Package org.apache.openejb.jee

Examples of org.apache.openejb.jee.WebApp

        assert targetPath != null : "targetPath is null";
        assert !targetPath.endsWith("/") : "targetPath must not end with a '/'";

        // parse the spec dd
        String specDD = null;
        WebApp webApp = null;
        try {
            if (specDDUrl == null) {
                specDDUrl = JarUtils.createJarURL(moduleFile, "WEB-INF/web.xml");

            // read in the entire specDD as a string, we need this for getDeploymentDescriptor
            // on the J2ee management object
            specDD = JarUtils.readAll(specDDUrl);

            InputStream in = null;

            // firstly validate the DD xml file, if it is defined by a schema.
            if (identifySpecDDSchemaVersion(specDD) >= 2.4f){
                in = specDDUrl.openStream();
                try {
                    JaxbJavaee.validateJavaee(JavaeeSchema.WEB_APP_3_0, in);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new DeploymentException("Error validate web.xml for " + targetPath, e);
                } finally {
                    if (in != null)

            // we found web.xml, if it won't parse that's an error.
            in = specDDUrl.openStream();
            try {
                webApp = (WebApp) JaxbJavaee.unmarshalJavaee(WebApp.class, in);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // Output the target path in the error to make it clearer to the user which webapp
                // has the problem. The targetPath is used, as moduleFile may have an unhelpful
                // value such as C:\geronimo-1.1\var\temp\geronimo-deploymentUtil22826.tmpdir
                throw new DeploymentException("Error unmarshal web.xml for " + targetPath, e);
            } finally {
                if (in != null)

        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (e instanceof DeploymentException) {
                throw new DeploymentException(e);

            if (!moduleFile.getName().endsWith(".war")) {
                //not for us
                return null;
            //else ignore as jee5 allows optional spec dd for .war's

        if (webApp == null) {
            webApp = new WebApp();

        Deployable deployable = new DeployableJarFile(moduleFile);
        // parse vendor dd
        boolean standAlone = earEnvironment == null;
        TomcatWebAppType tomcatWebApp = getTomcatWebApp(plan, deployable, standAlone, targetPath, webApp);
        contextRoot = getContextRoot(tomcatWebApp, contextRoot, webApp, standAlone, moduleFile, targetPath);

        EnvironmentType environmentType = tomcatWebApp.getEnvironment();
        Environment environment = EnvironmentBuilder.buildEnvironment(environmentType, defaultEnvironment);

        if (webApp.getDistributable().size() == 1) {
            clusteringBuilders.buildEnvironment(tomcatWebApp, environment);

        if (!standAlone && COMBINED_BUNDLE) {
            EnvironmentBuilder.mergeEnvironments(earEnvironment, environment);
            environment = earEnvironment;

        // Note: logic elsewhere depends on the default artifact ID being the file name less extension (ConfigIDExtractor)
        String warName = new File(moduleFile.getName()).getName();
        if (warName.lastIndexOf('.') > -1) {
            warName = warName.substring(0, warName.lastIndexOf('.'));
        idBuilder.resolve(environment, warName, "war");

        AbstractName moduleName;
        AbstractName earName;
        if (parentModule == null) {
            earName = naming.createRootName(environment.getConfigId(), NameFactory.NULL, NameFactory.J2EE_APPLICATION);
            moduleName = naming.createChildName(earName, environment.getConfigId().toString(), NameFactory.WEB_MODULE);
        } else {
            earName = parentModule.getModuleName();
            moduleName = naming.createChildName(earName, targetPath, NameFactory.WEB_MODULE);

        String name = webApp.getModuleName();
        if (name == null) {
            if (standAlone) {
                name = FileUtils.removeExtension(new File(moduleFile.getName()).getName(), ".war");
            } else {
                name = FileUtils.removeExtension(targetPath, ".war");
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        EARContext moduleContext = module.getEarContext();
        Bundle webBundle = moduleContext.getDeploymentBundle();
        AbstractName moduleName = module.getModuleName();
        WebModule webModule = (WebModule) module;

