Package org.apache.openejb.core.transaction

Examples of org.apache.openejb.core.transaction.TransactionPolicy$TransactionSynchronization


    private Object homeMethod(Method callMethod, Object[] args, ThreadContext callContext, InterfaceType interfaceType) throws OpenEJBException {
        BeanContext beanContext = callContext.getBeanContext();

        TransactionPolicy txPolicy = createTransactionPolicy(beanContext.getTransactionType(callMethod, interfaceType), callContext);

        EntityBean bean;
        Object returnValue = null;
        try {
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    private ProxyInfo createEJBObject(Method callMethod, Object[] args, ThreadContext callContext, InterfaceType interfaceType) throws OpenEJBException {
        BeanContext beanContext = callContext.getBeanContext();

        TransactionPolicy txPolicy = createTransactionPolicy(beanContext.getTransactionType(callMethod, interfaceType), callContext);

        EntityBean bean;
        Object primaryKey = null;

        try {
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    private Object findByPrimaryKey(Method callMethod, Object[] args, ThreadContext callContext, InterfaceType interfaceType) throws OpenEJBException {
        BeanContext beanContext = callContext.getBeanContext();

        TransactionPolicy txPolicy = createTransactionPolicy(beanContext.getTransactionType(callMethod, interfaceType), callContext);

        try {
            EntityBean bean = (EntityBean) cmpEngine.loadBean(callContext, args[0]);
            if (bean == null) {
                throw new ObjectNotFoundException(beanContext.getDeploymentID() + " : " + args[0]);
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    private Object findEJBObject(Method callMethod, Object[] args, ThreadContext callContext, InterfaceType interfaceType) throws OpenEJBException {
        BeanContext beanContext = callContext.getBeanContext();

        TransactionPolicy txPolicy = createTransactionPolicy(beanContext.getTransactionType(callMethod, interfaceType), callContext);

        try {
            List<Object> results = cmpEngine.queryBeans(callContext, callMethod, args);

            KeyGenerator kg = beanContext.getKeyGenerator();
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    private void removeEJBObject(Method callMethod, ThreadContext callContext, InterfaceType interfaceType) throws OpenEJBException {
        BeanContext beanContext = callContext.getBeanContext();

        TransactionPolicy txPolicy = createTransactionPolicy(beanContext.getTransactionType(callMethod, interfaceType), callContext);

        try {
            EntityBean entityBean = (EntityBean) cmpEngine.loadBean(callContext, callContext.getPrimaryKey());
            if (entityBean == null) {
                throw new NoSuchObjectException(callContext.getBeanContext().getDeploymentID() + " " + callContext.getPrimaryKey());
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    protected Object _invoke(Method callMethod, Method runMethod, Object[] args, Instance instance, ThreadContext callContext, InterfaceType type)
            throws OpenEJBException {

        BeanContext beanContext = callContext.getBeanContext();

        TransactionPolicy txPolicy = createTransactionPolicy(beanContext.getTransactionType(callMethod, type), callContext);

        Object returnValue = null;
        try {
            if (type == InterfaceType.SERVICE_ENDPOINT){
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    public EntityBean obtainInstance(ThreadContext callContext) throws OpenEJBException {
        // primary key is null if its a servicing a home methods (create, find, ejbHome)
        Object primaryKey = callContext.getPrimaryKey();
        TransactionPolicy txPolicy = callContext.getTransactionPolicy();
        if (callContext.getPrimaryKey() != null && txPolicy != null && txPolicy.isTransactionActive()) {

            Key key = new Key(callContext.getBeanContext().getDeploymentID(), primaryKey);
            SynchronizationWrapper wrapper = (SynchronizationWrapper) txPolicy.getResource(key);

            if (wrapper != null) {// if true, the requested bean instance is already enrolled in a transaction

                if (!wrapper.isAssociated()) {// is NOT associated
                    * If the bean identity was removed (via ejbRemove()) within the same transaction,
                    * then it's SynchronizationWrapper will be in the txReady pool but marked as disassociated.
                    * This allows us to prevent a condition where the caller removes the bean and then attempts to
                    * call a business method on that bean within the same transaction.  After a bean is removed any
                    * subsequent invocations on that bean with the same transaction should throw a NoSuchEntityException.
                    * its likely that the application server would have already made the reference invalid, but this bit of
                    * code is an extra precaution.
                    throw new InvalidateReferenceException(new NoSuchObjectException("Entity not found: " + primaryKey));
                } else if (callContext.getCurrentOperation() == Operation.REMOVE) {
                    *  To avoid calling ejbStore( ) on a bean that after its removed, we can not delegate
                    *  the wrapper is marked as disassociated from the transaction to avoid processing the
                    *  beforeCompletion( ) method on the SynchronizationWrapper object.

                if (wrapper.isAvailable() || wrapper.primaryKey.equals(primaryKey)) {
                    return wrapper.getEntityBean();
                } else {

                    // If the bean is declared as reentrant then the instance may be accessed
                    // by more then one thread at a time.  This is one of the reasons that reentrancy
                    // is bad. In this case beans must be programmed to be multi threaded. The other reason
                    // reentrancy is bad has to do with transaction isolation. Multiple instances writing to
                    // the same database records will inevitably cancel out previous writes within the same tx.
                    // In the future we may change this to return a new instance of the bean and to
                    // link it and its wrapper to the original wrapper, but for now we choose this strategy because
                    // its simpler to implement.
                    return wrapper.getEntityBean();
            } else {
                * If no synchronized wrapper for the key exists
                * Then the bean entity is being access by this transaction for the first time,
                * so it needs to be enrolled in the transaction.
                EntityBean bean = getPooledInstance(callContext);
                wrapper = new SynchronizationWrapper(callContext.getBeanContext(), primaryKey, bean, false, key, txPolicy);

                if (callContext.getCurrentOperation() == Operation.REMOVE) {
                    *  To avoid calling ejbStore( ) on a bean that after its removed, we can not delegate
                    *  the wrapper is marked as disassociated from the transaction to avoid processing the
                    *  beforeCompletion( ) method on the SynchronizationWrapper object.
                    *  We have to still use a wrapper so we can detect when a business method is called after
                    *  a ejbRemove() and act to prevent it from being processed.


