throw new IOException("XREF for " + objKey.getNumber() + ":" + objKey.getGeneration()
+ " points to wrong object: " + readObjNr + ":" + readObjGen);
COSBase pb = parseDirObject();
long endObjectOffset = pdfSource.getOffset();
String endObjectKey = readString();
if (endObjectKey.equals("stream"))
if (pb instanceof COSDictionary)
COSStream stream = parseCOSStream((COSDictionary) pb);
if (securityHandler != null)
securityHandler.decryptStream(stream, objNr, objGenNr);
pb = stream;
// this is not legal
// the combination of a dict and the stream/endstream forms a complete stream object
throw new IOException("Stream not preceded by dictionary (offset: " + offsetOrObjstmObNr + ").");
endObjectOffset = pdfSource.getOffset();
endObjectKey = readString();
// we have case with a second 'endstream' before endobj
if (!endObjectKey.startsWith("endobj"))
if (endObjectKey.startsWith("endstream"))
endObjectKey = endObjectKey.substring(9).trim();
if (endObjectKey.length() == 0)
// no other characters in extra endstream line
endObjectKey = readString(); // read next line
else if (securityHandler != null)
// decrypt
if (pb instanceof COSString)
decrypt((COSString) pb, objNr, objGenNr);
else if (pb instanceof COSDictionary)
for (Entry<COSName, COSBase> entry : ((COSDictionary) pb).entrySet())
// TODO: specially handle 'Contents' entry of signature dictionary like in
// SecurityHandler#decryptDictionary
if (entry.getValue() instanceof COSString)
decrypt((COSString) entry.getValue(), objNr, objGenNr);
else if (pb instanceof COSArray)
final COSArray array = (COSArray) pb;
for (int aIdx = 0, len = array.size(); aIdx < len; aIdx++)
if (array.get(aIdx) instanceof COSString)
decrypt((COSString) array.get(aIdx), objNr, objGenNr);
if (!endObjectKey.startsWith("endobj"))
throw new IOException("Object (" + readObjNr + ":" + readObjGen + ") at offset "
+ offsetOrObjstmObNr + " does not end with 'endobj'.");
offset = pdfSource.getOffset(); - 1);
if (!nextIsEOL())
addValidationError(new ValidationError(PreflightConstants.ERROR_SYNTAX_OBJ_DELIMITER,
"EOL expected before the 'endobj' keyword at offset "+pdfSource.getOffset()));
if (!nextIsEOL())
addValidationError(new ValidationError(PreflightConstants.ERROR_SYNTAX_OBJ_DELIMITER,
"EOL expected after the 'endobj' keyword at offset "+pdfSource.getOffset()));
// xref value is object nr of object stream containing object to be parsed;
// since our object was not found it means object stream was not parsed so far
final int objstmObjNr = (int) (-offsetOrObjstmObNr);
final COSBase objstmBaseObj = parseObjectDynamically(objstmObjNr, 0, true);
if (objstmBaseObj instanceof COSStream)
// parse object stream
PDFObjectStreamParser parser = new PDFObjectStreamParser((COSStream) objstmBaseObj, document,