final boolean embedded = SystemInstance.get().hasProperty(EJBContainer.class.getName());
final Options options = SystemInstance.get().getOptions();
if (options.get("openejb.system.apps", false)) {
try {
final AppInfo appInfo = configureApplication(new AppModule(SystemApps.getSystemModule()));
// they doesn't use CDI so no need to activate it
// 1) will be faster
// 2) will let embedded containers (tomee-embedded mainly) not be noised by it in our singleton service
appInfo.properties.put("openejb.cdi.activated", "false");
} catch (final OpenEJBException e) {
logger.error("Unable to load the system applications.", e);
} else if (options.get(DEPLOYMENTS_CLASSPATH_PROPERTY, !embedded)) {
final ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
final ArrayList<File> jarFiles = getModulesFromClassPath(declaredApps, classLoader);
final String appId = "classpath.ear";
final boolean classpathAsEar = options.get(CLASSPATH_AS_EAR, true);
try {
if (classpathAsEar && !jarFiles.isEmpty()) {
final AppInfo appInfo = configureApplication(classLoader, appId, jarFiles);