        WebApp webApp = webModule.getSpecDD();

        TomcatWebAppType tomcatWebApp = (TomcatWebAppType) webModule.getVendorDD();

        GBeanData webModuleData = new GBeanData(moduleName, TomcatWebAppContext.class);
        configureBasicWebModuleAttributes(webApp, tomcatWebApp, moduleContext, earContext, webModule, webModuleData);
        String contextPath = webModule.getContextRoot();
        if (!contextPath.startsWith("/")) {
            contextPath = "/" + contextPath;
        try {
            Map<String, String> contextAttributes = new HashMap<String, String>();
            webModuleData.setAttribute("contextPath", contextPath);
            // unsharableResources, applicationManagedSecurityResources
            GBeanResourceEnvironmentBuilder rebuilder = new GBeanResourceEnvironmentBuilder(webModuleData);
            //N.B. use earContext not moduleContext
            resourceEnvironmentSetter.setResourceEnvironment(rebuilder, webApp.getResourceRef(), tomcatWebApp.getResourceRefArray());

            if (tomcatWebApp.isSetWebContainer()) {
                AbstractNameQuery webContainerName = ENCConfigBuilder.getGBeanQuery(GBeanInfoBuilder.DEFAULT_J2EE_TYPE, tomcatWebApp.getWebContainer());
                webModuleData.setReferencePattern("Container", webContainerName);
            } else {
                webModuleData.setReferencePattern("Container", tomcatContainerName);

            // Process the Tomcat container-config elements
            if (tomcatWebApp.isSetHost()) {
                String virtualServer = tomcatWebApp.getHost().trim();
                webModuleData.setAttribute("virtualServer", virtualServer);

            if (tomcatWebApp.isSetCrossContext()) {
                contextAttributes.put("crossContext", "true");

            if (tomcatWebApp.isSetWorkDir()) {
                String workDir = tomcatWebApp.getWorkDir();
                contextAttributes.put("workDir", workDir);

            if (tomcatWebApp.isSetDisableCookies()) {
                contextAttributes.put("cookies", "false");

            if (tomcatWebApp.isSetTomcatRealm()) {
                String tomcatRealm = tomcatWebApp.getTomcatRealm().trim();
                AbstractName realmName = earContext.getNaming().createChildName(moduleName, tomcatRealm, RealmGBean.GBEAN_INFO.getJ2eeType());
                webModuleData.setReferencePattern("TomcatRealm", realmName);
            if (tomcatWebApp.isSetValveChain()) {
                String valveChain = tomcatWebApp.getValveChain().trim();
                AbstractName valveName = earContext.getNaming().createChildName(moduleName, valveChain, ValveGBean.J2EE_TYPE);
                webModuleData.setReferencePattern("TomcatValveChain", valveName);

            if (tomcatWebApp.isSetListenerChain()) {
                String listenerChain = tomcatWebApp.getListenerChain().trim();
                AbstractName listenerName = earContext.getNaming().createChildName(moduleName, listenerChain, LifecycleListenerGBean.J2EE_TYPE);
                webModuleData.setReferencePattern("LifecycleListenerChain", listenerName);

            if (tomcatWebApp.isSetCluster()) {
                String cluster = tomcatWebApp.getCluster().trim();
                AbstractName clusterName = earContext.getNaming().createChildName(moduleName, cluster, CatalinaClusterGBean.J2EE_TYPE);
                webModuleData.setReferencePattern("Cluster", clusterName);

            if (tomcatWebApp.isSetManager()) {
                String manager = tomcatWebApp.getManager().trim();
                AbstractName managerName = earContext.getNaming().createChildName(moduleName, manager, ManagerGBean.J2EE_TYPE);
                webModuleData.setReferencePattern(TomcatWebAppContext.GBEAN_REF_MANAGER_RETRIEVER, managerName);

