Package org.apache.pdfbox.cos

Examples of org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSStream


        COSDictionary dict = parseCOSDictionary();
        COSStream xrefStream = parseCOSStream(dict);
        parseXrefStream(xrefStream, (int) objByteOffset, isStandalone);

        return dict.getLong(COSName.PREV);
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                    pdfSource.unread(' ');
                    if (pb instanceof COSDictionary)
                        COSStream stream = parseCOSStream((COSDictionary) pb);

                        if (securityHandler != null)
                            securityHandler.decryptStream(stream, objNr, objGenNr);
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     * does not end with 'endstream' after data read, stream too short etc.
    protected COSStream parseCOSStream(COSDictionary dic) throws IOException
        final COSStream stream = createCOSStream(dic);
        OutputStream out = null;
            readString(); // read 'stream'; this was already tested in
                          // parseObjectsDynamically()

            // ---- skip whitespaces before start of data
            // PDF Ref 1.7, chap. 3.2.7:
            // 'stream' should be followed by either a CRLF (0x0d 0x0a) or LF
            // but nothing else.
            int whitespace =;
            // see brother_scan_cover.pdf, it adds whitespaces
            // after the stream but before the start of the
            // data, so just read those first
            while (whitespace == 0x20)
                whitespace =;

            if (whitespace == 0x0D)
                whitespace =;
                if (whitespace != 0x0A)
                    // the spec says this is invalid but it happens in the
                    // real world so we must support it
            else if (whitespace != 0x0A)
                // no whitespace after 'stream'; PDF ref. says 'should' so
                // that is ok

             * This needs to be dic.getItem because when we are parsing, the underlying object might still be null.
            COSNumber streamLengthObj = getLength(dic.getItem(COSName.LENGTH));
            if (streamLengthObj == null)
                throw new IOException("Missing length for stream.");

            boolean useReadUntilEnd = false;
            // ---- get output stream to copy data to
            if (validateStreamLength(streamLengthObj.longValue()))
                out = stream.createFilteredStream(streamLengthObj);
                long remainBytes = streamLengthObj.longValue();
                int bytesRead = 0;
                while (remainBytes > 0)
                    final int readBytes = pdfSource
                                    (remainBytes > streamCopyBufLen) ? streamCopyBufLen : (int) remainBytes);
                    if (readBytes <= 0)
                        useReadUntilEnd = true;
                    out.write(streamCopyBuf, 0, readBytes);
                    remainBytes -= readBytes;
                    bytesRead += readBytes;
                useReadUntilEnd = true;
            if (useReadUntilEnd)
                out = stream.createFilteredStream();
                readUntilEndStream(new EndstreamOutputStream(out));
            String endStream = readString();
            if (endStream.equals("endobj") && isLenient)
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            // the size is the highest object number+1. we add one more
            // for the xref stream object we are going to write
            pdfxRefStream.setSize(getNumber() + 2);

            COSStream stream2 = pdfxRefStream.getStream();

        if (!doc.isXRefStream() || hybridPrev != -1)
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     * @throws IOException If there is an error reading the stream.
    protected COSStream parseCOSStream( COSDictionary dic ) throws IOException
        COSStream stream = createCOSStream( dic );
        OutputStream out = null;
            String streamString = readString();
            //long streamLength;

            if (!streamString.equals(STREAM_STRING))
                throw new IOException("expected='stream' actual='" + streamString + "' at offset " + pdfSource.getOffset());

            //PDF Ref 3.2.7 A stream must be followed by either
            //a CRLF or LF but nothing else.

            int whitespace =;

            //see brother_scan_cover.pdf, it adds whitespaces
            //after the stream but before the start of the
            //data, so just read those first
            while (whitespace == 0x20)
                whitespace =;

            if( whitespace == 0x0D )
                whitespace =;
                if( whitespace != 0x0A )
                    pdfSource.unread( whitespace );
                    //The spec says this is invalid but it happens in the real
                    //world so we must support it.
            else if (whitespace == 0x0A)
                //that is fine
                //we are in an error.
                //but again we will do a lenient parsing and just assume that everything
                //is fine
                pdfSource.unread( whitespace );

            /*This needs to be dic.getItem because when we are parsing, the underlying object
             * might still be null.
            COSBase streamLength = dic.getItem(COSName.LENGTH);

            //Need to keep track of the
            out = stream.createFilteredStream( streamLength );

