fdf = FDFDocument.load( fileFDF );
PDAcroForm form = freedom.getDocumentCatalog().getAcroForm();
form.importFDF( fdf );
PDTextField feld2 = (PDTextField)form.getField( "eeFirstName" );
List<COSObjectable> kids = feld2.getKids();
PDFieldTreeNode firstKid = (PDFieldTreeNode)kids.get( 0 );
PDFieldTreeNode secondKid = (PDFieldTreeNode)kids.get( 1 );
testContentStreamContains( freedom, firstKid, "Steve" );
testContentStreamContains( freedom, secondKid, "Steve" );
//the appearance stream is suppose to be null because there
//is an F action in the AA dictionary that populates that field.
PDFieldTreeNode totalAmt = form.getField( "eeSuppTotalAmt" );
assertTrue( totalAmt.getDictionary().getDictionaryObject( COSName.AP ) == null );
if( freedom != null )