public ServerCache addServerCache(ScanRanges keyRanges, final ImmutableBytesWritable cachePtr, final ServerCacheFactory cacheFactory) throws SQLException {
ConnectionQueryServices services = connection.getQueryServices();
MemoryChunk chunk = services.getMemoryManager().allocate(cachePtr.getLength());
List<Closeable> closeables = new ArrayList<Closeable>();
ServerCache hashCacheSpec = null;
SQLException firstException = null;
final byte[] cacheId = generateId();
* Execute EndPoint in parallel on each server to send compressed hash cache
// TODO: generalize and package as a per region server EndPoint caller
// (ideally this would be functionality provided by the coprocessor framework)
boolean success = false;
ExecutorService executor = services.getExecutor();
List<Future<Boolean>> futures = Collections.emptyList();
try {
List<HRegionLocation> locations = services.getAllTableRegions(cacheUsingTableRef.getTable().getName().getBytes());
int nRegions = locations.size();
// Size these based on worst case
futures = new ArrayList<Future<Boolean>>(nRegions);
Set<HRegionLocation> servers = new HashSet<HRegionLocation>(nRegions);
for (HRegionLocation entry : locations) {
// Keep track of servers we've sent to and only send once
if ( ! servers.contains(entry) &&
keyRanges.intersect(entry.getRegionInfo().getStartKey(), entry.getRegionInfo().getEndKey())) { // Call RPC once per server
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {LOG.debug("Adding cache entry to be sent for " + entry);}
final byte[] key = entry.getRegionInfo().getStartKey();
final HTableInterface htable = services.getTable(cacheUsingTableRef.getTable().getName().getBytes());
futures.add(executor.submit(new JobCallable<Boolean>() {
public Boolean call() throws Exception {
ServerCachingProtocol protocol = htable.coprocessorProxy(ServerCachingProtocol.class, key);
return protocol.addServerCache(connection.getTenantId(), cacheId, cachePtr, cacheFactory);
* Defines the grouping for round robin behavior. All threads spawned to process
* this scan will be grouped together and time sliced with other simultaneously
* executing parallel scans.
public Object getJobId() {
return ServerCacheClient.this;
} else {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {LOG.debug("NOT adding cache entry to be sent for " + entry + " since one already exists for that entry");}
hashCacheSpec = new ServerCache(cacheId,servers,cachePtr.getLength());
// Execute in parallel
int timeoutMs = services.getProps().getInt(QueryServices.THREAD_TIMEOUT_MS_ATTRIB, QueryServicesOptions.DEFAULT_THREAD_TIMEOUT_MS);
for (Future<Boolean> future : futures) {
future.get(timeoutMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
success = true;