Package org.apache.openjpa.kernel.exps

Examples of org.apache.openjpa.kernel.exps.Value

            super(Integer.class, e);
        public org.apache.openjpa.kernel.exps.Value toValue(ExpressionFactory factory, CriteriaQueryImpl<?> q) {
            Value v = Expressions.toValue(e, factory, q);
            ClassMetaData meta = ((PathImpl<?,?>)e)._member.fmd.getElement().getTypeMetaData();
            return factory.index(v);
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            this(x, new Constant<T>(y));

        public org.apache.openjpa.kernel.exps.Value toValue(ExpressionFactory factory, CriteriaQueryImpl<?> q) {
            Value value1 = Expressions.toValue((ExpressionImpl<?>)val1, factory, q);
            Value value2 = Expressions.toValue((ExpressionImpl<?>)val2, factory, q);
            return factory.nullIfExpression(value1, value2);
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            org.apache.openjpa.kernel.exps.Expression inExpr = null;
            if (_exps.size() == 1) {
                Expressions.Equal e = (Expressions.Equal)_exps.get(0);
                ExpressionImpl<?> e2 = e.e2;
                ExpressionImpl<?> e1 = e.e1;
                Value val2 = Expressions.toValue(e2, factory, q);
                if (!(val2 instanceof Literal)) {
                    Value val1 = Expressions.toValue(e1, factory, q);
                    Expressions.setImplicitTypes(val1, val2, e1.getJavaType(), q);
                    inExpr = factory.contains(val2, val1);
                    return isNegated() ? factory.not(inExpr) : inExpr;
                } else if (((Literal)val2).getParseType() == Literal.TYPE_COLLECTION) {
                    Collection coll = (Collection)((Literal)val2).getValue();
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        exps.grouping = new Value[groupByCount];

        for (int i = 0; i < groupByCount; i++) {
            JPQLNode node = groupByNode.getChild(i);
            Value val = getValue(node);
            if (val instanceof Path) {
                FieldMetaData fmd = ((Path) val).last();
                if (fmd != null && fmd.getValue().getTypeMetaData() != null && fmd.getValue().isEmbedded())
                    throw parseException(EX_USER, "cant-groupby-embeddable",
                        new Object[]{ node.getChildCount() > 1 ? assemble(node) : node.text }, null);
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            if (path.last().getValue().getEmbeddedMetaData() != null)
                throw parseException(EX_USER, "cant-bulk-update-embeddable",
                        new Object[]{assemble(firstChild(nodes[i]))}, null);

            JPQLNode lastChild = lastChild(nodes[i]);
            Value val = (lastChild.children == null)
                      ? null : getValue(onlyChild(lastChild));
            exps.putUpdate(path, val);
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        return exp;

    private Expression getSubquery(String alias, Path path, Expression exp) {
        Value var = getVariable(alias, true);
        // this bind is for validateMapPath to resolve alias
        Expression bindVar = factory.bindVariable(var, path);
        FieldMetaData fmd = path.last();
        ClassMetaData candidate = getFieldType(fmd);
        if (candidate == null && fmd.isElementCollection())
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            throw parseException(EX_USER, "path-no-meta",
                new Object[]{ path, null }, null);

        String alias = aliasNode != null ? aliasNode.text : nextAlias();

        Value var = getVariable(alias, true);

        Expression join = null;

        // if the variable is already bound, get the var's value and
        // do a regular contains with that
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            if (isPath(left)) {
                Path path = getPath(left);
                return getSubquery(alias, path, exp);
            } else {
                // we have an alias: bind it as a variable
                Value var = getVariable(alias, true);

