Package org.apache.phoenix.execute

Examples of org.apache.phoenix.execute.MutationState

                setValues(values, pkSlotIndexes, columnIndexes, table, mutation);
                // Commit a batch if auto commit is true and we're at our batch size
                if (isAutoCommit && rowCount % batchSize == 0) {
                    MutationState state = new MutationState(tableRef, mutation, 0, maxSize, connection);
            // If auto commit is true, this last batch will be committed upon return
            return new MutationState(tableRef, mutation, rowCount / batchSize * batchSize, maxSize, connection);
        } finally {
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                                Scanner scanner = aggPlan.getScanner();
                                ResultIterator iterator = scanner.iterator();
                                try {
                                    Tuple row =;
                                    final long mutationCount = (Long)aggProjector.getColumnProjector(0).getValue(row, PDataType.LONG, ptr);
                                    return new MutationState(maxSize, connection) {
                                        public long getUpdateCount() {
                                            return mutationCount;
                                } finally {
                            } finally {
                                if (cache != null) {
                        public ExplainPlan getExplainPlan() throws SQLException {
                            List<String> queryPlanSteps =  aggPlan.getExplainPlan().getPlanSteps();
                            List<String> planSteps = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(queryPlanSteps.size()+1);
                            planSteps.add("UPSERT ROWS");
                            return new ExplainPlan(planSteps);

            // UPSERT SELECT run client-side
            return new MutationPlan() {

                public PhoenixConnection getConnection() {
                    return connection;
                public ParameterMetaData getParameterMetaData() {
                    return queryPlan.getContext().getBindManager().getParameterMetaData();

                public MutationState execute() throws SQLException {
                    Scanner scanner = queryPlan.getScanner();
                    ResultIterator iterator = scanner.iterator();
                    if (upsertParallelIteratorFactory == null) {
                        return upsertSelect(statement, tableRef, projector, iterator, columnIndexes, pkSlotIndexes);
                    Tuple tuple;
                    long totalRowCount = 0;
                    while (( != null) {// Runs query
                        KeyValue kv = tuple.getValue(0);
                        totalRowCount += PDataType.LONG.getCodec().decodeLong(kv.getBuffer(), kv.getValueOffset(), null);
                    // Return total number of rows that have been updated. In the case of auto commit being off
                    // the mutations will all be in the mutation state of the current connection.
                    return new MutationState(maxSize, statement.getConnection(), totalRowCount);

                public ExplainPlan getExplainPlan() throws SQLException {
                    List<String> queryPlanSteps =  queryPlan.getExplainPlan().getPlanSteps();
                    List<String> planSteps = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(queryPlanSteps.size()+1);
                    planSteps.add("UPSERT SELECT");
                    return new ExplainPlan(planSteps);

        // UPSERT VALUES
        if (nValuesToSet > numColsInTable) {
            throw new SQLExceptionInfo.Builder(SQLExceptionCode.UPSERT_COLUMN_NUMBERS_MISMATCH)
                .setMessage("Numbers of columns in table: " + numColsInTable + ". Number of values: " + nValuesToSet)
        int nodeIndex = 0;
        // Allocate array based on size of all columns in table,
        // since some values may not be set (if they're nullable).
        final StatementContext context = new StatementContext(upsert, connection, resolver, statement.getParameters(), new Scan());
        UpsertValuesCompiler expressionBuilder = new UpsertValuesCompiler(context);
        final byte[][] values = new byte[nValuesToSet][];
        for (ParseNode valueNode : valueNodes) {
            if (!valueNode.isConstant()) {
                throw new SQLExceptionInfo.Builder(SQLExceptionCode.VALUE_IN_UPSERT_NOT_CONSTANT).build().buildException();
            PColumn column = allColumns.get(columnIndexes[nodeIndex]);
            LiteralExpression literalExpression = (LiteralExpression)valueNode.accept(expressionBuilder);
            byte[] byteValue = literalExpression.getBytes();
            if (literalExpression.getDataType() != null) {
                // If ColumnModifier from expression in SELECT doesn't match the
                // column being projected into then invert the bits.
                if (literalExpression.getColumnModifier() != column.getColumnModifier()) {
                    byte[] tempByteValue = Arrays.copyOf(byteValue, byteValue.length);
                    byteValue = ColumnModifier.SORT_DESC.apply(byteValue, 0, tempByteValue, 0, byteValue.length);
                if (!literalExpression.getDataType().isCoercibleTo(column.getDataType(), literalExpression.getValue())) {
                    throw new TypeMismatchException(
                        literalExpression.getDataType(), column.getDataType(), "expression: "
                                + literalExpression.toString() + " in column " + column);
                if (!column.getDataType().isSizeCompatible(literalExpression.getDataType(),
                        literalExpression.getValue(), byteValue, literalExpression.getMaxLength(),
                        column.getMaxLength(), literalExpression.getScale(), column.getScale())) {
                    throw new SQLExceptionInfo.Builder(
                        .setMessage("value=" + literalExpression.toString()).build().buildException();
            byteValue = column.getDataType().coerceBytes(byteValue, literalExpression.getValue(),
                    literalExpression.getDataType(), literalExpression.getMaxLength(), literalExpression.getScale(),
                    column.getMaxLength(), column.getScale());
            values[nodeIndex] = byteValue;
        return new MutationPlan() {

