FieldMapping fmd = (FieldMapping) path.last();
if (fmd.isVersion())
augmentUpdates = false;
Val val = (Val) next.getValue();
if (val == null)
val = new Null();
Column col = fmd.getColumns()[0];
if (allowAlias) {
} else {
sql.append(" = ");
ExpState state = val.initialize(sel, ctx, 0);
// JDBC Paths are always PCPaths; PCPath implements Val
ExpState pathState = ((Val) path).initialize(sel, ctx, 0);
calculateValue(val, sel, ctx, state, path, pathState);
// append the value with a null for the Select; i
// indicates that the
int length = val.length(sel, ctx, state);
for (int j = 0; j < length; j++)
val.appendTo((allowAlias) ? sel : null, ctx, state, sql, j);
if (i.hasNext())
sql.append(", ");