            Boolean distributable = !webApp.getDistributable().isEmpty();
            if (TRUE == distributable) {
      , earContext, moduleContext);
                if (null == webModuleData.getReferencePatterns(TomcatWebAppContext.GBEAN_REF_CLUSTERED_VALVE_RETRIEVER)) {
                    log.warn("No clustering builders configured: app will not be clustered");

            WebAppInfoBuilder webAppInfoBuilder = new WebAppInfoBuilder(webApp, webAppInfoFactory);
            WebAppInfo webAppInfo =;

            webModuleData.setAttribute("webAppInfo", webAppInfo);

            webModule.getSharedContext().put(WebModule.WEB_APP_INFO, webAppInfoBuilder);

            //Add context attributes and parameters
            if (tomcatWebApp.isSetContext()) {
                TomcatContextType context = tomcatWebApp.getContext();
                NamedNodeMap namedNodeMap = context.getDomNode().getAttributes();
                for (int i = 0; i < namedNodeMap.getLength(); i++) {
                    Node node = namedNodeMap.item(i);
                    String attributeName = node.getNodeName();
                    if (INGORED_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE_NAMES.contains(attributeName.toLowerCase())) {
                        if (log.isWarnEnabled()) {
                            log.warn("Context attribute " + attributeName + " in the geronimo-web.xml is ignored, as it is not support or Geronimo has already configured it");
                    if (contextAttributes.containsKey(attributeName)) {
                        if (log.isWarnEnabled()) {
                            log.warn("Context attribute " + attributeName
                                    + " on the context element in geronimo-web.xml is ignored, as it has been explicitly configured with other elements in the geronimo-web.xml file");
                    contextAttributes.put(node.getNodeName(), node.getNodeValue());
                for (TomcatParameterType parameterType : context.getParameterArray()) {
                    if (webAppInfo.contextParams.containsKey(parameterType.getName()) && !parameterType.getOverride()) {
                        if (log.isWarnEnabled()) {
                            log.warn("Context parameter from geronimo-web.xml is ignored, as a same name context paramter " + parameterType.getName() + " = "
                                    + webAppInfo.contextParams.get(parameterType.getName()) + " in web.xml, configure override with true to make the value take effect.");
                    webAppInfo.contextParams.put(parameterType.getName(), parameterType.getValue());
             * The old geronimo-web.xml also support to configure some context attributes individually,
             * let's override them in the contextAttributes

            webModuleData.setAttribute("contextAttributes", contextAttributes);

            //Handle the role permissions and webservices on the servlets.
            Map<String, AbstractName> webServices = new HashMap<String, AbstractName>();
            Class<?> baseServletClass;
            try {
                baseServletClass = webBundle.loadClass(Servlet.class.getName());
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                throw new DeploymentException("Could not load javax.servlet.Servlet in bundle " + bundle, e);

            for (org.apache.openejb.jee.Servlet servlet : webApp.getServlet()) {
                String servletClassName = servlet.getServletClass();
                if(servletClassName == null || servletClassName.length() == 0) {
                String servletName = servlet.getServletName();
                Class<?> servletClass;
                try {
                    servletClass = webBundle.loadClass(servletClassName);
                } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                    throw new DeploymentException("Could not load servlet class " + servletClassName, e);
                if (!baseServletClass.isAssignableFrom(servletClass)) {
                    //fake servletData
                    AbstractName servletAbstractName = moduleContext.getNaming().createChildName(moduleName, servletName, NameFactory.SERVLET);
                    GBeanData servletData = new GBeanData();
                    //let the web service builder deal with configuring the gbean with the web service stack
                    //Here we just extract the factory reference
                    boolean configured = false;
                    for (WebServiceBuilder serviceBuilder : webServiceBuilder) {
                        if (serviceBuilder.configurePOJO(servletData, servletName, module, servletClassName, moduleContext)) {
                            configured = true;
                    if (!configured) {
                        throw new DeploymentException("POJO web service: " + servletName + " not configured by any web service builder");
                    ReferencePatterns patterns = servletData.getReferencePatterns("WebServiceContainerFactory");
                    AbstractName wsContainerFactoryName = patterns.getAbstractName();
                    webServices.put(servletName, wsContainerFactoryName);
                    //force all the factories to start before the web app that needs them.

