = (PhysicalOperator)phyPlan.getSuccessors(Pack).get(0);
        assertEquals( POForEach.class, ForE.getClass() );
        PhysicalOperator prj4 = ((POForEach)ForE).getInputPlans().get(0).getLeaves().get(0);
        assertEquals( POProject.class, prj4.getClass() );
        assertEquals( 1, ((POProject)prj4).getColumn() );
        PhysicalOperator prj5 = ((POForEach)ForE).getInputPlans().get(1).getLeaves().get(0);
        assertEquals( POProject.class, prj5.getClass() );
        assertEquals( 2, ((POProject)prj5).getColumn() );
        PhysicalOperator ForE2 = (PhysicalOperator)phyPlan.getSuccessors(Pack2).get(0);
        assertEquals( POForEach.class, ForE2.getClass() );
        PhysicalOperator prj6 = ((POForEach)ForE2).getInputPlans().get(0).getLeaves().get(0);
        assertEquals( POProject.class, prj6.getClass() );
        assertEquals( 1, ((POProject)prj6).getColumn() );
        PhysicalOperator prj7 = ((POForEach)ForE2).getInputPlans().get(1).getLeaves().get(0);
        assertEquals( POProject.class, prj7.getClass() );
        assertEquals( 2, ((POProject)prj7).getColumn() );
        // Check Filter Operator
        PhysicalOperator fil = (PhysicalOperator)phyPlan.getSuccessors(ForE).get(0);
        assertEquals( POFilter.class, fil.getClass() );
        PhysicalPlan filPlan = ((POFilter)fil).getPlan();
        List<PhysicalOperator> filRoots = filPlan.getRoots();
        assertEquals( ConstantExpression.class, filRoots.get(0).getClass() );
        ConstantExpression ce1 = (ConstantExpression) filRoots.get(0);
        assertEquals( null, ce1.getValue() );
        assertEquals( ConstantExpression.class, filRoots.get(2).getClass() );
        ConstantExpression ce2 = (ConstantExpression) filRoots.get(2);
        assertEquals( null, ce2.getValue() );
        assertEquals( POProject.class, filRoots.get(1).getClass() );
        POProject prj8 = (POProject) filRoots.get(1);
        assertEquals( 5, prj8.getColumn() );
        assertEquals( POProject.class, filRoots.get(3).getClass() );
        POProject prj9 = (POProject) filRoots.get(3);
        assertEquals( 2, prj9.getColumn() );
        PhysicalOperator fil2 = (PhysicalOperator)phyPlan.getSuccessors(ForE2).get(0);
        assertEquals( POFilter.class, fil2.getClass() );
        PhysicalOperator LoR3 = (PhysicalOperator)phyPlan.getSuccessors(fil2).get(0);
        assertEquals( POLocalRearrange.class, LoR3.getClass() );
        POLocalRearrange Lor3 = (POLocalRearrange) LoR3;
        PhysicalOperator prj12 = Lor3.getPlans().get(0).getLeaves().get(0);
        assertEquals( POProject.class, prj12.getClass() );
        assertEquals(3, ((POProject)prj12).getColumn() );
        PhysicalPlan filPlan2 = ((POFilter)fil2).getPlan();
        List<PhysicalOperator> filRoots2 = filPlan2.getRoots();
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        assertEquals( 1, phyPlan.getRoots().size() );
        assertEquals( POLoad.class, phyPlan.getRoots().get(0).getClass() );
        POLoad load = (POLoad)phyPlan.getRoots().get(0);
        assertEquals( POLocalRearrange.class, phyPlan.getSuccessors(load).get(0).getClass() );
        POLocalRearrange localR = (POLocalRearrange)phyPlan.getSuccessors(load).get(0);
        assertEquals( 1, localR.getInputs().size() );
        assertEquals( 1, localR.getPlans().size() );
        PhysicalPlan cogroupPlan = localR.getPlans().get(0);
        assertEquals( 1, cogroupPlan.getLeaves().size() );       
        assertEquals( POProject.class, cogroupPlan.getLeaves().get(0).getClass() );
        POProject prj = (POProject)cogroupPlan.getLeaves().get(0);
        assertEquals( 0, prj.getColumn() );
        assertEquals( DataType.CHARARRAY, prj.getResultType() );
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Related Classes of org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.POLocalRearrange

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