Package org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql

Examples of org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer$Subselect

     * Create the where sql.
    private SQLBuffer buildWhere(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state,
        Expression filter) {
        // create where buffer
        SQLBuffer where = new SQLBuffer(;
        Exp filterExp = (Exp) filter;
        filterExp.appendTo(sel, ctx, state, where);

        if (where.sqlEquals("(") || where.sqlEquals("(1 = 1"))
            return null;
        return where.append(")");
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        sel.orderBy(newSQLBuffer(sel, ctx, state), asc, false, getSelectAs());

    private SQLBuffer newSQLBuffer(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state) {
        calculateValue(sel, ctx, state, null, null);
        SQLBuffer buf = new SQLBuffer(;
        appendTo(sel, ctx, state, buf, 0);
        return buf;
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        // select only the PK columns, since we just want to lock
        Select select = _store.getSQLFactory().newSelect();;
        select.wherePrimaryKey(id, mapping, _store);
        SQLBuffer sql = select.toSelect(true, _store.getFetchConfiguration());

        Connection conn = _store.getConnection();
        PreparedStatement stmnt = null;
        ResultSet rs = null;
        try {
            stmnt = sql.prepareStatement(conn);
            if (timeout >= 0 && dict.supportsQueryTimeout) {
                if (timeout < 1000) {
                    timeout = 1000;
                    if (log.isWarnEnabled())
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            throw new InvalidStateException(_loc.get("bad-seq-type",
                getClass(), mapping));

        DBDictionary dict = _conf.getDBDictionaryInstance();
        String tableName = resolveTableName(mapping, _pkColumn.getTable());
        SQLBuffer insert = new SQLBuffer(dict).append("INSERT INTO ").
            append(tableName).append(" (").
            append(_pkColumn).append(", ").append(_seqColumn).
            append(") VALUES (").
            appendValue(pk, _pkColumn).append(", ").
            appendValue(_intValue, _seqColumn).append(")");
        boolean wasAuto = conn.getAutoCommit();
        if (!wasAuto && !suspendInJTA())

        PreparedStatement stmnt = null;
        try {
            stmnt = insert.prepareStatement(conn);
        } finally {
            if (stmnt != null)
                try { stmnt.close(); } catch (SQLException se) {}
            if (!wasAuto && !suspendInJTA())
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        Object pk = getPrimaryKey(mapping);
        if (pk == null)
            return -1;

        DBDictionary dict = _conf.getDBDictionaryInstance();
        SQLBuffer sel = new SQLBuffer(dict).append(_seqColumn);
        SQLBuffer where = new SQLBuffer(dict).append(_pkColumn).append(" = ").
            appendValue(pk, _pkColumn);
        String tableName = resolveTableName(mapping, _seqColumn.getTable());
        SQLBuffer tables = new SQLBuffer(dict).append(tableName);

        SQLBuffer select = dict.toSelect(sel, null, tables, where, null, null,
                null, false, dict.supportsSelectForUpdate, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE,
                false, true);

        PreparedStatement stmnt = select.prepareStatement(conn);
        ResultSet rs = null;
        try {
            rs = stmnt.executeQuery();
            if (!
                return -1;
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        if (pk == null)
            throw new InvalidStateException(_loc.get("bad-seq-type",
                getClass(), mapping));

        DBDictionary dict = _conf.getDBDictionaryInstance();       
        SQLBuffer where = new SQLBuffer(dict).append(_pkColumn).append(" = ").
            appendValue(pk, _pkColumn);

        // loop until we have a successful atomic select/update sequence
        long cur = 0;
        PreparedStatement stmnt;
        ResultSet rs;
        SQLBuffer upd;
        for (int updates = 0; updates == 0;) {
            stmnt = null;
            rs = null;
            try {
                cur = getSequence(mapping, conn);
                if (cur == -1)
                    return false;

