public ClientModule deploy(final ClientModule clientModule) throws OpenEJBException {
if (clientModule.getApplicationClient() == null) {
clientModule.setApplicationClient(new ApplicationClient());
// Lots of jars have main classes so this might not even be an app client.
// We're not going to scrape it for @LocalClient or @RemoteClient annotations
// unless they flag us specifically by adding a META-INF/application-client.xml
// ClientModules that already have a AnnotationFinder have been generated automatically
// from an EjbModule, so we don't skip those ever.
if (clientModule.getFinder() == null && clientModule.getAltDDs().containsKey("application-client.xml")) {
if (clientModule.getApplicationClient() != null && clientModule.getApplicationClient().isMetadataComplete()) {
return clientModule;
IAnnotationFinder finder = clientModule.getFinder();
if (finder == null) {
try {
finder = FinderFactory.createFinder(clientModule);
} catch (final MalformedURLException e) {
startupLogger.warning("startup.scrapeFailedForClientModule.url", clientModule.getJarLocation());
return clientModule;
} catch (final Exception e) {
startupLogger.warning("startup.scrapeFailedForClientModule", e, clientModule.getJarLocation());
return clientModule;
// This method is also called by the deploy(EjbModule) method to see if those
// modules have any @LocalClient or @RemoteClient classes
for (final Annotated<Class<?>> clazz : finder.findMetaAnnotatedClasses(LocalClient.class)) {
for (final Annotated<Class<?>> clazz : finder.findMetaAnnotatedClasses(RemoteClient.class)) {
if (clientModule.getApplicationClient() == null) {
if (clientModule.getRemoteClients().size() > 0 || clientModule.getLocalClients().size() > 0) {
clientModule.setApplicationClient(new ApplicationClient());
return clientModule;