            webModuleData.setAttribute("webServices", webServices);

            if (tomcatWebApp.isSetSecurityRealmName()) {
                if (earContext.getSecurityConfiguration() == null) {
                    throw new DeploymentException("You have specified a <security-realm-name> for the webapp " + moduleName + " but no <security> configuration (role mapping) is supplied in the Geronimo plan for the web application (or the Geronimo plan for the EAR if the web app is in an EAR)");

                SecurityHolder securityHolder = new SecurityHolder();
                String securityRealmName = tomcatWebApp.getSecurityRealmName().trim();

                webModuleData.setReferencePattern("RunAsSource", GeronimoSecurityBuilderImpl.ROLE_MAPPER_DATA_NAME.get(earContext.getGeneralData()));
                webModuleData.setReferencePattern("ConfigurationFactory", new AbstractNameQuery(null, Collections.singletonMap("name", securityRealmName), ConfigurationFactory.class.getName()));

                 * TODO - go back to commented version when possible.
                String policyContextID = moduleName.toString().replaceAll("[, :]", "_");

                 * For web applications, we would not calculate permissions in the deployment time, as it is allowed to update in Servlet 3.0 on the initialize step
                ComponentPermissions componentPermissions = buildSpecSecurityConfig(webApp);
                earContext.addSecurityContext(policyContextID, componentPermissions);
                //TODO WTF is this for?

                webModuleData.setAttribute("securityHolder", securityHolder);
                //local jaspic configuration
                if (tomcatWebApp.isSetAuthentication()) {
                    AuthenticationWrapper authType = new TomcatAuthenticationWrapper(tomcatWebApp.getAuthentication());
                    configureLocalJaspicProvider(authType, contextPath, module, webModuleData);

            //Save Deployment Attributes
            Map<String, Object> deploymentAttributes = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            deploymentAttributes.put(WebApplicationConstants.META_COMPLETE, webApp.isMetadataComplete());
            deploymentAttributes.put(WebApplicationConstants.SCHEMA_VERSION, INITIAL_WEB_XML_SCHEMA_VERSION.get(webModule.getEarContext().getGeneralData()));
            deploymentAttributes.put(WebApplicationConstants.ORDERED_LIBS, AbstractWebModuleBuilder.ORDERED_LIBS.get(webModule.getEarContext().getGeneralData()));
            deploymentAttributes.put(WebApplicationConstants.SERVLET_CONTAINER_INITIALIZERS, AbstractWebModuleBuilder.SERVLET_CONTAINER_INITIALIZERS.get(webModule.getEarContext().getGeneralData()));
            webModuleData.setAttribute("deploymentAttributes", deploymentAttributes);

            //listeners added directly to the StandardContext will get loaded by the tomcat classloader, not the app classloader!
            //TODO this may definitely not be the best place for this!
            for (ModuleBuilderExtension mbe : moduleBuilderExtensions) {
                mbe.addGBeans(earContext, module, bundle, repository);
            //commented out code shares OWB context between ejb submodules and this web module.
//            LinkedHashSet<Module<?, ?>> submodules = module.getModules();
//            for (Module<?, ?> subModule: submodules) {
//                if (subModule.getSharedContext().get(SharedOwbContext.class) != null) {
//                    GBeanData data = (GBeanData) subModule.getSharedContext().get(SharedOwbContext.class);
//                    AbstractName name = data.getAbstractName();
//                    webModuleData.setReferencePattern("SharedOwbContext", name);
//                }
//            }
            //This shares a single OWB context for the whole ear
            AbstractName name = EARContext.APPINFO_GBEAN_NAME_KEY.get(earContext.getGeneralData());
            if (name != null) {
                webModuleData.setReferencePattern("SharedOwbContext", name);