            // try to read stream length - even if it is an indirect object
            int length = -1;
            if ( streamLength instanceof COSNumber )
                length = ( (COSNumber) streamLength).intValue();
// commented out next chunk since for the sequentially working PDFParser
// we do not know if length object is redefined later on and the currently
// read indirect object might be obsolete (e.g. not referenced in xref table);
// this would result in reading wrong number of bytes;
// Thus the only reliable information is a direct length.
// This exclusion shouldn't harm much since in case of indirect objects they will
// typically be defined after the stream object, thus keeping the directly
// provided length will fix most cases
//            else if ( ( streamLength instanceof COSObject ) &&
//                      ( ( (COSObject) streamLength ).getObject() instanceof COSNumber ) )
//            {
//                length = ( (COSNumber) ( (COSObject) streamLength ).getObject() ).intValue();
//            }
            if ( length == -1 )
                // Couldn't determine length from dict: just
                // scan until we find endstream:
                readUntilEndStream( new EndstreamOutputStream(out) );
                // Copy length bytes over:
                int left = length;
                while ( left > 0 )
                    final int chunk = Math.min( left, strmBufLen );
                    final int readCount = strmBuf, 0, chunk );
                    if ( readCount == -1 )
                    out.write( strmBuf, 0, readCount );
                    left -= readCount;
                // in order to handle broken documents we test if 'endstream' is reached
                // if not, length value possibly was wrong, fall back to scanning for endstream
                // fill buffer with next bytes and test for 'endstream' (with leading whitespaces)
                int readCount = strmBuf, 0, 20 );
                if ( readCount > 0 )
                    boolean foundEndstream    = false;
                    int     nextEndstreamCIdx = 0;
                    for ( int cIdx = 0; cIdx < readCount; cIdx++ )
                        final int ch = strmBuf[ cIdx ] & 0xff;
                        if ( ch == ENDSTREAM[ nextEndstreamCIdx ] )
                            if ( ++nextEndstreamCIdx >= ENDSTREAM.length )
                                foundEndstream = true;
                        else if ( ( nextEndstreamCIdx > 0 ) || ( ! isWhitespace( ch ) ) )
                            // not found
                    // push back test bytes
                    pdfSource.unread( strmBuf, 0, readCount );
                    // if 'endstream' was not found fall back to scanning
                    if ( ! foundEndstream )
                        LOG.warn("Specified stream length " + length
                                + " is wrong. Fall back to reading stream until 'endstream'.");
                        // push back all read stream bytes
                        // we got a buffered stream wrapper around filteredStream thus first flush to underlying stream
                        InputStream writtenStreamBytes = stream.getFilteredStream();
                        ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream( length );

                        IOUtils.copy(writtenStreamBytes, bout);
                            pdfSource.unread( bout.toByteArray() );
                        catch ( IOException ioe )
                            throw new IOException( "Could not push back " + bout.size() +
                                                   " bytes in order to reparse stream. " +
                                                   "Try increasing push back buffer using system property " +
                                                   PROP_PUSHBACK_SIZE, ioe );
                        // close and create new filtered stream
                        out = stream.createFilteredStream();
                        // scan until we find endstream:
                        readUntilEndStream( new EndstreamOutputStream(out) );
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            // Clear AcroForm / Set DefaultRessource
            // Set empty Appearance-Dictionary
            PDAppearanceDictionary ap = new PDAppearanceDictionary();

            COSStream apsStream = getDocument().createCOSStream();
            PDAppearanceStream aps = new PDAppearanceStream(apsStream);
            COSDictionary cosObject = (COSDictionary) aps.getCOSObject();
            cosObject.setItem(COSName.SUBTYPE, COSName.FORM);
            cosObject.setItem(COSName.BBOX, new PDRectangle());
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     * @return A stream containing a Type 1 font program.
    public PDStream getFontFile()
        PDStream retval = null;
        COSStream stream = (COSStream)dic.getDictionaryObject( COSName.FONT_FILE );
        if( stream != null )
            retval = new PDStream( stream );
        return retval;
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     * @return A stream containing a true type font program.
    public PDStream getFontFile2()
        PDStream retval = null;
        COSStream stream = (COSStream)dic.getDictionaryObject( COSName.FONT_FILE2 );
        if( stream != null )
            retval = new PDStream( stream );
        return retval;
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     * @return A stream containing a font program.
    public PDStream getFontFile3()
        PDStream retval = null;
        COSStream stream = (COSStream)dic.getDictionaryObject( COSName.FONT_FILE3 );
        if( stream != null )
            retval = new PDStream( stream );
        return retval;
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            PDRange rangeX, PDRange rangeY, PDRange[] colRange, int numP) throws IOException
        ArrayList<Patch> list = new ArrayList<Patch>();
        long maxSrcCoord = (long) Math.pow(2, bitsPerCoordinate) - 1;
        long maxSrcColor = (long) Math.pow(2, bitsPerColorComponent) - 1;
        COSStream cosStream = (COSStream) cosDictionary;

        ImageInputStream mciis = new MemoryCacheImageInputStream(cosStream.getUnfilteredStream());

        Point2D[] implicitEdge = new Point2D[4];
        float[][] implicitCornerColor = new float[2][numberOfColorComponents];

        byte flag = (byte) 0;
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Related Classes of org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSStream

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