Package org.apache.openejb.jee.oejb3

Examples of org.apache.openejb.jee.oejb3.EjbDeployment

        return ejbJar;

    private void initJndiNames(Map<String, EjbDeployment> ejbds, EnterpriseBean bean, EnterpriseBeanInfo info) {
        EjbDeployment deployment = ejbds.get(info.ejbName);
        if (deployment != null) for (Jndi jndi : deployment.getJndi()) {
            JndiNameInfo jndiNameInfo = new JndiNameInfo();
            jndiNameInfo.intrface = jndi.getInterface();
   = jndi.getName();
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    private MethodInfo getMethodInfo(Method method, Map ejbds) {
        MethodInfo methodInfo = new MethodInfo();

        EjbDeployment d = (EjbDeployment) ejbds.get(method.getEjbName());

        methodInfo.description = method.getDescription();
        methodInfo.ejbDeploymentId = (d == null)?null:d.getDeploymentId();
        methodInfo.ejbName = method.getEjbName();
        methodInfo.methodIntf = (method.getMethodIntf() == null) ? null : method.getMethodIntf().toString();
        methodInfo.methodName = method.getMethodName();
        if (methodInfo.methodName == null || methodInfo.methodName.equals("")){
            methodInfo.methodName = "*";
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        copyAsynchronous(s.getAsyncMethod(), bean.asynchronous);

        EjbDeployment d = (EjbDeployment) m.get(s.getEjbName());
        if (d == null) {
            throw new OpenEJBException("No deployment information in openejb-jar.xml for bean "
                    + s.getEjbName()
                    + ". Please redeploy the jar");
        bean.ejbDeploymentId = d.getDeploymentId();
        bean.containerId = d.getContainerId();

        Icon icon = s.getIcon();
        bean.largeIcon = (icon == null) ? null : icon.getLargeIcon();
        bean.smallIcon = (icon == null) ? null : icon.getSmallIcon();
        bean.description = s.getDescription();
        bean.displayName = s.getDisplayName();
        bean.ejbClass = s.getEjbClass();
        bean.ejbName = s.getEjbName();
        bean.home = s.getHome();
        bean.remote = s.getRemote();
        bean.localHome = s.getLocalHome();
        bean.local = s.getLocal();
        TransactionType txType = s.getTransactionType();
        bean.transactionType = (txType != null)?txType.toString(): TransactionType.CONTAINER.toString();
        bean.serviceEndpoint = s.getServiceEndpoint();;

        bean.statefulTimeout = toInfo(s.getStatefulTimeout());

        bean.restService = s.isRestService() && !(s instanceof StatefulBean);
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        copyCallbacks(mdb.getPostConstruct(), bean.postConstruct);
        copyCallbacks(mdb.getPreDestroy(), bean.preDestroy);

        copySchedules(mdb.getTimer(), bean.methodScheduleInfos);

        EjbDeployment d = (EjbDeployment) m.get(mdb.getEjbName());
        if (d == null) {
            throw new OpenEJBException("No deployment information in openejb-jar.xml for bean "
                    + mdb.getEjbName()
                    + ". Please redeploy the jar");
        bean.ejbDeploymentId = d.getDeploymentId();
        bean.containerId = d.getContainerId();

        Icon icon = mdb.getIcon();
        bean.largeIcon = (icon == null) ? null : icon.getLargeIcon();
        bean.smallIcon = (icon == null) ? null : icon.getSmallIcon();
        bean.description = mdb.getDescription();
        bean.displayName = mdb.getDisplayName();
        bean.ejbClass = mdb.getEjbClass();
        bean.ejbName = mdb.getEjbName();
        TransactionType txType = mdb.getTransactionType();
        bean.transactionType = (txType != null)?txType.toString(): TransactionType.CONTAINER.toString();;

        if (mdb.getMessagingType() != null) {
            bean.mdbInterface = mdb.getMessagingType();
        } else {
            bean.mdbInterface = "javax.jms.MessageListener";

        ResourceLink resourceLink = d.getResourceLink("openejb/destination");
        if (resourceLink != null) {
            bean.destinationId = resourceLink.getResId();

        if (mdb.getMessageDestinationType() != null) {
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    private EnterpriseBeanInfo initEntityBean(EntityBean e, Map m) throws OpenEJBException {
        EntityBeanInfo bean = new EntityBeanInfo();

        EjbDeployment d = (EjbDeployment) m.get(e.getEjbName());
        if (d == null) {
            throw new OpenEJBException("No deployment information in openejb-jar.xml for bean "
                    + e.getEjbName()
                    + ". Please redeploy the jar");
        bean.ejbDeploymentId = d.getDeploymentId();
        bean.containerId = d.getContainerId();

