Package org.apache.phoenix.expression

Examples of org.apache.phoenix.expression.Expression

    public boolean evaluate(Tuple tuple, ImmutableBytesWritable ptr) {
        Expression child = children.get(0);
        if (!child.evaluate(tuple, ptr)) {
            return false;
        if (ptr.getLength() == 0) {
            return true;
        int sqlType = child.getDataType().getCodec().decodeInt(ptr, child.getSortOrder());
        try {
            byte[] externalIdTypeBytes = PDataType.INTEGER.toBytes(
        } catch (IllegalDataException e) {
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   public static Expression create(Expression expr, int scale) throws SQLException {
       if (expr.getDataType().isCoercibleTo(PDataType.LONG)) {
           return expr;
       Expression scaleExpr = LiteralExpression.newConstant(scale, PDataType.INTEGER, true);
       List<Expression> expressions = Lists.newArrayList(expr, scaleExpr);
       return new CeilDecimalExpression(expressions);
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       List<Expression> expressions = Lists.newArrayList(expr, scaleExpr);
       return new CeilDecimalExpression(expressions);
   public static Expression create(List<Expression> exprs) throws SQLException {
       Expression expr = exprs.get(0);
       if (expr.getDataType().isCoercibleTo(PDataType.LONG)) {
           return expr;
       if (exprs.size() == 1) {
           Expression scaleExpr = LiteralExpression.newConstant(0, PDataType.INTEGER, true);
           exprs = Lists.newArrayList(expr, scaleExpr);
       return new CeilDecimalExpression(exprs);
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            // apply post-join filter
            Expression postFilter = joinInfo.getPostJoinFilterExpression();
            if (postFilter != null) {
                for (Iterator<Tuple> iter = resultQueue.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
                    Tuple t =;
                    ImmutableBytesWritable tempPtr = new ImmutableBytesWritable();
                    try {
                        if (!postFilter.evaluate(t, tempPtr)) {
                    } catch (IllegalDataException e) {
                    Boolean b = (Boolean)postFilter.getDataType().toObject(tempPtr);
                    if (!b.booleanValue()) {
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     * Left pads a string with with the given fill expression.
    public boolean evaluate(Tuple tuple, ImmutableBytesWritable ptr) {
        Expression outputStrLenExpr = getOutputStrLenExpr();
        if (!outputStrLenExpr.evaluate(tuple, ptr)) {
            return false;
        int outputStrLen = outputStrLenExpr.getDataType().getCodec().decodeInt(ptr, outputStrLenExpr.getSortOrder());
        if (outputStrLen < 0) {
            return false;

        Expression strExp = getStrExpr();
        if (!strExp.evaluate(tuple, ptr)) {
            return false;

        boolean isStrCharType = getStrExpr().getDataType() == PDataType.CHAR;
        boolean isFillCharType = getFillExpr().getDataType() == PDataType.CHAR;
        SortOrder strSortOrder = getStrExpr().getSortOrder();
        SortOrder fillSortOrder = getFillExpr().getSortOrder();
        int inputStrLen = getUTF8Length(ptr, strSortOrder, isStrCharType);

        if (outputStrLen == inputStrLen) {
            // nothing to do
            return true;
        if (outputStrLen < inputStrLen) {
            // truncate the string from the right
            int subStrByteLength = getSubstringByteLength(ptr, outputStrLen, strSortOrder, isStrCharType);
            ptr.set(ptr.get(), ptr.getOffset(), subStrByteLength);
            return true;

