throws ValidationException {
List<ValidationError> result = new ArrayList<ValidationError>(0);
PDDocumentCatalog catalog = handler.getDocument().getDocumentCatalog();
if (catalog != null) {
PDDocumentOutline outlineHierarchy = catalog.getDocumentOutline();
if (outlineHierarchy != null) {
// ---- Count entry is mandatory if there are childrens
if (!isCountEntryPresent(outlineHierarchy.getCOSDictionary()) && (outlineHierarchy.getFirstChild() != null || outlineHierarchy.getLastChild() != null) ) {
result.add(new ValidationError(
"Outline Hierarchy doesn't have Count entry"));
} else if (isCountEntryPositive(outlineHierarchy.getCOSDictionary(), handler.getDocument().getDocument())
&& (outlineHierarchy.getFirstChild() == null || outlineHierarchy.getLastChild() == null)) {
"Outline Hierarchy doesn't have First and/or Last entry(ies)"));
} else {
exploreOutlineLevel(outlineHierarchy.getFirstChild(), handler, result);
} else {
throw new ValidationException(
"There are no Catalog entry in the Document.");