final String fieldName = bean.getPrimkeyField();
final MappedSuperclass superclass = superclassByField.get(fieldName);
// this need not be here...for CMP 2.x, these are generally autogenerated fields.
if (superclass != null) {
// ok, add this field to the superclass mapping
superclass.addField(new Id(fieldName));
// the direct mapping is an over ride
mapping.addField(new AttributeOverride(fieldName));
} else {
// this is a normal generated field, it will be in the main class mapping.
mapping.addField(new Id(fieldName));
} else if ("java.lang.Object".equals(bean.getPrimKeyClass())) {
// the automatically generated keys use a special property name
// and will always be in the generated superclass.
final String fieldName = "OpenEJB_pk";
final Id field = new Id(fieldName);
field.setGeneratedValue(new GeneratedValue(GenerationType.AUTO));
} else if (bean.getPrimKeyClass() != null) {
final Class<?> pkClass;
try {
pkClass = classLoader.loadClass(bean.getPrimKeyClass());
MappedSuperclass idclass = null;
// now validate the primary class fields against the bean cmp fields
// to make sure everything maps correctly.
for (final Field pkField : pkClass.getFields()) {
final String pkFieldName = pkField.getName();
final int modifiers = pkField.getModifiers();
if (Modifier.isPublic(modifiers) && !Modifier.isStatic(modifiers) && allFields.contains(pkFieldName)) {
// see if the bean field is concretely defined in one of the superclasses
final MappedSuperclass superclass = superclassByField.get(pkFieldName);
if (superclass != null) {
// ok, we have an override that needs to be specified at the main class level.
superclass.addField(new Id(pkFieldName));
mapping.addField(new AttributeOverride(pkFieldName));
idclass = resolveIdClass(idclass, superclass, beanClass);
} else {
// this field will be autogenerated
mapping.addField(new Id(pkFieldName));
// if we've located an ID class, set it as such