Package org.apache.phoenix.schema

Examples of org.apache.phoenix.schema.TableRef

            // Add any dynamic columns to the table declaration
            List<ColumnDef> dynamicColumns = tableNode.getDynamicColumns();
            theTable = addDynamicColumns(dynamicColumns, theTable);
            TableRef tableRef = new TableRef(tableNode.getAlias(), theTable, timeStamp, !dynamicColumns.isEmpty());
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled() && timeStamp != QueryConstants.UNSET_TIMESTAMP) {
                logger.debug("Re-resolved stale table " + fullTableName + " with seqNum " + tableRef.getTable().getSequenceNumber() + " at timestamp " + tableRef.getTable().getTimeStamp() + " with " + tableRef.getTable().getColumns().size() + " columns: " + tableRef.getTable().getColumns());
            return tableRef;
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        public Void visit(NamedTableNode tableNode) throws SQLException {
            String alias = tableNode.getAlias();
            TableRef tableRef = createTableRef(tableNode, true);
            PTable theTable = tableRef.getTable();

            if (alias != null) {
                tableMap.put(alias, tableRef);
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                    PTableType.SUBQUERY, null, MetaDataProtocol.MIN_TABLE_TIMESTAMP, PTable.INITIAL_SEQ_NUM,
                    null, null, columns, null, Collections.<PTable>emptyList(), false,
                    Collections.<PName>emptyList(), null, null, false, false, null, null);
            String alias = subselectNode.getAlias();
            TableRef tableRef = new TableRef(alias, t, MetaDataProtocol.MIN_TABLE_TIMESTAMP, false);
            tableMap.put(alias, tableRef);
            return null;
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        private ColumnFamilyRef resolveColumnFamily(String tableName, String cfName) throws SQLException {
            if (tableName == null) {
                ColumnFamilyRef theColumnFamilyRef = null;
                Iterator<TableRef> iterator = tables.iterator();
                while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                    TableRef tableRef =;
                    try {
                        PColumnFamily columnFamily = tableRef.getTable().getColumnFamily(cfName);
                        if (theColumnFamilyRef != null) { throw new TableNotFoundException(cfName); }
                        theColumnFamilyRef = new ColumnFamilyRef(tableRef, columnFamily);
                    } catch (ColumnFamilyNotFoundException e) {}
                if (theColumnFamilyRef != null) { return theColumnFamilyRef; }
                throw new TableNotFoundException(cfName);
            } else {
                TableRef tableRef = resolveTable(null, tableName);
                PColumnFamily columnFamily = tableRef.getTable().getColumnFamily(cfName);
                return new ColumnFamilyRef(tableRef, columnFamily);
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        public ColumnRef resolveColumn(String schemaName, String tableName, String colName) throws SQLException {
            if (tableName == null) {
                int theColumnPosition = -1;
                TableRef theTableRef = null;
                Iterator<TableRef> iterator = tables.iterator();
                while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                    TableRef tableRef =;
                    try {
                        PColumn column = tableRef.getTable().getColumn(colName);
                        if (theTableRef != null) { throw new AmbiguousColumnException(colName); }
                        theTableRef = tableRef;
                        theColumnPosition = column.getPosition();
                    } catch (ColumnNotFoundException e) {

