+ "-fk-exists", context));
if (_fk != null && _fk.isDeferred() && !exist.isDeferred()) {
Log log = repos.getLog();
if (log.isWarnEnabled())
log.warn(_loc.get(prefix + "-defer-fk", context));
// allow user-given info to override existing key if we're adapting;
// template info cannot override existing key
if (adapt && _fk != null) {
if (_fk.getUpdateAction() != ForeignKey.ACTION_NONE)
if (_fk.getDeleteAction() != ForeignKey.ACTION_NONE)
setIOFromJoins(exist, joins);
return exist;
String name = null;
int delAction = ForeignKey.ACTION_NONE;
int upAction = ForeignKey.ACTION_NONE;
boolean deferred = false;
boolean fill = repos.getMappingDefaults().defaultMissingInfo();
ForeignKey tmplate = (def == null) ? null
: def.get(local, foreign, _join == JOIN_INVERSE);
if (_fk != null && (tmplate == null || (!adapt && !fill))) {
// if not adapting or no template info use given data
name = _fk.getName();
delAction = _fk.getDeleteAction();
upAction = _fk.getUpdateAction();
deferred = _fk.isDeferred();
} else if (_canFK && (adapt || fill)) {
if (_fk == null && tmplate != null) {
// no user given info; use template data
name = tmplate.getName();
delAction = tmplate.getDeleteAction();
upAction = tmplate.getUpdateAction();
deferred = tmplate.isDeferred();
} else if (_fk != null && tmplate != null) {
// merge user and template data, always letting user info win
name = _fk.getName();
if (name == null && tmplate.getName() != null)
name = tmplate.getName();
delAction = _fk.getDeleteAction();
if (delAction == ForeignKey.ACTION_NONE)
delAction = tmplate.getDeleteAction();
upAction = _fk.getUpdateAction();
if (upAction == ForeignKey.ACTION_NONE)
upAction = tmplate.getUpdateAction();
deferred = _fk.isDeferred();
if (!dict.supportsDeleteAction(delAction)
|| !dict.supportsUpdateAction(upAction)) {
Log log = repos.getLog();
if (log.isWarnEnabled())
log.warn(_loc.get(prefix + "-unsupported-fk-action", context));
delAction = ForeignKey.ACTION_NONE;
upAction = ForeignKey.ACTION_NONE;
if (deferred && !dict.supportsDeferredConstraints) {
Log log = repos.getLog();
if (log.isWarnEnabled())
log.warn(_loc.get(prefix + "-create-defer-fk",
context, dict.platform));
deferred = false;
// create foreign key with merged info