Package org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql

Examples of org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql.Result

        FetchConfiguration fetch, int lockLevel, Object context) {
        JDBCFetchConfiguration jfetch = (JDBCFetchConfiguration) fetch;

        // get a connection, or reuse current one
        ConnectionInfo info = (ConnectionInfo) context;
        Result res = null;
        if (info != null) {
            // if initialize() fails to load required fields, then this method
            // is called; make sure not to try to use the given result if it's
            // the same one we just failed to completely initialize() with
            if ( != sm)
                res = info.result;
   = null;
        try {
            // if there's an existing result, load all we can from it
            ClassMapping mapping = (ClassMapping) sm.getMetaData();
            if (res != null) {
                load(mapping, sm, jfetch, res);
                removeLoadedFields(sm, fields);

            // if the instance is hollow and there's a customized
            // get by id method, use it
            if (sm.getLoaded().length() == 0
                && mapping.customLoad(sm, this, null, jfetch))
                removeLoadedFields(sm, fields);

            //### select is kind of a big object, and in some cases we don't
            //### use it... would it be worth it to have a small shell select
            //### object that only creates a real select when actually used?

            Select sel = _sql.newSelect();
            if (select(sel, mapping, Select.SUBS_EXACT, sm, fields, jfetch,
                EagerFetchModes.EAGER_JOIN, true, false)) {
                sel.wherePrimaryKey(sm.getObjectId(), mapping, this);
                res = sel.execute(this, jfetch, lockLevel);
                try {
                   if (isEmptyResult(res))
                        return false;
                    load(mapping, sm, jfetch, res);
                } finally {

            // now allow the fields to load themselves individually too
            FieldMapping[] fms = mapping.getFieldMappings();
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      , field);
                ClassMapping rel = getDefaultElementMapping(false);
                    sm.getObjectId(), field.getDefiningMapping(), store);

                Result res = sel.execute(store, fetch);
                try {
                        (res.getInt(field) + 1);
                } finally {
            sm.storeObjectField(field.getIndex(), coll);

        // select data for this sm
        final ClassMapping[] elems = getIndependentElementMappings(true);
        final Joins[] resJoins = new Joins[Math.max(1, elems.length)];
        Union union = store.getSQLFactory().newUnion
            (Math.max(1, elems.length)); Union.Selector() {
            public void select(Select sel, int idx) {
                ClassMapping elem = (elems.length == 0) ? null : elems[idx];
                resJoins[idx] = selectAll(sel, elem, sm, store, fetch,

        // create proxy
        Object coll;
        ChangeTracker ct = null;
        if (field.getTypeCode() == JavaTypes.ARRAY)
            coll = new ArrayList();
        else {
            coll = sm.newProxy(field.getIndex());
            if (coll instanceof Proxy)
                ct = ((Proxy) coll).getChangeTracker();

        // load values
        Result res = union.execute(store, fetch);
        try {
            int seq = -1;
            while ( {
                if (ct != null && field.getOrderColumn() != null)
                    seq = res.getInt(field.getOrderColumn());
                add(store, coll, loadElement(sm, store, fetch, res,
            if (ct != null && field.getOrderColumn() != null)
                ct.setNextSequence(seq + 1);
        } finally {

        // set into sm
        if (field.getTypeCode() == JavaTypes.ARRAY)
            sm.storeObject(field.getIndex(), JavaTypes.toArray
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        Select sel = store.getSQLFactory().newSelect();;
        field.wherePrimaryKey(sel, sm, store);

        Result res = sel.execute(store, fetch);
        Object val = null;
        try {
            if (
                val = HandlerStrategies.loadDataStore(field, res, null, _cols);
        } finally {

        loadEmbedded(sm, store, fetch, val);
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            sel.wherePrimaryKey(mapping, cols, cols, oid, store,
              null, null, parmList);
        Result res = union.execute(store, fetch, parmList);
        try {
            Object val = null;
            if (
                val = res.load(rels[res.indexOf()], store, fetch,
            sm.storeObject(field.getIndex(), val);
        } finally {
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      , field);
                ClassMapping rel = getDefaultElementMapping(false);
                    sm.getObjectId(), field.getDefiningMapping(), store);