            if(tomcatWebApp.isSetSecurityRealmName()) {
                webModuleData.setReferencePattern("applicationPolicyConfigurationManager", EARContext.JACC_MANAGER_NAME_KEY.get(earContext.getGeneralData()));
            //not truly metadata complete until MBEs have run
            if (INITIAL_WEB_XML_SCHEMA_VERSION.get(module.getEarContext().getGeneralData()) >= 2.5f) {
                String specDeploymentPlan = getSpecDDAsString(webModule);
                earContext.addFile(module.getTargetPathURI().resolve("WEB-INF/web.xml"), specDeploymentPlan);
            webModuleData.setAttribute("deploymentDescriptor", module.getOriginalSpecDD());
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        public ConnectorModule deploy(ConnectorModule connectorModule) throws OpenEJBException {
            return connectorModule;

        public WebModule deploy(WebModule webModule) throws OpenEJBException {
            WebApp webApp = webModule.getWebApp();
            if (webApp != null && (webApp.isMetadataComplete())) return webModule;

            ClassFinder finder;
            try {
                File file = new File(webModule.getJarLocation());
                URL[] urls = DeploymentLoader.getWebappUrls(file);
                final ClassLoader webClassLoader = webModule.getClassLoader();
                finder = new ClassFinder(webClassLoader, asList(urls));

                ClassFinder finder2 = new ClassFinder(webClassLoader);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                startupLogger.warning("Unable to scrape for @WebService or @WebServiceProvider annotations. ClassFinder failed.", e);
                return webModule;

            if (webApp == null) {
                webApp = new WebApp();

            List<String> existingServlets = new ArrayList<String>();
            for (Servlet servlet : webApp.getServlet()) {
            List<Class> classes = new ArrayList<Class>();

            for (Class<?> webServiceClass : classes) {
                // If this class is also annotated @Stateless or @Singleton, we should skip it
                if (webServiceClass.isAnnotationPresent(Singleton.class)) continue;
                if (webServiceClass.isAnnotationPresent(Stateless.class)) continue;

                int modifiers = webServiceClass.getModifiers();
                if (!Modifier.isPublic(modifiers) || Modifier.isFinal(modifiers) || isAbstract(modifiers)) {

                if (existingServlets.contains(webServiceClass.getName())) continue;

                // create webApp and webservices objects if they don't exist already

                // add new <servlet/> element
                Servlet servlet = new Servlet();

            return webModule;
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            descriptors = getWebDescriptors(warFile);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new OpenEJBException("Unable to determine descriptors in jar.", e);

        WebApp webApp = null;
        URL webXmlUrl = descriptors.get("web.xml");
        if (webXmlUrl != null){
            webApp = ReadDescriptors.readWebApp(webXmlUrl);

        // if this is a standalone module (no-context root), and webApp.getId is set then that is the module name
        if (contextRoot == null && webApp != null && webApp.getId() != null) {
            moduleName = webApp.getId();

        // determine war class path
        URL[] webUrls = getWebappUrls(warFile);
        ClassLoader warClassLoader = ClassLoaderUtil.createTempClassLoader(appId, webUrls, parentClassLoader);
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    private static void addTagLibraries(WebModule webModule) throws OpenEJBException {
        Set<URL> tldLocations = new HashSet<URL>();

