Package org.apache.pdfbox.exceptions

Examples of org.apache.pdfbox.exceptions.CryptographyException

                    result.write( finalResult );
                catch( NoSuchAlgorithmException e )
                    throw new CryptographyException( e );
            return result.toByteArray();
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                        digest = md.digest();
                if( encRevision == 2 && length != 5 )
                    throw new CryptographyException(
                        "Error: Expected length=5 actual=" + length );

                //STEP 4
                byte[] rc4Key = new byte[ length ];
                System.arraycopy( digest, 0, rc4Key, 0, length );

                //STEP 5
                byte[] paddedUser = truncateOrPad( userPassword );

                //STEP 6
                rc4.setKey( rc4Key );
                ByteArrayOutputStream crypted = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                rc4.write( new ByteArrayInputStream( paddedUser ), crypted );

                //STEP 7
                if( encRevision == 3 || encRevision == 4 )
                    byte[] iterationKey = new byte[ rc4Key.length ];
                    for( int i=1; i<20; i++ )
                        System.arraycopy( rc4Key, 0, iterationKey, 0, rc4Key.length );
                        for( int j=0; j< iterationKey.length; j++ )
                            iterationKey[j] = (byte)(iterationKey[j] ^ (byte)i);
                        rc4.setKey( iterationKey );
                        ByteArrayInputStream input = new ByteArrayInputStream( crypted.toByteArray() );
                        rc4.write( input, crypted );

                //STEP 8
                return crypted.toByteArray();
            catch( NoSuchAlgorithmException e )
                throw new CryptographyException( e.getMessage() );
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        catch(BadSecurityHandlerException e)
            throw new CryptographyException(e);
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                new StandardProtectionPolicy(ownerPassword, userPassword, new AccessPermission());
        catch(BadSecurityHandlerException e)
            throw new CryptographyException(e);
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                idArray.add( idString );
                document.setDocumentID( idArray );
            catch( NoSuchAlgorithmException e )
                throw new CryptographyException( e );

        COSString id = (COSString)idArray.getObject( 0 );
        encryption = new PDFEncryption();
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            MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance( "MD5" );
            digestedKey = md.digest( newKey );
        catch( NoSuchAlgorithmException e )
            throw new CryptographyException( e );

        //step 4
        int length = Math.min( newKey.length, 16 );
        byte[] finalKey = new byte[ length ];
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                    digest = md.digest();
            if( revision == 2 && length != 5 )
                throw new CryptographyException(
                    "Error: Expected length=5 actual=" + length );

            //3.3 STEP 4
            byte[] rc4Key = new byte[ (int)length ];
            System.arraycopy( digest, 0, rc4Key, 0, (int)length );

            //3.7 step 2
            if( revision == 2 )
                rc4.setKey( rc4Key );
                rc4.write( o, result );
            else if( revision == 3 || revision == 4)
                byte[] iterationKey = new byte[ rc4Key.length ];
                byte[] dataToEncrypt = o;
                for( int i=19; i>=0; i-- )
                    System.arraycopy( rc4Key, 0, iterationKey, 0, rc4Key.length );
                    for( int j=0; j< iterationKey.length; j++ )
                        iterationKey[j] = (byte)(iterationKey[j] ^ (byte)i);
                    rc4.setKey( iterationKey );
                    rc4.write( dataToEncrypt, result );
                    dataToEncrypt = result.toByteArray();
                result.write( dataToEncrypt, 0, dataToEncrypt.length );
                byte[] iterationKey = new byte[ rc4Key.length ];

                byte[] otemp = new byte[ o.length ]; //sm
                System.arraycopy( o, 0, otemp, 0, o.length ); //sm
                rc4.write( o, result);//sm

                for( int i=19; i>=0; i-- )
                    System.arraycopy( rc4Key, 0, iterationKey, 0, rc4Key.length );
                    for( int j=0; j< iterationKey.length; j++ )
                        iterationKey[j] = (byte)(iterationKey[j] ^ (byte)i);
                    rc4.setKey( iterationKey );
                    rc4.write( otemp, result ); //sm
                    otemp = result.toByteArray(); //sm

            return result.toByteArray();

        catch( NoSuchAlgorithmException e )
            throw new CryptographyException( e );
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                result.write( finalResult );
            catch( NoSuchAlgorithmException e )
                throw new CryptographyException( e );
        return result.toByteArray();
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            //step 7
            if( revision == 2 && length != 5 )
                throw new CryptographyException(
                    "Error: length should be 5 when revision is two actual=" + length );
            System.arraycopy( digest, 0, result, 0, length );
        catch( NoSuchAlgorithmException e )
            throw new CryptographyException( e );
        return result;
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                    digest = md.digest();
            if( revision == 2 && length != 5 )
                throw new CryptographyException(
                    "Error: Expected length=5 actual=" + length );

            //STEP 4
            byte[] rc4Key = new byte[ length ];
            System.arraycopy( digest, 0, rc4Key, 0, length );

            //STEP 5
            byte[] paddedUser = truncateOrPad( userPassword );

            //STEP 6
            rc4.setKey( rc4Key );
            ByteArrayOutputStream crypted = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            rc4.write( new ByteArrayInputStream( paddedUser ), crypted );

            //STEP 7
            if( revision == 3 || revision == 4 )
                byte[] iterationKey = new byte[ rc4Key.length ];
                for( int i=1; i<20; i++ )
                    System.arraycopy( rc4Key, 0, iterationKey, 0, rc4Key.length );
                    for( int j=0; j< iterationKey.length; j++ )
                        iterationKey[j] = (byte)(iterationKey[j] ^ (byte)i);
                    rc4.setKey( iterationKey );
                    ByteArrayInputStream input = new ByteArrayInputStream( crypted.toByteArray() );
                    rc4.write( input, crypted );

            //STEP 8
            return crypted.toByteArray();
        catch( NoSuchAlgorithmException e )
            throw new CryptographyException( e.getMessage() );
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Related Classes of org.apache.pdfbox.exceptions.CryptographyException

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