                // update the value
                upd = new SQLBuffer(dict);
                String tableName = resolveTableName(mapping, _seqColumn.getTable());
                upd.append("UPDATE ").append(tableName).
                    append(" SET ").append(_seqColumn).append(" = ").
                    appendValue(Numbers.valueOf(cur + inc), _seqColumn).
                    append(" WHERE ").append(where).append(" AND ").
                    append(_seqColumn).append(" = ").
                    appendValue(Numbers.valueOf(cur), _seqColumn);

                stmnt = upd.prepareStatement(conn);
                updates = stmnt.executeUpdate();
            } finally {
                if (rs != null)
                    try { rs.close(); } catch (SQLException se) {}
                if (stmnt != null)
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            && (((Union)selector).getSelects().length != 1)))
            return new PreparedQueryCacheImpl.StrongExclusion(_id, _loc.get("exclude-multi-select", _id).getMessage());
        select = extractImplementation(selector);
        if (select == null)
            return new PreparedQueryCacheImpl.StrongExclusion(_id, _loc.get("exclude-no-select", _id).getMessage());
        SQLBuffer buffer = selector.getSQL();
        if (buffer == null)
            return new PreparedQueryCacheImpl.StrongExclusion(_id, _loc.get("exclude-no-sql", _id).getMessage());;
        if (isUsingFieldStrategy())
            return new PreparedQueryCacheImpl.StrongExclusion(_id,
                _loc.get("exclude-user-strategy", _id).getMessage());;
        if (isPaginated())
            return new PreparedQueryCacheImpl.StrongExclusion(_id,
                _loc.get("exclude-pagination", _id).getMessage());;

        _initialized = true;
        return null;
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            throw new InvalidStateException(_loc.get("bad-seq-type",
                getClass(), mapping));

        DBDictionary dict = _conf.getDBDictionaryInstance();
        String tableName = resolveTableName(mapping, _pkColumn.getTable());
        SQLBuffer insert = new SQLBuffer(dict).append("INSERT INTO ").
            append(tableName).append(" (").
            append(_pkColumn).append(", ").append(_seqColumn).
            append(") VALUES (").
            appendValue(pk, _pkColumn).append(", ").
            appendValue(_intValue, _seqColumn).append(")");
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        Object pk = getPrimaryKey(mapping);
        if (pk == null)
            return -1;

        DBDictionary dict = _conf.getDBDictionaryInstance();
        SQLBuffer sel = new SQLBuffer(dict).append(_seqColumn);
        SQLBuffer where = new SQLBuffer(dict).append(_pkColumn).append(" = ").
            appendValue(pk, _pkColumn);
        String tableName = resolveTableName(mapping, _seqColumn.getTable());
        SQLBuffer tables = new SQLBuffer(dict).append(tableName);

        SQLBuffer select = dict.toSelect(sel, null, tables, where, null, null,
                null, false, dict.supportsSelectForUpdate, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE,
                false, true);

        PreparedStatement stmnt = prepareStatement(conn, select);
        ResultSet rs = null;
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        if (pk == null)
            throw new InvalidStateException(_loc.get("bad-seq-type",
                getClass(), mapping));

        DBDictionary dict = _conf.getDBDictionaryInstance();       
        SQLBuffer where = new SQLBuffer(dict).append(_pkColumn).append(" = ").
            appendValue(pk, _pkColumn);

        // loop until we have a successful atomic select/update sequence
        long cur = 0;
        PreparedStatement stmnt;
        ResultSet rs;
        SQLBuffer upd;
        for (int updates = 0; updates == 0;) {
            stmnt = null;
            rs = null;
            try {
                cur = getSequence(mapping, conn);
                if (cur == -1)
                    return false;

                // update the value
                upd = new SQLBuffer(dict);
                String tableName = resolveTableName(mapping, _seqColumn.getTable());
                upd.append("UPDATE ").append(tableName).
                    append(" SET ").append(_seqColumn).append(" = ").
                    appendValue(Numbers.valueOf(cur + inc), _seqColumn).
                    append(" WHERE ").append(where).append(" AND ").
                    append(_seqColumn).append(" = ").
                    appendValue(Numbers.valueOf(cur), _seqColumn);
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Related Classes of org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql.SQLBuffer$Subselect

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