Package org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer

Examples of org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.LogicalToPhysicalTranslatorException

            try {
                currentPlan.connect(from, exprOp);
            } catch (PlanException e) {
                int errCode = 2015;
                String msg = "Invalid physical operators in the physical plan" ;
                throw new LogicalToPhysicalTranslatorException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e);
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            if(inputSchema == null) {
                int errCode = 1109;
                String msg = "Input (" + ((LogicalRelationalOperator) joinInput).getAlias() + ") " +
                        "on which outer join is desired should have a valid schema";
                throw new LogicalToPhysicalTranslatorException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT);
        } catch (FrontendException e) {
            int errCode = 2104;
            String msg = "Error while determining the schema of input";
            throw new LogicalToPhysicalTranslatorException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e);
        CompilerUtils.addEmptyBagOuterJoin(fePlan, translateSchema(inputSchema));
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        List<Operator> preds = plan.getPredecessors(loj);

        int errCode = 1101;
        String errMsg = "Merge Join must have exactly two inputs.";
        if(preds.size() != 2)
            throw new LogicalToPhysicalTranslatorException(errMsg+" Found: "+preds.size(),errCode);
        return mergeJoinValidator(preds,loj.getPlan());
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                try {
                    currentPlan.connect(from, p);
                } catch (PlanException e) {
                    int errCode = 2015;
                    String msg = "Invalid physical operators in the physical plan" ;
                    throw new LogicalToPhysicalTranslatorException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e);
        logToPhyMap.put(op, p);
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        String errMsg = "Merge join only supports Filter, Foreach, filter and Load as its predecessor. Found : ";
        if(preds != null && !preds.isEmpty()){
            for(Operator lo : preds){
                // TODO Need to add LOForEach in this statement
                if (!(lo instanceof LOFilter || lo instanceof LOLoad)) // || lo instanceof LOForEach
                 throw new LogicalToPhysicalTranslatorException(errMsg, errCode);
                // All is good at this level. Visit predecessors now.
        // We visited everything and all is good.
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            try {
                currentPlan.connect(from, load);
            } catch (PlanException e) {
                int errCode = 2015;
                String msg = "Invalid physical operators in the physical plan" ;
                throw new LogicalToPhysicalTranslatorException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e);
//        System.err.println("Exiting Load");
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        if(op != null) {
            from = logToPhyMap.get(op.get(0));
        } else {
            int errCode = 2051;
            String msg = "Did not find a predecessor for Filter." ;
            throw new LogicalToPhysicalTranslatorException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG);
        try {
            currentPlan.connect(from, poFilter);
        } catch (PlanException e) {
            int errCode = 2015;
            String msg = "Invalid physical operators in the physical plan" ;
            throw new LogicalToPhysicalTranslatorException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e);
//        System.err.println("Exiting Filter");
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        try {
           currentPlan.connect(from, poFE);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            int errCode = 2015;
            String msg = "Invalid physical operators in the physical plan" ;
            throw new LogicalToPhysicalTranslatorException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e);

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        try {
            currentPlan.connect(from, store);
        } catch (PlanException e) {
            int errCode = 2015;
            String msg = "Invalid physical operators in the physical plan" ;
            throw new LogicalToPhysicalTranslatorException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e);
        logToPhyMap.put(loStore, store);
//        System.err.println("Exiting Store");
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        try {
            currentPlan.connect(poGlobal, poPackage);
        } catch (PlanException e1) {
            int errCode = 2015;
            String msg = "Invalid physical operators in the physical plan" ;
            throw new LogicalToPhysicalTranslatorException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e1);

        Byte type = null;
        for( int i = 0 ; i < preds.size(); i++ ) {
            ArrayList<LogicalExpressionPlan> exprPlans =
                (ArrayList<LogicalExpressionPlan>) cg.getExpressionPlans().get(i);
            POLocalRearrange physOp = new POLocalRearrange(new OperatorKey(
                    DEFAULT_SCOPE, nodeGen.getNextNodeId(DEFAULT_SCOPE)), cg.getRequestedParallelisam() );
            List<PhysicalPlan> pExprPlans = translateExpressionPlans( cg, exprPlans );
            try {
            } catch (PlanException pe) {
                int errCode = 2071;
                String msg = "Problem with setting up local rearrange's plans.";
                throw new LogicalToPhysicalTranslatorException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, pe);
            try {
            } catch (ExecException e1) {
                // int errCode = 2058;
                String msg = "Unable to set index on newly create POLocalRearrange.";
                throw new IOException(msg);
            if (exprPlans.size() > 1) {
                type = DataType.TUPLE;
            } else {
                type = pExprPlans.get(0).getLeaves().get(0).getResultType();


            try {
                currentPlan.connect(logToPhyMap.get(preds.get(i)), physOp);
                currentPlan.connect(physOp, poGlobal);
            } catch (PlanException e) {
                int errCode = 2015;
                String msg = "Invalid physical operators in the physical plan" ;
                throw new LogicalToPhysicalTranslatorException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e);
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Related Classes of org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.LogicalToPhysicalTranslatorException

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