        Icon icon = e.getIcon();
        bean.largeIcon = (icon == null) ? null : icon.getLargeIcon();
        bean.smallIcon = (icon == null) ? null : icon.getSmallIcon();
        bean.description = e.getDescription();
        bean.displayName = e.getDisplayName();
        bean.ejbClass = e.getEjbClass();
        bean.abstractSchemaName = e.getAbstractSchemaName();
        bean.ejbName = e.getEjbName();
        bean.home = e.getHome();
        bean.remote = e.getRemote();
        bean.localHome = e.getLocalHome();
        bean.local = e.getLocal();
        bean.transactionType = "Container";

        bean.primKeyClass = e.getPrimKeyClass();
        bean.primKeyField = e.getPrimkeyField();
        bean.persistenceType = e.getPersistenceType().toString();
        bean.reentrant = e.getReentrant() + "";;

        CmpVersion cmpVersion = e.getCmpVersion();
        if (e.getPersistenceType() == PersistenceType.CONTAINER) {
            if (cmpVersion != null && cmpVersion == CmpVersion.CMP1){
                bean.cmpVersion = 1;
            } else {
                bean.cmpVersion = 2;

        List<CmpField> cmpFields = e.getCmpField();
        for (CmpField cmpField : cmpFields) {

        if (bean.persistenceType.equalsIgnoreCase("Container")) {
            for (Query q : e.getQuery()) {
                QueryInfo query = new QueryInfo();
                query.queryStatement = q.getEjbQl().trim();

                MethodInfo method = new MethodInfo();
                method.ejbName = bean.ejbName;
                method.className = "*";

                QueryMethod qm = q.getQueryMethod();
                method.methodName = qm.getMethodName();
                if (qm.getMethodParams() != null) {
                    method.methodParams = qm.getMethodParams().getMethodParam();
                query.method = method;
                ResultTypeMapping resultType = q.getResultTypeMapping();
                if (ResultTypeMapping.REMOTE.equals(resultType)) {
                    query.remoteResultType = true;

            for (org.apache.openejb.jee.oejb3.Query q : d.getQuery()) {
                QueryInfo query = new QueryInfo();
                query.description = q.getDescription();
                query.queryStatement = q.getObjectQl().trim();

                MethodInfo method = new MethodInfo();
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            Map<String, EjbDeployment> ejbDeployments = ejbModule.getOpenejbJar().getDeploymentsByEjbName();

            for (EnterpriseBean enterpriseBean : ejbModule.getEjbJar().getEnterpriseBeans()) {

                // Get the OpenEJB deployment from openejb-jar.xml
                EjbDeployment ejbDeployment = ejbDeployments.get(enterpriseBean.getEjbName());


                // Copy all links over to mappedName

                for (ResourceRef ref : enterpriseBean.getResourceRef()) {
                    ResourceLink resourceLink = ejbDeployment.getResourceLink(ref.getName());
                    if (resourceLink != null && resourceLink.getResId() != null /* don't overwrite with null */) {

                for (ResourceEnvRef ref : enterpriseBean.getResourceEnvRef()) {
                    ResourceLink resourceLink = ejbDeployment.getResourceLink(ref.getName());
                    if (resourceLink != null && resourceLink.getResId() != null /* don't overwrite with null */) {

                for (MessageDestinationRef ref : enterpriseBean.getMessageDestinationRef()) {
                    ResourceLink resourceLink = ejbDeployment.getResourceLink(ref.getName());
                    if (resourceLink != null && resourceLink.getResId() != null /* don't overwrite with null */) {

                for (EjbRef ref : enterpriseBean.getEjbRef()) {
                    EjbLink ejbLink = ejbDeployment.getEjbLink(ref.getName());
                    if (ejbLink != null && ejbLink.getDeployentId() != null /* don't overwrite with null */) {

                for (EjbLocalRef ref : enterpriseBean.getEjbLocalRef()) {
                    EjbLink ejbLink = ejbDeployment.getEjbLink(ref.getName());
                    if (ejbLink != null && ejbLink.getDeployentId() != null /* don't overwrite with null */) {
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                // todo warn no such ejb in the ejb-jar.xml
            Map<String,EjbRef> ejbRefs =  ejb.getEjbRefMap();