        // left pad the input string with the fill chars
        Expression fillExpr = getFillExpr();
        ImmutableBytesWritable fillPtr = new ImmutableBytesWritable();
        if (!fillExpr.evaluate(tuple, fillPtr)) {
            return false;
        int fillExprLen = fillPtr.getLength();
        if (fillExprLen < 1) {
            // return if fill is empty
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        ParseNode having = statement.getHaving();
        if (having == null) {
            return null;
        ExpressionCompiler expressionBuilder = new ExpressionCompiler(context, groupBy);
        Expression expression = having.accept(expressionBuilder);
        if (expression.getDataType() != PDataType.BOOLEAN) {
            throw TypeMismatchException.newException(PDataType.BOOLEAN, expression.getDataType(), expression.toString());
        if (LiteralExpression.isFalse(expression)) {
            return null;
        } else if (LiteralExpression.isTrue(expression)) {
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        TrackOrderPreservingExpressionCompiler groupByVisitor =
                new TrackOrderPreservingExpressionCompiler(context,
                        GroupBy.EMPTY_GROUP_BY, groupByNodes.size(),
        for (ParseNode node : groupByNodes) {
            Expression expression = node.accept(groupByVisitor);
            if (groupByVisitor.isAggregate()) {
                throw new SQLExceptionInfo.Builder(SQLExceptionCode.AGGREGATE_IN_GROUP_BY)
            if (!expression.isStateless()) {
        List<Entry> groupByEntries = groupByVisitor.getEntries();
        if (groupByEntries.isEmpty()) {
            return GroupBy.EMPTY_GROUP_BY;
        boolean isRowKeyOrderedGrouping = groupByVisitor.isOrderPreserving();
        List<Expression> expressions = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(groupByEntries.size());
        List<Expression> keyExpressions = expressions;
        String groupExprAttribName;
        // This is true if the GROUP BY is composed of only PK columns. We further check here that
        // there are no "gaps" in the PK columns positions used (i.e. we start with the first PK
        // column and use each subsequent one in PK order).
        if (isRowKeyOrderedGrouping) {
            groupExprAttribName = BaseScannerRegionObserver.KEY_ORDERED_GROUP_BY_EXPRESSIONS;
            for (Entry groupByEntry : groupByEntries) {
        } else {
             * Otherwise, our coprocessor needs to collect all distinct groups within a region, sort them, and
             * hold on to them until the scan completes.
            groupExprAttribName = BaseScannerRegionObserver.UNORDERED_GROUP_BY_EXPRESSIONS;
             * Put fixed length nullables at the end, so that we can represent null by the absence of the trailing
             * value in the group by key. If there is more than one, we'll need to convert the ones not at the end
             * into a Decimal so that we can use an empty byte array as our representation for null (which correctly
             * maintains the sort order). We convert the Decimal back to the appropriate type (Integer or Long) when
             * it's retrieved from the result set.
             * More specifically, order into the following buckets:
             *   1) non nullable fixed width
             *   2) variable width
             *   3) nullable fixed width
             * Within each bucket, order based on the column position in the schema. Putting the fixed width values
             * in the beginning optimizes access to subsequent values.
            Collections.sort(groupByEntries, new Comparator<Entry>() {
                public int compare(Entry o1, Entry o2) {
                    Expression e1 = o1.getExpression();
                    Expression e2 = o2.getExpression();
                    boolean isFixed1 = e1.getDataType().isFixedWidth();
                    boolean isFixed2 = e2.getDataType().isFixedWidth();
                    boolean isFixedNullable1 = e1.isNullable() &&isFixed1;
                    boolean isFixedNullable2 = e2.isNullable() && isFixed2;
                    if (isFixedNullable1 == isFixedNullable2) {
                        if (isFixed1 == isFixed2) {
                            // Not strictly necessary, but forces the order to match the schema
                            // column order (with PK columns before value columns).
                            return o1.getColumnPosition() - o2.getColumnPosition();
                        } else if (isFixed1) {
                            return -1;
                        } else {
                            return 1;
                    } else if (isFixedNullable1) {
                        return 1;
                    } else {
                        return -1;
            for (Entry groupByEntry : groupByEntries) {
            for (int i = expressions.size()-2; i >= 0; i--) {
                Expression expression = expressions.get(i);
                PDataType keyType = getKeyType(expression);
                if (keyType == expression.getDataType()) {
                // Copy expressions only when keyExpressions will be different than expressions
                if (keyExpressions == expressions) {
                    keyExpressions = new ArrayList<Expression>(expressions);
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    public void testHavingToWhere() throws SQLException {
        String query = "select count(1) from atable group by a_string having a_string = 'foo'";
        List<Object> binds = Collections.emptyList();
        Expressions expressions = compileStatement(query,binds);
        Expression w = constantComparison(CompareOp.EQUAL, A_STRING,"foo");
        assertEquals(w, expressions.whereClause);
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        // TODO: confirm that this is a valid optimization
        String query = "select count(1) from atable group by a_date having round(a_date, 'hour') > ?";
        Date date = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());
        List<Object> binds = Arrays.<Object>asList(date);
        Expressions expressions = compileStatement(query,binds);
        Expression w = constantComparison(CompareOp.GREATER, RoundDateExpression.create(Arrays.asList(A_DATE,LiteralExpression.newConstant("hour"),LiteralExpression.newConstant(1))), date);
        assertEquals(w, expressions.whereClause);
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    public void testHavingToAndWhere() throws SQLException {
        String query = "select count(1) from atable where b_string > 'bar' group by a_string having a_string = 'foo'";
        List<Object> binds = Collections.emptyList();
        Expressions expressions = compileStatement(query,binds);
        Expression w = and(constantComparison(CompareOp.GREATER, B_STRING,"bar"),constantComparison(CompareOp.EQUAL, A_STRING,"foo"));
        assertEquals(w, expressions.whereClause);
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Related Classes of org.apache.phoenix.expression.Expression

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