        // ### we assign the first FROMITEM instance we see as
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            return true;

        if (!isSeenVariable(name))
            return false;

        final Value var = getVariable(name, false);

        if (var != null)
            return isBound(var);

        return false;
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     * Recursive helper method to evaluate the given node.
    private Object eval(JPQLNode node) {
        Value val1 = null;
        Value val2 = null;
        Value val3 = null;

        boolean not = node.not;

        switch ( {
                return eval(onlyChild(node));

            case JJTTYPE:
                return getType(onlyChild(node));

            case JJTTYPELITERAL:
                return getTypeLiteral(node);

            case JJTCLASSNAME:
                return getPathOrConstant(node);

            case JJTCASE:
                return eval(onlyChild(node));

            case JJTSIMPLECASE:
                return getSimpleCaseExpression(node);

            case JJTGENERALCASE:
                return getGeneralCaseExpression(node);

            case JJTWHEN:
                return getWhenCondition(node);

            case JJTWHENSCALAR:
                return getWhenScalar(node);

            case JJTCOALESCE:
                return getCoalesceExpression(node);

            case JJTNULLIF:
                return getNullIfExpression(node);

            case JJTWHERE: // top-level WHERE clause
                return getExpression(onlyChild(node));

            case JJTBOOLEANLITERAL:
                return factory.newLiteral("true".equalsIgnoreCase
                    (node.text) ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE,

            case JJTINTEGERLITERAL:
                // use BigDecimal because it can handle parsing exponents
                BigDecimal intlit = new BigDecimal
                    (node.text.endsWith("l") || node.text.endsWith("L")
                        ? node.text.substring(0, node.text.length() - 1)
                        : node.text).
                    multiply(new BigDecimal(negative(node)));
                return factory.newLiteral(Long.valueOf(intlit.longValue()),

            case JJTDECIMALLITERAL:
                BigDecimal declit = new BigDecimal
                    (node.text.endsWith("d") || node.text.endsWith("D") ||
                        node.text.endsWith("f") || node.text.endsWith("F")
                        ? node.text.substring(0, node.text.length() - 1)
                        : node.text).
                    multiply(new BigDecimal(negative(node)));
                return factory.newLiteral(declit, Literal.TYPE_NUMBER);

            case JJTSTRINGLITERAL:
            case JJTTRIMCHARACTER:
            case JJTESCAPECHARACTER:
                return factory.newLiteral(trimQuotes(node.text),

            case JJTSTRINGLITERAL2:
                return factory.newLiteral(trimDoubleQuotes(node.text),

            case JJTPATTERNVALUE:
                return eval(firstChild(node));

                return getParameter(onlyChild(node).text, false, false);

                return getParameter(node.text, true, false);

                JPQLNode child = onlyChild(node);
                boolean positional = == JJTPOSITIONALINPUTPARAMETER;
                if (!positional)
                    child = onlyChild(child);
                return getParameter(child.text,
                    positional, true);

            case JJTOR: // x OR y
                return factory.or(getExpression(left(node)),

            case JJTAND: // x AND y
                return and(getExpression(left(node)),

            case JJTEQUALS: // x = y
                val1 = getValue(left(node));
                val2 = getValue(right(node));
                setImplicitTypes(val1, val2, null);
                return factory.equal(val1, val2);

            case JJTNOTEQUALS: // x <> y
                val1 = getValue(left(node));
                val2 = getValue(right(node));
                setImplicitTypes(val1, val2, null);
                return factory.notEqual(val1, val2);

            case JJTLESSTHAN: // x < y
                val1 = getValue(left(node));
                val2 = getValue(right(node));
                setImplicitTypes(val1, val2, null);
                return factory.lessThan(val1, val2);

            case JJTLESSOREQUAL: // x <= y
                val1 = getValue(left(node));
                val2 = getValue(right(node));
                setImplicitTypes(val1, val2, null);
                return factory.lessThanEqual(val1, val2);

            case JJTGREATERTHAN: // x > y
                val1 = getValue(left(node));
                val2 = getValue(right(node));
                setImplicitTypes(val1, val2, null);
                return factory.greaterThan(val1, val2);

            case JJTGREATEROREQUAL: // x >= y
                val1 = getValue(left(node));
                val2 = getValue(right(node));
                setImplicitTypes(val1, val2, null);
                return factory.greaterThanEqual(val1, val2);

            case JJTADD: // x + y
                val1 = getValue(left(node));
                val2 = getValue(right(node));
                setImplicitTypes(val1, val2, TYPE_NUMBER);
                return factory.add(val1, val2);

