JDBCFetchConfiguration fetchClone = new JDBCFetchConfigurationImpl();
SelectKey selKey = new SelectKey(mapping, null, fetchClone);
Select sel = null;
boolean found = true;
Object obj = selectImplCacheMap.get(selKey);
if (obj == null) {
synchronized (selectImplCacheMap) {
obj = selectImplCacheMap.get(selKey);
if (obj == null) {
// Not found in cache, create a new select
obj = newSelect(sm, mapping, fetch, subs);
found = false;
if (obj == null) {
// If the generated SelectImpl is null, store a generic
// known object in the cache as a placeholder. Some map
// implementations do not allow null values.
obj = _nullCacheValue;
found = false;
else if (obj != _nullCacheValue)
sel = (Select)obj;
if (sel.getSQL() == null) {
sel.setSQL(this, fetch);
found = false;
if (!found) {
addToSqlCache(selectImplCacheMap, selKey, obj);
if (obj != null && obj != _nullCacheValue)
sel = (Select) obj;
Log log = _conf.getLog(JDBCConfiguration.LOG_JDBC);
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
if (!found)
log.trace(_loc.get("cache-missed", mapping, this.getClass()));
log.trace(_loc.get("cache-hit", mapping, this.getClass()));
if (sel == null)
return null;
Object oid = sm.getObjectId();
Column[] cols = mapping.getPrimaryKeyColumns();
sel.wherePrimaryKey(mapping, cols, cols, oid, this,
null, null, params);
return sel;