Package org.apache.pig

Examples of org.apache.pig.ResourceSchema$ResourceFieldSchema

    public ResourceFieldSchema getBagFieldSchema() throws IOException{
        ResourceFieldSchema tuplefs = getTupleFieldSchema();
        ResourceSchema outBagSchema = new ResourceSchema();
        outBagSchema.setFields(new ResourceFieldSchema[]{tuplefs});
        ResourceFieldSchema outBagfs = new ResourceFieldSchema();
        return outBagfs;
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    private LogicalSchema getSchemaFromMetaData() throws FrontendException {
        if (getLoadFunc()!=null && getLoadFunc() instanceof LoadMetadata) {
            try {
                ResourceSchema resourceSchema = ((LoadMetadata)loadFunc).getSchema(getFileSpec().getFileName(), new Job(conf));
                Schema oldSchema = Schema.getPigSchema(resourceSchema);
                return Util.translateSchema(oldSchema);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new FrontendException("Cannot get schema from loadFunc " + loadFunc.getClass().getName(), 2245, e);
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            String validationErrStr ="Output Location Validation Failed for: '" + outLoc ;
            Job dummyJob;
            try {
                if(store.getSchema() != null){
                    sf.checkSchema(new ResourceSchema(Util.translateSchema(store.getSchema()), store.getSortInfo()));               
                dummyJob = new Job(ConfigurationUtil.toConfiguration(pigCtx.getProperties()));
                sf.setStoreLocation(outLoc, dummyJob);
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                if(ioe instanceof PigException){
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    public void testBytesToComplexTypeMisc() throws IOException, ParseException {
        String s = "(a,b";
        Schema schema = Utils.getSchemaFromString("t:tuple(a:chararray, b:chararray)");
        ResourceFieldSchema rfs = new ResourceSchema(schema).getFields()[0];
        Tuple t = ps.getLoadCaster().bytesToTuple(s.getBytes(), rfs);
        s = "{(a,b}";
        schema = Utils.getSchemaFromString("b:bag{t:tuple(a:chararray, b:chararray)}");
        rfs = new ResourceSchema(schema).getFields()[0];
        DataBag b = ps.getLoadCaster().bytesToBag(s.getBytes(), rfs);
        s = "{(a,b)";
        schema = Utils.getSchemaFromString("b:bag{t:tuple(a:chararray, b:chararray)}");
        rfs = new ResourceSchema(schema).getFields()[0];
        b = ps.getLoadCaster().bytesToBag(s.getBytes(), rfs);
        s = "[ab]";
        Map<String, Object> m = ps.getLoadCaster().bytesToMap(s.getBytes());
        s = "[a#b";
        m = ps.getLoadCaster().bytesToMap(s.getBytes());
        s = "[a#]";
        m = ps.getLoadCaster().bytesToMap(s.getBytes());
        Map.Entry<String, Object> entry = m.entrySet().iterator().next();
        s = "[#]";
        m = ps.getLoadCaster().bytesToMap(s.getBytes());
        s = "(a,b)";
        schema = Utils.getSchemaFromString("t:tuple()");
        rfs = new ResourceSchema(schema).getFields()[0];
        t = ps.getLoadCaster().bytesToTuple(s.getBytes(), rfs);
        assertTrue(t.get(0) instanceof DataByteArray);
        s = "[a#(1,2,3)]";
        m = ps.getLoadCaster().bytesToMap(s.getBytes());
        entry = m.entrySet().iterator().next();
        assertTrue(entry.getValue() instanceof DataByteArray);
        s = "(a,b,(123,456,{(1,2,3)}))";
        schema = Utils.getSchemaFromString("t:tuple()");
        rfs = new ResourceSchema(schema).getFields()[0];
        t = ps.getLoadCaster().bytesToTuple(s.getBytes(), rfs);
        assertTrue(t.get(0) instanceof DataByteArray);
        s = "(a,b,(123,456,{(1,2,3}))";
        schema = Utils.getSchemaFromString("t:tuple()");
        rfs = new ResourceSchema(schema).getFields()[0];
        t = ps.getLoadCaster().bytesToTuple(s.getBytes(), rfs);
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      ResourceFieldSchema rfs;
      Tuple tuple, convertedTuple;
        tuple = TupleFactory.getInstance().newTuple(1);
        schema = Utils.getSchemaFromString("t:tuple(a:int)");
        rfs = new ResourceSchema(schema).getFields()[0];