                Result res = sel.execute(store, fetch);
                try {
                        (res.getInt(field) + 1);
                } finally {
            sm.storeObjectField(field.getIndex(), coll);

        // select data for this sm
        final ClassMapping[] elems = getIndependentElementMappings(true);
        final Joins[] resJoins = new Joins[Math.max(1, elems.length)];
        Union union = store.getSQLFactory().newUnion
            (Math.max(1, elems.length)); Union.Selector() {
            public void select(Select sel, int idx) {
                ClassMapping elem = (elems.length == 0) ? null : elems[idx];
                resJoins[idx] = selectAll(sel, elem, sm, store, fetch,

        // create proxy
        Object coll;
        ChangeTracker ct = null;
        if (field.getTypeCode() == JavaTypes.ARRAY)
            coll = new ArrayList();
        else {
            coll = sm.newProxy(field.getIndex());
            if (coll instanceof Proxy)
                ct = ((Proxy) coll).getChangeTracker();

        // load values
        Result res = union.execute(store, fetch);
        try {
            int seq = -1;
            while ( {
                if (ct != null && field.getOrderColumn() != null)
                    seq = res.getInt(field.getOrderColumn());
                setMappedBy(sm.getObjectId(), sm, coll, res);
                 add(store, coll, loadElement(sm, store, fetch, res,
            if (ct != null && field.getOrderColumn() != null)
                ct.setNextSequence(seq + 1);
        } finally {

        // set into sm
        if (field.getTypeCode() == JavaTypes.ARRAY)
            sm.storeObject(field.getIndex(), JavaTypes.toArray
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    protected boolean initializeState(OpenJPAStateManager sm, PCState state,
        JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, ConnectionInfo info)
        throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException {
        Object oid = sm.getObjectId();
        ClassMapping mapping = (ClassMapping) sm.getMetaData();
        Result res = null;
        try {
            if (info != null && info.result != null) {
                res = info.result;
       = sm;
                if (info.mapping == null)
                    info.mapping = mapping;
                mapping = info.mapping;
            } else if (oid instanceof OpenJPAId
                && !((OpenJPAId) oid).hasSubclasses()) {
                Boolean custom = customLoad(sm, mapping, state, fetch);
                if (custom != null)
                    return custom.booleanValue();
                res = getInitializeStateResult(sm, mapping, fetch,
                if (res == null && !selectPrimaryKey(sm, mapping, fetch))
                    return false;
                if (isEmptyResult(res))
                    return false;
            } else {
                ClassMapping[] mappings = mapping.
                if (mappings.length == 1) {
                    mapping = mappings[0];
                    Boolean custom = customLoad(sm, mapping, state, fetch);
                    if (custom != null)
                        return custom.booleanValue();
                    res = getInitializeStateResult(sm, mapping, fetch,
                    if (res == null && !selectPrimaryKey(sm, mapping, fetch))
                        return false;
                } else
                    res = getInitializeStateUnionResult(sm, mapping, mappings,
                if (isEmptyResult(res))
                    return false;

            // figure out what type of object this is; the state manager
            // only guarantees to provide a base class
            Class<?> type;
            if ((type = getType(res, mapping)) == null) {
                if (res.getBaseMapping() != null)
                    mapping = res.getBaseMapping();
                try {
                    type = mapping.getDiscriminator().getClass(this, mapping,
                } finally {

