// todo scan existing persistence module for all entity mappings and don't generate mappings for them
// create mappings if no mappings currently exist
EntityMappings cmpMappings = appModule.getCmpMappings();
if (cmpMappings == null) {
cmpMappings = new EntityMappings();
// we process this one jar-file at a time...each contributing to the
// app mapping data
for (final EjbModule ejbModule : appModule.getEjbModules()) {
final EjbJar ejbJar = ejbModule.getEjbJar();
// scan for CMP entity beans and merge the data into the collective set
for (final EnterpriseBean enterpriseBean : ejbJar.getEnterpriseBeans()) {
if (isCmpEntity(enterpriseBean)) {
processEntityBean(ejbModule, cmpMappings, (EntityBean) enterpriseBean);
// if there are relationships defined in this jar, get a list of the defined
// entities and process the relationship maps.
final Relationships relationships = ejbJar.getRelationships();
if (relationships != null) {
final Map<String, Entity> entitiesByEjbName = new TreeMap<String, Entity>();
for (final Entity entity : cmpMappings.getEntity()) {
entitiesByEjbName.put(entity.getEjbName(), entity);
for (final EjbRelation relation : relationships.getEjbRelation()) {
processRelationship(entitiesByEjbName, relation);
// Let's warn the user about any declarations we didn't end up using
// so there can be no misunderstandings.
final EntityMappings userMappings = getUserEntityMappings(ejbModule);
for (final Entity mapping : userMappings.getEntity()) {
logger.warning("openejb-cmp-orm.xml mapping ignored: module=" + ejbModule.getModuleId() + ": <entity class=\"" + mapping.getClazz() + "\">");
for (final MappedSuperclass mapping : userMappings.getMappedSuperclass()) {
logger.warning("openejb-cmp-orm.xml mapping ignored: module=" + ejbModule.getModuleId() + ": <mapped-superclass class=\"" + mapping.getClazz() + "\">");