Package org.apache.openejb.jee.jpa

Examples of org.apache.openejb.jee.jpa.Entity


        // Look for an existing mapping using the openejb generated subclass name
        Entity entity = removeEntity(userMappings, jpaEntityClassName);

        // DMB: For the first iteration, we're not going to allow
        // anything other than the ugly mapping file we generate.
        // So if they supplied an entity, it better be correct
        // because we are going to ignore all other xml metadata.
        if (entity != null) {
            // XmlMetadataComplete is an OpenEJB specific flag that
            // tells all other legacy descriptor converters to keep
            // their hands off.



// This section is an in progress TODO
//        if (entity == null){
//            entity = removeEntity(userMappings, ejbClass.getName());
//            // OVERWRITE: class: impl class name
//            if (entity != null) {
//                entity.setClazz(jpaEntityClassName);
//                if (Modifier.isAbstract(ejbClass.getModifiers())){
//                    // This is a CMP2 bean and we allowed the user to
//                    // define it via the orm.xml file as an <entity>
//                    // We need to split this definition.  We need
//                    // an <entity> definition for the generated subclass
//                    // and a <mapped-superclass> for the bean class
//                }
//            }
//        }

        if (entity == null) {
            entity = new Entity(jpaEntityClassName);

        // Aggressively add an "Attributes" instance so we don't
        // have to check for null everywhere.
        if (entity.getAttributes() == null) {
            entity.setAttributes(new Attributes());

        // add the entity

        // OVERWRITE: description: contains the name of the entity bean
        entity.setDescription(ejbModule.getModuleId() + "#" + bean.getEjbName());

        // PRESERVE has queries: name: the name of the entity in queries
        final String entityName = bean.getAbstractSchemaName();

        final ClassLoader classLoader = ejbModule.getClassLoader();
        final Collection<MappedSuperclass> mappedSuperclasses;
        if (bean.getCmpVersion() == CmpVersion.CMP2) {
            // perform the 2.x class mapping.  This really just identifies the primary key and
            // other cmp fields that will be generated for the concrete class and identify them
            // to JPA.
            mappedSuperclasses = mapClass2x(entity, bean, classLoader);
        } else {
            // map the cmp class, but if we are using a mapped super class,
            // generate attribute-override instead of id and basic
            mappedSuperclasses = mapClass1x(bean.getEjbClass(), entity, bean, classLoader);

        // if we have superclass mappings to process, add those to the
        // configuration. f
        if (mappedSuperclasses != null) {
            // now that things are mapped out, add the superclass mappings to the entity mappings
            // that will get passed to the JPA engine.
            for (final MappedSuperclass mappedSuperclass : mappedSuperclasses) {

        // process queries
        for (final Query query : bean.getQuery()) {
            final NamedQuery namedQuery = new NamedQuery();
            final QueryMethod queryMethod = query.getQueryMethod();

            // todo deployment id could change in one of the later conversions... use entity name instead, but we need to save it off
            final StringBuilder name = new StringBuilder();
            if (queryMethod.getMethodParams() != null && !queryMethod.getMethodParams().getMethodParam().isEmpty()) {
                boolean first = true;
                for (final String methodParam : queryMethod.getMethodParams().getMethodParam()) {
                    if (!first) {
                    first = false;


        // todo: there should be a common interface between ejb query object and openejb query object
        final OpenejbJar openejbJar = ejbModule.getOpenejbJar();
        final EjbDeployment ejbDeployment = openejbJar.getDeploymentsByEjbName().get(bean.getEjbName());
        if (ejbDeployment != null) {
            for (final org.apache.openejb.jee.oejb3.Query query : ejbDeployment.getQuery()) {
                final NamedQuery namedQuery = new NamedQuery();
                final org.apache.openejb.jee.oejb3.QueryMethod queryMethod = query.getQueryMethod();

                // todo deployment id could change in one of the later conversions... use entity name instead, but we need to save it off
                final StringBuilder name = new StringBuilder();
                if (queryMethod.getMethodParams() != null && !queryMethod.getMethodParams().getMethodParam().isEmpty()) {
                    boolean first = true;
                    for (final String methodParam : queryMethod.getMethodParams().getMethodParam()) {
                        if (!first) {
                        first = false;

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    private Entity removeEntity(final EntityMappings userMappings, final String className) {
        final Entity entity;

        entity = userMappings.getEntityMap().get(className);
        if (entity != null) {
        return entity;
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        // get left entity
        final EjbRelationshipRole leftRole = roles.get(0);
        final RelationshipRoleSource leftRoleSource = leftRole.getRelationshipRoleSource();
        final String leftEjbName = leftRoleSource == null ? null : leftRoleSource.getEjbName();
        final Entity leftEntity = entitiesByEjbName.get(leftEjbName);

        // get right entity
        final EjbRelationshipRole rightRole = roles.get(1);
        final RelationshipRoleSource rightRoleSource = rightRole.getRelationshipRoleSource();
        final String rightEjbName = rightRoleSource == null ? null : rightRoleSource.getEjbName();
        final Entity rightEntity = entitiesByEjbName.get(rightEjbName);

        // neither left or right have a mapping which is fine
        if (leftEntity == null && rightEntity == null) {
        // left not found?
        if (leftEntity == null) {
            throw new OpenEJBException("Role source " + leftEjbName + " defined in relationship role " +
                relation.getEjbRelationName() + "::" + leftRole.getEjbRelationshipRoleName() + " not found");
        // right not found?
        if (rightEntity == null) {
            throw new OpenEJBException("Role source " + rightEjbName + " defined in relationship role " +
                relation.getEjbRelationName() + "::" + rightRole.getEjbRelationshipRoleName() + " not found");

        final Attributes rightAttributes = rightEntity.getAttributes();
        final Map<String, RelationField> rightRelationships = rightAttributes.getRelationshipFieldMap();
        final Attributes leftAttributes = leftEntity.getAttributes();
        final Map<String, RelationField> leftRelationships = leftAttributes.getRelationshipFieldMap();

        String leftFieldName = null;
        boolean leftSynthetic = false;
        if (leftRole.getCmrField() != null) {
            leftFieldName = leftRole.getCmrField().getCmrFieldName();
        } else {
            leftFieldName = rightEntity.getName() + "_" + rightRole.getCmrField().getCmrFieldName();
            leftSynthetic = true;
        final boolean leftIsOne = leftRole.getMultiplicity() == Multiplicity.ONE;

        String rightFieldName = null;
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Related Classes of org.apache.openejb.jee.jpa.Entity

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