        // long bigger than Integer.MAX_VALUE
      tuple.set(0, Integer.valueOf(Integer.MAX_VALUE).longValue() + 1);
      convertedTuple = ps.getLoadCaster().bytesToTuple(tuple.toString().getBytes(), rfs);
        assertNull("Invalid cast to int: " + tuple.get(0) + " -> " + convertedTuple.get(0), convertedTuple.get(0));
        // long smaller than Integer.MIN_VALUE
      tuple.set(0, Integer.valueOf(Integer.MIN_VALUE).longValue() - 1);
      convertedTuple = ps.getLoadCaster().bytesToTuple(tuple.toString().getBytes(), rfs);
        assertNull("Invalid cast to int: " + tuple.get(0) + " -> " + convertedTuple.get(0), convertedTuple.get(0));
        // double bigger than Integer.MAX_VALUE
        tuple.set(0, Integer.valueOf(Integer.MAX_VALUE).doubleValue() + 1);
        convertedTuple = ps.getLoadCaster().bytesToTuple(tuple.toString().getBytes(), rfs);
        assertNull("Invalid cast to int: " + tuple.get(0) + " -> " + convertedTuple.get(0), convertedTuple.get(0));
        // double smaller than Integer.MIN_VALUE
        tuple.set(0, Integer.valueOf(Integer.MIN_VALUE).doubleValue() - 1);
        convertedTuple = ps.getLoadCaster().bytesToTuple(tuple.toString().getBytes(), rfs);
        assertNull("Invalid cast to int: " + tuple.get(0) + " -> " + convertedTuple.get(0), convertedTuple.get(0));
        schema = Utils.getSchemaFromString("t:tuple(a:long)");
        rfs = new ResourceSchema(schema).getFields()[0];
        // double bigger than Long.MAX_VALUE
        tuple.set(0, Long.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE).doubleValue() + 10000);
        convertedTuple = ps.getLoadCaster().bytesToTuple(tuple.toString().getBytes(), rfs);
        assertNull("Invalid cast to long: " + tuple.get(0) + " -> " + convertedTuple.get(0), convertedTuple.get(0));
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        public ResourceSchema getSchema(String location, Job job)
                throws IOException {
            return new ResourceSchema(schema);
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        String validationErrStr ="Output Location Validation Failed for: " + outLoc ;
        Job dummyJob;
        try {
            if(store.getSchema() != null){
                sf.checkSchema(new ResourceSchema(store.getSchema(), store.getSortInfo()));               
            dummyJob = new Job(ConfigurationUtil.toConfiguration(pigCtx.getProperties()));
            sf.setStoreLocation(outLoc, dummyJob);
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
             if(ioe instanceof PigException){
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        } else {
            log.warn("Could not find schema file for "+location);
            return null;
        }"Found schema file: "+schemaFile.toString());
        ResourceSchema resourceSchema = null;
        try {
            resourceSchema = new ObjectMapper().readValue(, ResourceSchema.class);
        } catch (JsonParseException e) {
            log.warn("Unable to load Resource Schema for "+location);
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    private Schema determineSchema() throws IOException {
        if(!mDeterminedSchemaCached) {
            if(LoadMetadata.class.isAssignableFrom(mLoadFunc.getClass())) {
                LoadMetadata loadMetadata = (LoadMetadata)mLoadFunc;
                ResourceSchema rSchema = loadMetadata.getSchema(
                        mInputFileSpec.getFileName(), new Job(conf));
                mDeterminedSchema = Schema.getPigSchema(rSchema);
            // set the flag so that future calls just use mDeterminedSchema
            mDeterminedSchemaCached = true;
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                              "8", "9"});
        pig.registerQuery("A = LOAD 'originput2' using as (f:int);");
        pig.registerQuery("B = group A by f;");
        Schema origSchema = pig.dumpSchema("B");
        ResourceSchema rs1 = new ResourceSchema(origSchema);
        pig.registerQuery("STORE B into 'bout' using;");
        pig.registerQuery("C = LOAD 'bout' using;");
        Schema genSchema = pig.dumpSchema("C");
        ResourceSchema rs2 = new ResourceSchema(genSchema);
        assertTrue("generated schema equals original" , ResourceSchema.equals(rs1, rs2));
        pig.registerQuery("C1 = LOAD 'bout' as (a0:int, A: {t: (f:int) } );");
        pig.registerQuery("D = foreach C1 generate a0, SUM(A);");
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Related Classes of org.apache.pig.ResourceSchema$ResourceFieldSchema

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