// log.debug("webAppKeyScope "+webAppKeyScope);
// Get Room Id to send it to the correct Scope
Client currentClient = this.sessionManager
.getClientByPublicSID(publicSID, false, null);
if (currentClient == null) {
currentClient = sessionManager.getClientByUserId(user_id);
Collection<Set<IConnection>> concolset = null;
if (currentClient == null) {
// Must be from a previous session, search for user in current
// scope
IConnection current = Red5.getConnectionLocal();
// Notify all Clients of that Scope (Room)
concolset = current.getScope().getConnections();
} else {
// default Scope Name
String scopeName = "hibernate";
if (currentClient.getRoom_id() != null) {
scopeName = currentClient.getRoom_id().toString();
IScope scopeHibernate = webAppKeyScope.getScope(scopeName);
if (scopeHibernate != null) {