            EjbDeployment deployment = deployments.get(enterpriseBean.getEjbName());
            if (deployment == null) {
                // todo warn no such ejb in the ejb-jar.xml
            // Add WS Security
            if (enterpriseBean instanceof SessionBeanType) {
                SessionBeanType sessionBean = (SessionBeanType) enterpriseBean;
                WebServiceSecurityType webServiceSecurityType = sessionBean.getWebServiceSecurity();

                if (webServiceSecurityType != null) {

                    if (webServiceSecurityType.getRealmName() != null) {
                        deployment.addProperty("", webServiceSecurityType.getRealmName());

                    if (webServiceSecurityType.getSecurityRealmName() != null) {
                        deployment.addProperty("", webServiceSecurityType.getSecurityRealmName());

                    if (webServiceSecurityType.getTransportGuarantee() != null) {
                        deployment.addProperty("", webServiceSecurityType.getTransportGuarantee().value());
                    } else {
                        deployment.addProperty("", "NONE");

                    if (webServiceSecurityType.getAuthMethod() != null) {
                        deployment.addProperty("", webServiceSecurityType.getAuthMethod().value());
                    } else {
                        deployment.addProperty("", "NONE");


            for (String name : enterpriseBean.getLocalJndiName()) {
                deployment.getJndi().add(new org.apache.openejb.jee.oejb3.Jndi(name, "LocalHome"));

            for (String name : enterpriseBean.getJndiName()) {
                deployment.getJndi().add(new org.apache.openejb.jee.oejb3.Jndi(name, "RemoteHome"));

            for (Jndi jndi : enterpriseBean.getJndi()) {
                deployment.getJndi().add(new org.apache.openejb.jee.oejb3.Jndi(jndi.getName(), jndi.getInterface()));

            Set<String> ejbLinks =  new TreeSet<String>();
            for (EjbLink ejbLink : deployment.getEjbLink()) {

            for (EjbRefType refType : enterpriseBean.getEjbRef()) {
                String refName = refType.getRefName();
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        if (weblogicEjbJar == null) return;
        if (weblogicEjbJar.getWeblogicEnterpriseBean().size() == 0) return;

        for (WeblogicEnterpriseBean ejb : weblogicEjbJar.getWeblogicEnterpriseBean()) {

            EjbDeployment deployment = openejbJar.getDeploymentsByEjbName().get(ejb.getEjbName());
            if (deployment == null) {
                // warn no matching deployment

            // JNDI name of the remote home (legacy remote interface)
            if (ejb.getJndiName() != null) {
                deployment.getJndi().add(new Jndi(ejb.getJndiName(), "RemoteHome"));

            // JNDI name of the remote home (legacy remote interface)
            if (ejb.getLocalJndiName() != null) {
                deployment.getJndi().add(new Jndi(ejb.getLocalJndiName(), "LocalHome"));

            // TODO: What would be the default JNDI name for a business remote interface?
            //deployment.getJndi().add(new Jndi("{theFormat}", "Remote"));
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                EjbJarInfo ejbJarInfo = ejbJarInfoBuilder.buildInfo(ejbModule);

                Map<String, EjbDeployment> deploymentsByEjbName = ejbModule.getOpenejbJar().getDeploymentsByEjbName();

                for (EnterpriseBeanInfo bean : ejbJarInfo.enterpriseBeans) {
                    EjbDeployment d = deploymentsByEjbName.get(bean.ejbName);

                     * JRG - there's probably a better way of handling this, but this code handles the case when:
                     * A connector with two or more inbound adapter is registered, causing two containers named with the format:
                     *   <moduleId>-<message listener interface>
                     * This code adjusts the container id for the associated MDBs by sticking the message listener interface on the end.
                    if (bean instanceof MessageDrivenBeanInfo && !containerIds.contains(d.getContainerId()) && !skipMdb(bean)) {
                    MessageDrivenBeanInfo mdb = (MessageDrivenBeanInfo) bean;
                    String newContainerId = d.getContainerId() + "-" + mdb.mdbInterface;
                    if (containerIds.contains(newContainerId)) {

                    if (!containerIds.contains(d.getContainerId()) && !skipMdb(bean)) {
                        String msg = messages.format("config.noContainerFound", d.getContainerId(), d.getEjbName());
                        throw new OpenEJBException(msg);

                    bean.containerId = d.getContainerId();

                ejbJarInfo.validationInfo = ValidatorBuilder.getInfo(ejbModule.getValidationConfig());
                ejbJarInfo.uniqueId = ejbModule.getUniqueId();
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        OpenejbJar openejbJar = (OpenejbJar) altDD;
        Map<String, EjbDeployment> deploymentsByEjbName = openejbJar.getDeploymentsByEjbName();
        for (PortInfo portInfo : infoList) {
            EjbDeployment deployment = deploymentsByEjbName.get(portInfo.serviceLink);
            if (deployment == null) continue;
            portInfo.realmName = deployment.getProperties().getProperty("");
            portInfo.securityRealmName = deployment.getProperties().getProperty("");
            if (deployment.getProperties().getProperty("") != null) {
                portInfo.transportGuarantee = deployment.getProperties().getProperty("");
            } else {
                portInfo.transportGuarantee = "NONE";

            if (deployment.getProperties().getProperty("") != null) {
                portInfo.authMethod = deployment.getProperties().getProperty("");
            } else {
                portInfo.authMethod = "NONE";
   = deployment.getProperties();
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Related Classes of org.apache.openejb.jee.oejb3.EjbDeployment

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