                if (theTableRef != null) { return new ColumnRef(theTableRef, theColumnPosition); }
                throw new ColumnNotFoundException(colName);
            } else {
                try {
                    TableRef tableRef = resolveTable(schemaName, tableName);
                    PColumn column = tableRef.getTable().getColumn(colName);
                    return new ColumnRef(tableRef, column.getPosition());
                } catch (TableNotFoundException e) {
                    // Try using the tableName as a columnFamily reference instead
                    ColumnFamilyRef cfRef = resolveColumnFamily(schemaName, tableName);
                    PColumn column = cfRef.getFamily().getColumn(colName);
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        boolean[] starJoinVector = joinTable.getStarJoinVector();
        if (starJoinVector != null) {
            Table table = joinTable.getTable();
            ProjectedPTableWrapper initialProjectedTable;
            TableRef tableRef;
            SelectStatement query;
            if (!table.isSubselect()) {
                initialProjectedTable = table.createProjectedTable(!asSubquery);
                tableRef = table.getTableRef();
                query = joinTable.getAsSingleSubquery(table.getAsSubquery(), asSubquery);
            } else {
                SelectStatement subquery = table.getAsSubquery();
                QueryPlan plan = compileSubquery(subquery);
                initialProjectedTable = table.createProjectedTable(plan.getProjector());
                tableRef = plan.getTableRef();
                query = joinTable.getAsSingleSubquery((SelectStatement) plan.getStatement(), asSubquery);
            PTableWrapper projectedTable = initialProjectedTable;
            int count = joinSpecs.size();
            ImmutableBytesPtr[] joinIds = new ImmutableBytesPtr[count];
            List<Expression>[] joinExpressions = new List[count];
            List<Expression>[] hashExpressions = new List[count];
            JoinType[] joinTypes = new JoinType[count];
            PTable[] tables = new PTable[count];
            int[] fieldPositions = new int[count];
            QueryPlan[] joinPlans = new QueryPlan[count];
            TupleProjector[] clientProjectors = new TupleProjector[count];
            fieldPositions[0] = projectedTable.getTable().getColumns().size() - projectedTable.getTable().getPKColumns().size();
            boolean forceProjection = table.isSubselect();
            boolean needsProject = forceProjection || asSubquery;
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                JoinSpec joinSpec = joinSpecs.get(i);
                Scan subScan = ScanUtil.newScan(originalScan);
                StatementContext subContext = new StatementContext(statement, context.getResolver(), subScan, new SequenceManager(statement));
                joinPlans[i] = compileJoinQuery(subContext, binds, joinSpec.getJoinTable(), true);
                ColumnResolver resolver = subContext.getResolver();
                clientProjectors[i] = subContext.getClientTupleProjector();
                boolean hasPostReference = joinSpec.getJoinTable().hasPostReference();
                if (hasPostReference) {
                    PTableWrapper subProjTable = ((JoinedTableColumnResolver) (resolver)).getPTableWrapper();
                    tables[i] = subProjTable.getTable();
                    projectedTable = projectedTable.mergeProjectedTables(subProjTable, joinSpec.getType() == JoinType.Inner);
                    needsProject = true;
                } else {
                    tables[i] = null;
                if (!starJoinVector[i]) {
                    needsProject = true;
                ColumnResolver leftResolver = (!forceProjection && starJoinVector[i]) ? joinTable.getOriginalResolver() : projectedTable.createColumnResolver();
                joinIds[i] = new ImmutableBytesPtr(emptyByteArray); // place-holder
                Pair<List<Expression>, List<Expression>> joinConditions = joinSpec.compileJoinConditions(context, leftResolver, resolver);
                joinExpressions[i] = joinConditions.getFirst();
                hashExpressions[i] = joinConditions.getSecond();
                joinTypes[i] = joinSpec.getType();
                if (i < count - 1) {
                    fieldPositions[i + 1] = fieldPositions[i] + (tables[i] == null ? 0 : (tables[i].getColumns().size() - tables[i].getPKColumns().size()));
            if (needsProject) {
                TupleProjector.serializeProjectorIntoScan(context.getScan(), initialProjectedTable.createTupleProjector());
            context.setResolver(needsProject ? projectedTable.createColumnResolver() : joinTable.getOriginalResolver());
            BasicQueryPlan plan = compileSingleQuery(context, query, binds, asSubquery, joinTable.isAllLeftJoin());
            Expression postJoinFilterExpression = joinTable.compilePostFilterExpression(context);