            case JJTSUBTRACT: // x - y
                val1 = getValue(left(node));
                val2 = getValue(right(node));
                setImplicitTypes(val1, val2, TYPE_NUMBER);
                return factory.subtract(val1, val2);

            case JJTMULTIPLY: // x * y
                val1 = getValue(left(node));
                val2 = getValue(right(node));
                setImplicitTypes(val1, val2, TYPE_NUMBER);
                return factory.multiply(val1, val2);

            case JJTDIVIDE: // x / y
                val1 = getValue(left(node));
                val2 = getValue(right(node));
                setImplicitTypes(val1, val2, TYPE_NUMBER);
                return factory.divide(val1, val2);

            case JJTBETWEEN: // x.field [NOT] BETWEEN 5 AND 10
                val1 = getValue(child(node, 0, 3));
                val2 = getValue(child(node, 1, 3));
                val3 = getValue(child(node, 2, 3));
                setImplicitTypes(val1, val2, null);
                setImplicitTypes(val1, val3, null);
                return evalNot(not, and(factory.greaterThanEqual(val1, val2),
                    factory.lessThanEqual(val1, val3)));

            case JJTIN: // x.field [NOT] IN ('a', 'b', 'c')
                        // TYPE(x...) [NOT] IN (entityTypeLiteral1,...)
                Expression inExp = null;
                Iterator<JPQLNode> inIterator = node.iterator();
                // the first child is the path
                JPQLNode first =;
                val1 = getValue(first);
                while (inIterator.hasNext()) {
                    JPQLNode next =;
                    if ( == JJTTYPE && == JJTTYPELITERAL)
                        val2 = getTypeLiteral(next);
                        val2 = getValue(next);
                    if (val2 instanceof Parameter) {
                        hasParameterizedInExpression = true;
                    // special case for <value> IN (<subquery>) or
                    // <value> IN (<single value>)
                    if (useContains(not, val1, val2, node))   
                        return evalNot(not, factory.contains(val2, val1));

                    // this is currently a sequence of OR expressions, since we
                    // do not have support for IN expressions
                    setImplicitTypes(val1, val2, null);
                    if (isVerticalTypeInExpr(val1, node) && not) {
                        if (inExp == null)
                            inExp = factory.notEqual(val1, val2);
                            inExp = factory.and(inExp, factory.notEqual(val1, val2));
                    } else {
                        if (inExp == null)
                            inExp = factory.equal(val1, val2);
                            inExp = factory.or(inExp, factory.equal(val1, val2));

                // we additionally need to add in a "NOT NULL" clause, since
                // the IN behavior that is expected by the CTS also expects
                // to filter our NULLs
                if (isVerticalTypeInExpr(val1, node))
                    return inExp;
                    return and(evalNot(not, inExp),
                            factory.notEqual(val1, factory.getNull()));

            case JJTISNULL: // x.field IS [NOT] NULL
                val1 = getValue(onlyChild(node));
                if (not)
                    return factory.notEqual
                        (val1, factory.getNull());
                    return factory.equal
                        (val1, factory.getNull());

            case JJTPATH:
                return getPathOrConstant(node);

            case JJTIDENTIFIER:
                return getIdentifier(node);

            case JJTQUALIFIEDPATH:
                return getQualifiedPath(node);

                // KEY(e), VALUE(e), ENTRY(e)
                return getQualifiedIdentifier(node);

                // KEY(e), VALUE(e)
                if ( == JJTWHERE || == JJTGROUPBY)
                    return getGeneralIdentifier(onlyChild(node), true);
                return getQualifiedIdentifier(onlyChild(node));

            case JJTNOT:
                return factory.not(getExpression(onlyChild(node)));

            case JJTLIKE: // field LIKE '%someval%'
                val1 = getValue(left(node));
                val2 = getValue(right(node));

                setImplicitType(val1, TYPE_STRING);
                setImplicitType(val2, TYPE_STRING);

