Package org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta

Examples of org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.Joinable

        if (set && !canSetAny(io, fromCols.length, false))

        ClassMapping toMapping = (ClassMapping) to.getMetaData();
        Joinable join;
        Object val;
        for (int i = 0; i < toCols.length; i++) {
            // don't even translate join value if unsettable
            if (set) {
                if (_action == ACTION_INSERT && fromCols[i].isAutoAssigned())
                if (!canSet(io, i, false))

            join = toMapping.assertJoinable(toCols[i]);
            val = join.getJoinValue(to, toCols[i], (JDBCStore) to.
            if (set && val == null) {
                if (canSet(io, i, true))
            } else if (set && val instanceof Raw)
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        Object[] pks = null;
        if (mapping.getIdentityType() == ClassMapping.ID_APPLICATION)
            pks = ApplicationIds.toPKValues(oid, mapping);

        SQLBuffer buf = new SQLBuffer(_dict);
        Joinable join;
        Object val;
        int count = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < toCols.length; i++, count++) {
            if (pks == null)
                val = (oid == null) ? null : Numbers.valueOf(((Id) oid).getId());
            else {
                // must be app identity; use pk index to get correct pk value
                join = mapping.assertJoinable(toCols[i]);
                val = pks[mapping.getField(join.getFieldIndex()).
                val = join.getJoinValue(val, toCols[i], store);

            if (count > 0)
                buf.append(" AND ");
            buf.append(getColumnAlias(fromCols[i], pj));
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        Object[] pks = null;
        if (mapping.getIdentityType() == ClassMapping.ID_APPLICATION)
            pks = ApplicationIds.toPKValues(oid, mapping);

        SQLBuffer buf = new SQLBuffer(_dict);
        Joinable join;
        Object val;
        int count = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < toCols.length; i++, count++) {
            if (pks == null)
                val = (oid == null) ? null :
                        Numbers.valueOf(((Id) oid).getId());
            else {
                // must be app identity; use pk index to get correct pk value
                join = mapping.assertJoinable(toCols[i]);
                val = pks[mapping.getField(join.getFieldIndex()).
                val = join.getJoinValue(val, toCols[i], store);

            if (count > 0)
                buf.append(" AND ");
            buf.append(getColumnAlias(fromCols[i], pj));
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        if (set && !canSetAny(io, fromCols.length, false))

        ClassMapping toMapping = (ClassMapping) to.getMetaData();
        Joinable join;
        Object val;
        for (int i = 0; i < toCols.length; i++) {
            // don't even translate join value if unsettable
            if (set) {
                if (_action == ACTION_INSERT && fromCols[i].isAutoAssigned())
                if (!canSet(io, i, false))

            join = toMapping.assertJoinable(toCols[i]);
            if (oid != null)
                val = join.getJoinValue(oid, toCols[i], (JDBCStore) to.
                val = join.getJoinValue(to, toCols[i], (JDBCStore) to.
            if (set && val == null) {
                if (canSet(io, i, true))
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        // map joinables
        Joinable join;
        Column[] cols;
        for (int i = 0; i < pkCols.length; i++) {
            // may have already registered a multi-column joinable
            if (cls.getJoinable(pkCols[i]) != null)

            // create joinable that delegates all methods to the superclass'
            // joinable, but changes the columns as appropriate using
            // our superclass join fk
            join = sup.assertJoinable(fk.getPrimaryKeyColumn(pkCols[i]));
            join = new DelegatingJoinable(join, fk);
            cols = join.getColumns();
            for (int j = 0; j < cols.length; j++)
                cls.setJoinable(cols[j], join);
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        while (!mapping.isPrimaryKeyObjectId(false))
            mapping = mapping.getJoinablePCSuperclassMapping();

        Column[] cols = mapping.getPrimaryKeyColumns();
        Object[] vals = new Object[cols.length];
        Joinable join;
        for (int i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) {
            join = mapping.assertJoinable(cols[i]);
            vals[i] = pks[mapping.getField(join.getFieldIndex()).
            vals[i] = join.getJoinValue(vals[i], cols[i],;
        return vals;
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            throw new InternalException();
        Object savedFieldVal = fieldVal;

        ClassMapping relmapping = field.getTypeMapping();
        Joinable j = field.getTypeMapping().assertJoinable(col);
        if (ImplHelper.isManageable(fieldVal) && !field.getDefiningMetaData().useIdClassFromParent())
            fieldVal = store.getContext().getObjectId(fieldVal);
        if (fieldVal instanceof OpenJPAId)
            fieldVal = ((OpenJPAId) fieldVal).getIdObject();
        if (relmapping.getObjectIdType() != null
            && relmapping.getObjectIdType().isInstance(fieldVal)) {
            Object[] pks = ApplicationIds.toPKValues(fieldVal, relmapping);
            fieldVal = pks[relmapping.getField(j.getFieldIndex()).
        } else if (relmapping.getObjectIdType() == ObjectId.class &&
            relmapping.getPrimaryKeyFieldMappings()[0].getValueMapping().isEmbedded()) {
            if (fieldVal == null)
                return j.getJoinValue(savedFieldVal, col, store);
            return j.getJoinValue(fieldVal, col, store);
        return j.getJoinValue(fieldVal, col, store);
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        if (set && !canSetAny(io, fromCols.length, false))

        ClassMapping toMapping = (ClassMapping) to.getMetaData();
        Joinable join;
        Object val;
        for (int i = 0; i < toCols.length; i++) {
            // don't even translate join value if unsettable
            if (set) {
                if (_action == ACTION_INSERT && fromCols[i].isAutoAssigned())
                if (!canSet(io, i, false))

            join = toMapping.assertJoinable(toCols[i]);
            val = join.getJoinValue(to, toCols[i], (JDBCStore) to.
            if (set && val == null) {
                if (canSet(io, i, true))
            } else if (set && val instanceof Raw)
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        col = field.getForeignKey().getPrimaryKeyColumn(col);
        if (col == null)
            throw new InternalException();

        ClassMapping relmapping = field.getTypeMapping();
        Joinable j = field.getTypeMapping().assertJoinable(col);
        if (ImplHelper.isManageable(fieldVal))
            fieldVal = store.getContext().getObjectId(fieldVal);
        if (fieldVal instanceof OpenJPAId)
            fieldVal = ((OpenJPAId) fieldVal).getIdObject();
        if (relmapping.getObjectIdType() != null
            && relmapping.getObjectIdType().isInstance(fieldVal)) {
            Object[] pks = ApplicationIds.toPKValues(fieldVal, relmapping);
            fieldVal = pks[relmapping.getField(j.getFieldIndex()).
        return j.getJoinValue(fieldVal, col, store);
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      boolean collectParmValueOnly = (parmList != null ? true : false);
        Object[] pks = null;
        if (mapping.getIdentityType() == ClassMapping.ID_APPLICATION)
            pks = ApplicationIds.toPKValues(oid, mapping);

        Joinable join;
        Object val;
        int count = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < toCols.length; i++, count++) {
            if (pks == null)
                val = (oid == null) ? null : Numbers.valueOf(((Id) oid).getId());
            else {
                // must be app identity; use pk index to get correct pk value
                join = mapping.assertJoinable(toCols[i]);
                val = pks[mapping.getField(join.getFieldIndex()).
                val = join.getJoinValue(val, toCols[i], store);
                if (parmList != null && val != null) {
                    // if val is null we will have already appended an is NULL clause.
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Related Classes of org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.Joinable

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