        // web.xml contains tag lib locations in nested jsp config elements
        File warFile = new File(webModule.getJarLocation());
        WebApp webApp = webModule.getWebApp();
        if (webApp != null) {
            for (JspConfig jspConfig : webApp.getJspConfig()) {
                for (Taglib taglib : jspConfig.getTaglib()) {
                    String location = taglib.getTaglibLocation();
                    if (!location.startsWith("/")) {
                        // this reproduces a tomcat bug
                        location = "/WEB-INF/" + location;
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      // look at section 10.4.2 of the JSF v1.2 spec, bullet 1 for details
      Set<URL> facesConfigLocations = new HashSet<URL>();

        // web.xml contains faces config locations in the context parameter javax.faces.CONFIG_FILES
        File warFile = new File(webModule.getJarLocation());
        WebApp webApp = webModule.getWebApp();
        if (webApp != null) {
            List<ParamValue> contextParam = webApp.getContextParam();
            for (ParamValue value : contextParam) {
        boolean foundContextParam = value.getParamName().trim().equals("javax.faces.CONFIG_FILES");
          // the value is a comma separated list of config files
          String commaDelimitedListOfFiles = value.getParamValue().trim();
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        Object data = webModule.getAltDDs().get("web.xml");
        if (data instanceof WebApp) {
            webModule.setWebApp((WebApp) data);
        } else if (data instanceof URL) {
            URL url = (URL) data;
            WebApp webApp = readWebApp(url);
        } else {
            DeploymentLoader.logger.debug("No web.xml found assuming annotated beans present: " + appModule.getJarLocation() + ", module: " + webModule.getModuleId());
            webModule.setWebApp(new WebApp());
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        return connector;

    public static WebApp readWebApp(URL url) throws OpenEJBException {
        WebApp webApp;
        try {
            webApp = (WebApp) JaxbJavaee.unmarshal(WebApp.class, url.openStream());
        } catch (SAXException e) {
            throw new OpenEJBException("Cannot parse the web.xml file: " + url.toExternalForm(), e);
        } catch (JAXBException e) {
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         * @param webModule
         * @return
         * @throws OpenEJBException
        public WebModule deploy(WebModule webModule) throws OpenEJBException {
            WebApp webApp = webModule.getWebApp();
            if (webApp != null && webApp.isMetadataComplete()) return webModule;

             * Classes added to this set will be scanned for annotations
            Set<Class> classes = new HashSet<Class>();

            ClassLoader classLoader = webModule.getClassLoader();

             * Servlet classes are scanned
            for (Servlet servlet : webApp.getServlet()) {
                String servletClass = servlet.getServletClass();
                if (servletClass != null) {
                    try {
                        Class clazz = classLoader.loadClass(servletClass);
                    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                        throw new OpenEJBException("Unable to load servlet class: " + servletClass, e);

             * Filter classes are scanned
            for (Filter filter : webApp.getFilter()) {
                String filterClass = filter.getFilterClass();
                if (filterClass != null) {
                    try {
                        Class clazz = classLoader.loadClass(filterClass);
                    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                        throw new OpenEJBException("Unable to load servlet filter class: " + filterClass, e);

             * Listener classes are scanned
            for (Listener listener : webApp.getListener()) {
                String listenerClass = listener.getListenerClass();
                if (listenerClass != null) {
                    try {
                        Class clazz = classLoader.loadClass(listenerClass);
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                        URL warUrl = webModules.get(moduleName);
                        File warFile = new File(warUrl.getPath());

                        // read web.xml file
                        Map<String, URL> descriptors = getDescriptors(warUrl);
                        WebApp webApp = null;
                        if (descriptors.containsKey("web.xml")){
                            webApp = ReadDescriptors.readWebApp(descriptors.get("web.xml"));

                        // determine war class path
                        List<URL> webClassPath = new ArrayList<URL>();
                        File webInfDir = new File(warFile, "WEB-INF");
                        try {
                            webClassPath.add(new File(webInfDir, "classes").toURL());
                        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                            logger.warning("War path bad: " + new File(webInfDir, "classes"), e);