                // look for an escape character beneath the node
                String escape = null;
                JPQLNode escapeNode = right(node).
                    findChildByID(JJTESCAPECHARACTER, true);
                if (escapeNode != null)
                    escape = trimQuotes(onlyChild(escapeNode).text);

                if (not)
                    return factory.notMatches(val1, val2, "_", "%", escape);
                    return factory.matches(val1, val2, "_", "%", escape);

            case JJTISEMPTY:
                return evalNot(not,

            case JJTSIZE:
                return factory.size(getValue(onlyChild(node)));

            case JJTINDEX:
                return factory.index(getValue(onlyChild(node)));

            case JJTUPPER:
                val1 = getValue(onlyChild(node));
                setImplicitType(val1, TYPE_STRING);
                return factory.toUpperCase(val1);

            case JJTLOWER:
                return factory.toLowerCase(getStringValue(onlyChild(node)));

            case JJTLENGTH:
                return factory.stringLength(getStringValue(onlyChild(node)));

            case JJTABS:
                return factory.abs(getNumberValue(onlyChild(node)));

            case JJTSQRT:
                return factory.sqrt(getNumberValue(onlyChild(node)));

            case JJTMOD:
                val1 = getValue(left(node));
                val2 = getValue(right(node));
                setImplicitTypes(val1, val2, TYPE_NUMBER);
                return factory.mod(val1, val2);

            case JJTTRIM: // TRIM([[where] [char] FROM] field)
                val1 = getValue(lastChild(node));
                setImplicitType(val1, TYPE_STRING);

                Boolean trimWhere = null;

                JPQLNode firstTrimChild = firstChild(node);

                if (node.getChildCount() > 1) {
                    trimWhere =
               == JJTTRIMLEADING ? Boolean.TRUE
                   == JJTTRIMTRAILING ? Boolean.FALSE
                                : null;

                Value trimChar;

                // if there are 3 children, then we know the trim
                // char is the second node
                if (node.getChildCount() == 3)
                    trimChar = getValue(secondChild(node));
                    // if there are two children, then we need to check to see
                    // if the first child is a leading/trailing/both node,
                    // or the trim character node
                else if (node.getChildCount() == 2
                    && != JJTTRIMLEADING
                    && != JJTTRIMTRAILING
                    && != JJTTRIMBOTH)
                    trimChar = getValue(firstChild(node));
                    // othwerwise, we default to trimming the space character
                    trimChar = factory.newLiteral(" ", Literal.TYPE_STRING);

                return factory.trim(val1, trimChar, trimWhere);

            case JJTCONCAT:
                val1 = getValue(left(node));
                val2 = getValue(right(node));
                setImplicitType(val1, TYPE_STRING);
                setImplicitType(val2, TYPE_STRING);
                return factory.concat(val1, val2);

            case JJTSUBSTRING:
                if (node.children.length == 3) {
                    val1 = getValue(child(node, 0, 3));
                    val2 = getValue(child(node, 1, 3));
                    JPQLNode child3 = child(node, 2, 3);
                    if ( == JJTINTEGERLITERAL)
                        val3 = getIntegerValue(child3);
                        val3 = getValue(child3);
                } else if (node.children.length == 2) {
                    val1 = getValue(child(node, 0, 2));
                    val2 = getValue(child(node, 1, 2));
                setImplicitType(val1, TYPE_STRING);
                setImplicitType(val2, Integer.TYPE);
                if (node.children.length == 3)
                    setImplicitType(val3, Integer.TYPE);

                return convertSubstringArguments(factory, val1, val2, val3);

            case JJTLOCATE:
                // as with SUBSTRING (above), the semantics for LOCATE differ
                // from ExpressionFactory.indexOf in that LOCATE uses a
                // 0-based index, and indexOf uses a 1-based index
                Value locatePath = getValue(firstChild(node));
                Value locateSearch = getValue(secondChild(node));
                Value locateFromIndex = null;
                if (node.getChildCount() > 2) { // optional start index arg
                    JPQLNode child3 = thirdChild(node);
                    if ( == JJTINTEGERLITERAL) {
                        locateFromIndex = getIntegerValue(child3);
                    } else
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Related Classes of org.apache.openjpa.kernel.exps.Value

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