            // initialize the state manager; this may change the mapping
            // and the object id instance if the type as determined
            // from the indicator is a subclass of expected type
            sm.initialize(type, state);

            if (info != null && info.result != null) {
                FieldMapping mappedByFieldMapping = info.result.
                Object mappedByObject = info.result.getMappedByValue();
                if (mappedByFieldMapping != null && mappedByObject != null)
                    if (mappedByObject instanceof OpenJPAId &&
                        mapping.getExtraFieldDataIndex(mappedByFieldMapping.getIndex()) != -1) {
                        // The inverse relation can not be set since
                        // we are eagerly loading this sm for
                        // a sm owner that is still in the process of
                        // initializing itself.
                        // Remember owner oid by setIntermediate().
                        // The inverse relation is set later by
                        // setInverseRelation() when the sm owner is fully
                        // initialized.
                        int index = mappedByFieldMapping.getIndex();
                        if (sm.getLoaded().get(index)) {
                            sm.setImplData(index, mappedByObject);
                        } else {
                            sm.setIntermediate(index, mappedByObject);
                    } else {
                        setMappedBy(sm, mappedByFieldMapping, mappedByObject);
            // load the selected mappings into the given state manager
            if (res != null) {
                // re-get the mapping in case the instance was a subclass
                mapping = (ClassMapping) sm.getMetaData();
                load(mapping, sm, fetch, res);
                getVersion(mapping, sm, res);
                setInverseRelation(sm, mapping, res);
            return true;
        } finally {
            if (res != null && (info == null || res != info.result))
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        if (!select(sel, mapping, subs, sm, null, fetch,
            JDBCFetchConfiguration.EAGER_JOIN, true, false))
            return null;
        sel.wherePrimaryKey(sm.getObjectId(), mapping, this);
        sel.setExpectedResultCount(1, false);
        Result result = sel.execute(this, fetch);
        cacheFinder(mapping, sel, fetch);
        return result;
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      [i], Select.SUBS_ANY_JOINABLE, store, fetch,
                sel.wherePrimaryKey(sm.getObjectId(), mappings[i], store);
        Result result = union.execute(this, fetch);
        cacheFinder(mapping, union, fetch);
        return result;
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            base = base.getJoinablePCSuperclassMapping();

        Select sel = _sql.newSelect();;
        sel.wherePrimaryKey(sm.getObjectId(), base, this);
        Result exists = sel.execute(this, fetch);
        try {
            if (isEmptyResult(exists))
                return false;

            // record locked?
            if (_active && _lm != null && exists.isLocking())
            return true;
        } finally {
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        FetchConfiguration fetch, int lockLevel, Object context) {
        JDBCFetchConfiguration jfetch = (JDBCFetchConfiguration) fetch;

        // get a connection, or reuse current one
        ConnectionInfo info = (ConnectionInfo) context;
        Result res = null;
        if (info != null) {
            // if initialize() fails to load required fields, then this method
            // is called; make sure not to try to use the given result if it's
            // the same one we just failed to completely initialize() with
            if ( != sm)
                res = info.result;
   = null;
        try {
            // if there's an existing result, load all we can from it
            ClassMapping mapping = (ClassMapping) sm.getMetaData();
            if (res != null) {
                load(mapping, sm, jfetch, res);
                removeLoadedFields(sm, fields);

            // if the instance is hollow and there's a customized
            // get by id method, use it
            if (sm.getLoaded().length() == 0
                && mapping.customLoad(sm, this, null, jfetch))
                removeLoadedFields(sm, fields);

            //### select is kind of a big object, and in some cases we don't
            //### use it... would it be worth it to have a small shell select
            //### object that only creates a real select when actually used?

            Select sel = _sql.newSelect();
            if (select(sel, mapping, Select.SUBS_EXACT, sm, fields, jfetch,
                EagerFetchModes.EAGER_JOIN, true, false)) {
                sel.wherePrimaryKey(sm.getObjectId(), mapping, this);
                res = sel.execute(this, jfetch, lockLevel);
                try {
                   if (isEmptyResult(res))
                        return false;
                    load(mapping, sm, jfetch, res);
                } finally {

            // now allow the fields to load themselves individually too
            FieldMapping[] fms = mapping.getFieldMappings();
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Related Classes of org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql.Result

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