                        File libDir = new File(webInfDir, "lib");
                        if (libDir.exists()) {
                            for (File file : libDir.listFiles()) {
                                if (file.getName().endsWith(".jar") || file.getName().endsWith(".zip")) {
                                    try {
                                    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                                        logger.warning("War path bad: " + file, e);

                        // create the class loader
                        URL[] webUrls = webClassPath.toArray(new URL[]{});
                        ClassLoader warClassLoader = new TemporaryClassLoader(webUrls, appClassLoader);

                        // create web module
                        WebModule webModule = new WebModule(webApp, webContextRoots.get(moduleName), warClassLoader, warFile.getAbsolutePath(),  moduleName);

                    } catch (OpenEJBException e) {
                        logger.error("Unable to load WAR: " + appDir.getAbsolutePath() + ", module: " + moduleName + ". Exception: " + e.getMessage(), e);

                // Persistence Units
                addPersistenceUnits(appModule, classLoader, urls);

                return appModule;

            } catch (OpenEJBException e) {
                logger.error("Unable to load EAR: " + jarFile.getAbsolutePath(), e);
                throw e;

        } else if (EjbModule.class.equals(moduleClass)) {
            // read the ejb-jar.xml file
            Map<String, URL> descriptors = getDescriptors(baseUrl);
            EjbJar ejbJar = null;
            if (descriptors.containsKey("ejb-jar.xml")){
                ejbJar = ReadDescriptors.readEjbJar(descriptors.get("ejb-jar.xml"));

            // create the EJB Module
            EjbModule ejbModule = new EjbModule(classLoader, jarFile.getAbsolutePath(), ejbJar, null);

            // wrap the EJB Module with an Application Module
            AppModule appModule = new AppModule(classLoader, ejbModule.getJarLocation());

            // Persistence Units
            addPersistenceUnits(appModule, classLoader, baseUrl);

            return appModule;
        } else if (ConnectorModule.class.equals(moduleClass)) {
            // unpack the rar file
            File rarFile = new File(baseUrl.getPath());
            rarFile = unpack(rarFile);
            baseUrl = getFileUrl(rarFile);

            // read the ra.xml file
            Map<String, URL> descriptors = getDescriptors(baseUrl);
            Connector connector = null;
            if (descriptors.containsKey("ra.xml")){
                connector = ReadDescriptors.readConnector(descriptors.get("ra.xml"));

            // find the nested jar files
            HashMap<String, URL> rarLibs = new HashMap<String, URL>();
            scanDir(rarFile, rarLibs, "");
            for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String, URL>> iterator = rarLibs.entrySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
                // remove all non jars from the rarLibs
                Map.Entry<String, URL> fileEntry =;
                if (!fileEntry.getKey().endsWith(".jar")) continue;

            // create the class loader
            List<URL> classPath = new ArrayList<URL>();
            URL[] urls = classPath.toArray(new URL[]{});
            ClassLoader appClassLoader = new TemporaryClassLoader(urls, OpenEJB.class.getClassLoader());

            // create the Resource Module
            ConnectorModule connectorModule = new ConnectorModule(connector, appClassLoader, jarFile.getAbsolutePath()null);

            // Wrap the resource module with an Application Module
            AppModule appModule = new AppModule(classLoader, connectorModule.getJarLocation());

            // Persistence Units
            addPersistenceUnits(appModule, classLoader, baseUrl);

            return appModule;
        } else if (WebModule.class.equals(moduleClass)) {
            // unpack the rar file
            File warFile = new File(baseUrl.getPath());
            warFile = unpack(warFile);
            baseUrl = getFileUrl(warFile);

            // read the web.xml file
            Map<String, URL> descriptors = getDescriptors(baseUrl);
            WebApp webApp = null;
            if (descriptors.containsKey("web.xml")){
                webApp = ReadDescriptors.readWebApp(descriptors.get("web.xml"));

            // determine war class path
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