                loadingBean(bean, callContext);
                Operation orginalOperation = callContext.getCurrentOperation();
                try {
                } catch (NoSuchEntityException e) {
                    throw new InvalidateReferenceException(new NoSuchObjectException("Entity not found: " + primaryKey, e));
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    logger.error("Exception encountered during ejbLoad():", e);
                    //djencks not sure about this dissociate call
                    throw new OpenEJBException(e);
                } finally {
                txPolicy.putResource(key, wrapper);

                return bean;
        } else {
            // If no transaction is associated with the thread or if its a create, find or home method
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                See EJB 1.1 specification, section 12.3.2
            } catch (Throwable e) {
                logger.error("Encountered exception during call to ejbActivate()", e);
                TransactionPolicy txPolicy = callContext.getTransactionPolicy();
                if (txPolicy != null && txPolicy.isTransactionActive()) {
                    throw new ApplicationException(new TransactionRolledbackException("Reflection exception thrown while attempting to call ejbActivate() on the instance", e));
                throw new ApplicationException(new RemoteException("Exception thrown while attempting to call ejbActivate() on the instance. Exception message = " + e.getMessage(), e));
            } finally {
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        if (bean == null) {

        // primary key is null if its a servicing a home methods (create, find, ejbHome)
        TransactionPolicy txPolicy = callContext.getTransactionPolicy();
        if (primaryKey != null && txPolicy != null && txPolicy.isTransactionActive()) {

            Key key = new Key(callContext.getBeanContext().getDeploymentID(), primaryKey);
            SynchronizationWrapper wrapper = (SynchronizationWrapper) txPolicy.getResource(key);

            if (wrapper != null) {
                if (callContext.getCurrentOperation() == Operation.REMOVE) {
                    * The bean is being returned to the pool after it has been removed. Its
                    * important at this point to mark the bean as disassociated to prevent
                    * it's ejbStore method from bean called (see SynchronizationWrapper.beforeCompletion() method)
                    * and that subsequent methods can not be invoked on the bean identity (see obtainInstance() method).
                    * If the bean has been removed then the bean instance is no longer needed and can return to the methodReadyPool
                    * to service another identity.
                    Stack methodReadyPool = poolMap.get(callContext.getBeanContext().getDeploymentID());
                } else {
                    if (callContext.getCurrentOperation() == Operation.CREATE) {
                        // Bean is being recreated (new-delete-new) so we need to reassociate it
            } else {
                A wrapper will not exist if the bean is being returned after a create operation.
                In this case the transaction scope is broader then the create method itself; its a client
                initiated transaction, so the bean must be registered with the tranaction and moved to the
                tx ready pool

                wrapper = new SynchronizationWrapper(callContext.getBeanContext(), primaryKey, bean, true, key, txPolicy);


                txPolicy.putResource(key, wrapper);
        } else {
            If there is no transaction associated with the thread OR if the operation was a find or home method (PrimaryKey == null)
            Then the bean instance is simply returned to the methodReady pool

            if (primaryKey != null && callContext.getCurrentOperation() != Operation.REMOVE) {
                * If the bean has a primary key; And its not being returned following a remove operation;
                * then the bean is being returned to the method ready pool after successfully executing a business method or create
                * method. In this case we need to call the bean instance's ejbPassivate before returning it to the pool per EJB 1.1
                * Section 9.1.
                Operation currentOp = callContext.getCurrentOperation();


                try {
                    In the event of an exception, OpenEJB is required to log the exception, evict the instance,
                    and mark the transaction for rollback.  If there is a transaction to rollback, then the a
                    javax.transaction.TransactionRolledbackException must be throw to the client.
                    See EJB 1.1 specification, section 12.3.2
                } catch (Throwable e) {
                    if (txPolicy.isTransactionActive()) {
                        throw new ApplicationException(new TransactionRolledbackException("Reflection exception thrown while attempting to call ejbPassivate() on the instance", e));
                    throw new ApplicationException(new RemoteException("Reflection exception thrown while attempting to call ejbPassivate() on the instance. Exception message = " + e.getMessage(), e));
                } finally {
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    public void discardInstance(ThreadContext callContext, EntityBean bean) throws SystemException {
        Object primaryKey = callContext.getPrimaryKey();
        TransactionPolicy txPolicy = callContext.getTransactionPolicy();
        if (primaryKey == null || txPolicy == null || !txPolicy.isTransactionActive()) {

        // The wrapper is removed (if pooled) so that it can not be accessed again. This is
        // especially important in the obtainInstance( ) method where a disassociated wrapper
        // in the txReadyPool is indicative of an entity bean that has been removed via
        // ejbRemove() rather than freed because of an error condition as is the case here.
        Key key = new Key(callContext.getBeanContext().getDeploymentID(), primaryKey);
        SynchronizationWrapper wrapper = (SynchronizationWrapper) txPolicy.getResource(key);
        if (wrapper != null) {
             It's not possible to deregister a wrapper with the transaction,
             but it can be removed from the tx pool and made inoperative by
             calling its disassociate method. The wrapper will be returned to the
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Related Classes of org.apache.openejb.core.transaction.TransactionPolicy$TransactionSynchronization

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