            Integer limit = null;
            if (query.getLimit() != null && !query.isAggregate() && !query.isDistinct() && query.getOrderBy().isEmpty()) {
                limit = LimitCompiler.compile(context, query);
            HashJoinInfo joinInfo = new HashJoinInfo(projectedTable.getTable(), joinIds, joinExpressions, joinTypes, starJoinVector, tables, fieldPositions, postJoinFilterExpression, limit, forceProjection);
            return new HashJoinPlan(joinTable.getStatement(), plan, joinInfo, hashExpressions, joinPlans, clientProjectors);
        JoinSpec lastJoinSpec = joinSpecs.get(joinSpecs.size() - 1);
        JoinType type = lastJoinSpec.getType();
        if (type == JoinType.Full)
            throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Full joins not supported.");
        if (type == JoinType.Right || type == JoinType.Inner) {
            if (!lastJoinSpec.getJoinTable().getJoinSpecs().isEmpty())
                throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Right join followed by sub-join is not supported.");
            JoinTable rhsJoinTable = lastJoinSpec.getJoinTable();
            Table rhsTable = rhsJoinTable.getTable();
            JoinTable lhsJoin = joinTable.getSubJoinTableWithoutPostFilters();
            Scan subScan = ScanUtil.newScan(originalScan);
            StatementContext lhsCtx = new StatementContext(statement, context.getResolver(), subScan, new SequenceManager(statement));
            QueryPlan lhsPlan = compileJoinQuery(lhsCtx, binds, lhsJoin, true);
            ColumnResolver lhsResolver = lhsCtx.getResolver();
            TupleProjector clientProjector = lhsCtx.getClientTupleProjector();
            PTableWrapper lhsProjTable = ((JoinedTableColumnResolver) (lhsResolver)).getPTableWrapper();
            ProjectedPTableWrapper rhsProjTable;
            TableRef rhsTableRef;
            SelectStatement rhs;
            if (!rhsTable.isSubselect()) {
                rhsProjTable = rhsTable.createProjectedTable(!asSubquery);
                rhsTableRef = rhsTable.getTableRef();
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    protected BasicQueryPlan compileSingleQuery(StatementContext context, SelectStatement select, List<Object> binds, boolean asSubquery, boolean allowPageFilter) throws SQLException{
        PhoenixConnection connection = statement.getConnection();
        ColumnResolver resolver = context.getResolver();
        TableRef tableRef = context.getCurrentTable();
        PTable table = tableRef.getTable();
        // TODO PHOENIX-944. See DerivedTableIT for a list of unsupported cases.
        if (table.getType() == PTableType.SUBQUERY)
            throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Complex nested queries not supported.");
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           Long scn = connection.getSCN();
           PTable theTable = new PTableImpl(connection.getTenantId(), table.getName().getSchemaName(), table.getName().getTableName(), scn == null ? HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP : scn, families);
           theTable = this.addDynamicColumns(table.getDynamicColumns(), theTable);
           alias = null;
           tableRefs = ImmutableList.of(new TableRef(alias, theTable, timeStamp, !table.getDynamicColumns().isEmpty()));
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        public SingleTableColumnResolver(PhoenixConnection connection, NamedTableNode tableNode, boolean updateCacheImmediately) throws SQLException {
            alias = tableNode.getAlias();
            TableRef tableRef = createTableRef(tableNode, updateCacheImmediately);
            tableRefs = ImmutableList.of(tableRef);
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        public TableRef resolveTable(String schemaName, String tableName)
                throws SQLException {
            TableRef tableRef = tableRefs.get(0);
             * The only case we can definitely verify is when both a schemaName and a tableName
             * are provided. Otherwise, the tableName might be a column family. In this case,
             * this will be validated by resolveColumn.
            if (schemaName != null || tableName != null) {
                String resolvedTableName = tableRef.getTable().getTableName().getString();
                String resolvedSchemaName = tableRef.getTable().getSchemaName().getString();
                if (schemaName != null && tableName != null) {
                    if ( ! ( schemaName.equals(resolvedSchemaName&&
                             tableName.equals(resolvedTableName) )  &&
                             ! schemaName.equals(alias) ) {
                        throw new TableNotFoundException(schemaName, tableName);
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Related Classes of org.apache.phoenix.schema.TableRef

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