            public PhoenixConnection getConnection() {
                return connection;

            public ParameterMetaData getParameterMetaData() {
                return context.getBindManager().getParameterMetaData();

            public MutationState execute() {
                Map<ImmutableBytesPtr, Map<PColumn, byte[]>> mutation = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(1);
                setValues(values, pkSlotIndexes, columnIndexes, tableRef.getTable(), mutation);
                return new MutationState(tableRef, mutation, 0, maxSize, connection);

            public ExplainPlan getExplainPlan() throws SQLException {
                return new ExplainPlan(Collections.singletonList("PUT SINGLE ROW"));
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                    PreparedStatement updateStmt = connection.prepareStatement(updateStmtStr.toString());
                    int rowsUpdated = 0;
                    rowsUpdated = updateStmt.getUpdateCount();
                    // Return number of rows built for index
                    return new MutationState(rowsUpdated, connection);
                } finally {
                    if (!wasAutoCommit) connection.setAutoCommit(false);
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    public PeekingResultIterator newIterator(ResultIterator iterator) throws SQLException {
        // Clone the connection as it's not thread safe and will be operated on in parallel
        final PhoenixConnection connection = new PhoenixConnection(this.connection);
        MutationState state = mutate(connection, iterator);
        long totalRowCount = state.getUpdateCount();
        if (connection.getAutoCommit()) {
            ConnectionQueryServices services = connection.getQueryServices();
            int maxSize = services.getProps().getInt(QueryServices.MAX_MUTATION_SIZE_ATTRIB,QueryServicesOptions.DEFAULT_MAX_MUTATION_SIZE);
            state = new MutationState(maxSize, connection, totalRowCount);
        final MutationState finalState = state;
        byte[] value = PDataType.LONG.toBytes(totalRowCount);
        KeyValue keyValue = KeyValueUtil.newKeyValue(UNGROUPED_AGG_ROW_KEY, SINGLE_COLUMN_FAMILY, SINGLE_COLUMN, AGG_TIMESTAMP, value, 0, value.length);
        final Tuple tuple = new SingleKeyValueTuple(keyValue);
        return new PeekingResultIterator() {
            private boolean done = false;
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    public MutationState createTable(CreateTableStatement statement, byte[][] splits, PTable parent, String viewStatement, ViewType viewType, byte[][] viewColumnConstants, BitSet isViewColumnReferenced) throws SQLException {
        PTable table = createTableInternal(statement, splits, parent, viewStatement, viewType, viewColumnConstants, isViewColumnReferenced, null);
        if (table == null || table.getType() == PTableType.VIEW) {
            return new MutationState(0,connection);
        // Hack to get around the case when an SCN is specified on the connection.
        // In this case, we won't see the table we just created yet, so we hack
        // around it by forcing the compiler to not resolve anything.
        PostDDLCompiler compiler = new PostDDLCompiler(connection);
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        ColumnResolver resolver = FromCompiler.getResolver(dataTableNode, conn);
        TableRef tableRef = resolver.getTables().get(0);
        boolean success = false;
        SQLException sqlException = null;
        try {
            MutationState state = newClientAtNextTimeStamp.buildIndex(index, tableRef);
            success = true;
            return state;
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            sqlException = e;
        } finally {
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        try {
            PostIndexDDLCompiler compiler = new PostIndexDDLCompiler(connection, dataTableRef);
            MutationPlan plan = compiler.compile(index);
            MutationState state = connection.getQueryServices().updateData(plan);
            AlterIndexStatement indexStatement = FACTORY.alterIndex(FACTORY.namedTable(null,
                    TableName.create(index.getSchemaName().getString(), index.getTableName().getString())),
                    dataTableRef.getTable().getTableName().getString(), false, PIndexState.ACTIVE);
            return state;
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                throw e;
        if (table == null) {
            return new MutationState(0,connection);
        // If our connection is at a fixed point-in-time, we need to open a new
        // connection so that our new index table is visible.
        if (connection.getSCN() != null) {
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        String tenantId = connection.getTenantId() == null ? null : connection.getTenantId().getString();
        try {
            connection.getQueryServices().dropSequence(tenantId, schemaName, sequenceName, timestamp);
        } catch (SequenceNotFoundException e) {
            if (statement.ifExists()) {
                return new MutationState(0, connection);
            throw e;
        return new MutationState(1, connection);
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    private MutationState createSequence(String tenantId, String schemaName, String sequenceName, boolean ifNotExists, long startWith, long incrementBy, long cacheSize, long timestamp) throws SQLException {
        try {
            connection.getQueryServices().createSequence(tenantId, schemaName, sequenceName, startWith, incrementBy, cacheSize, timestamp);
        } catch (SequenceAlreadyExistsException e) {
            if (ifNotExists) {
                return new MutationState(0, connection);
            throw e;
        return new MutationState(1, connection);
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Related Classes of org.apache.phoenix.execute.MutationState

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