Package org.apache.openejb.core.ivm.naming

Examples of org.apache.openejb.core.ivm.naming.Reference

        // bind TimerService
        bindings.put("java:comp/TimerService", new TimerServiceWrapper());

        for (EjbReferenceInfo referenceInfo : jndiEnc.ejbReferences) {

            Reference reference = null;

            if (referenceInfo.location != null) {
                reference = buildReferenceLocation(referenceInfo.location);
            } else if (referenceInfo.ejbDeploymentId == null){
                reference = new LazyEjbReference(new Ref(referenceInfo), moduleUri, useCrossClassLoaderRef);
            } else {
                String jndiName = "java:openejb/Deployment/" + JndiBuilder.format(referenceInfo.ejbDeploymentId, referenceInfo.interfaceClassName, InterfaceType.BUSINESS_REMOTE);
                if (useCrossClassLoaderRef && referenceInfo.externalReference) {
                    reference = new CrossClassLoaderJndiReference(jndiName);
                } else {
                    reference = new IntraVmJndiReference(jndiName);
            bindings.put(normalize(referenceInfo.referenceName), reference);

        for (EjbReferenceInfo referenceInfo : jndiEnc.ejbLocalReferences) {

            Reference reference = null;

            if (referenceInfo.location != null) {
                reference = buildReferenceLocation(referenceInfo.location);
            } else if (referenceInfo.ejbDeploymentId == null){
                reference = new LazyEjbReference(new Ref(referenceInfo), moduleUri, false);
            } else {
                String jndiName = "java:openejb/Deployment/" + JndiBuilder.format(referenceInfo.ejbDeploymentId, referenceInfo.interfaceClassName, InterfaceType.BUSINESS_LOCAL);
                reference = new IntraVmJndiReference(jndiName);
            bindings.put(normalize(referenceInfo.referenceName), reference);

        for (EnvEntryInfo entry : jndiEnc.envEntries) {

            if (entry.location != null) {
                Reference reference = buildReferenceLocation(entry.location);
                bindings.put(normalize(, reference);

            try {
                Class type = Class.forName(entry.type.trim());
                Object obj = null;
                if (type == String.class)
                    obj = new String(entry.value);
                else if (type == Double.class) {
                    obj = new Double(entry.value);
                } else if (type == Integer.class) {
                    obj = new Integer(entry.value);
                } else if (type == Long.class) {
                    obj = new Long(entry.value);
                } else if (type == Float.class) {
                    obj = new Float(entry.value);
                } else if (type == Short.class) {
                    obj = new Short(entry.value);
                } else if (type == Boolean.class) {
                    obj = new Boolean(entry.value);
                } else if (type == Byte.class) {
                    obj = new Byte(entry.value);
                } else if (type == Character.class) {
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(entry.value + " ");
                    obj = new Character(sb.charAt(0));
                } else if (type == URL.class) {
                    obj = new URL(entry.value);
                } else {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid env-ref-type " + type);

                bindings.put(normalize(, obj);
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid environment entry type: " + entry.type.trim() + " for entry: " +, e);
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The env-entry-value for entry " + + " was not recognizable as type " + entry.type + ". Received Message: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
            } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("URL for reference " + + " was not a valid URL: " + entry.value, e);

        for (ResourceReferenceInfo referenceInfo : jndiEnc.resourceRefs) {
            Reference reference = null;

            if ("".equals(referenceInfo.referenceType)) {
                if (referenceInfo.location != null) {
                    reference = buildReferenceLocation(referenceInfo.location);
                } else {
                    reference = new URLReference(referenceInfo.resourceID);
            } else if (referenceInfo.location != null) {
                reference = buildReferenceLocation(referenceInfo.location);
            } else if (referenceInfo.resourceID != null) {
                String jndiName = "java:openejb/Resource/" + referenceInfo.resourceID;
                reference = new IntraVmJndiReference(jndiName);
            } else {
                String jndiName = "java:openejb/Resource/" + referenceInfo.referenceName;
                reference = new IntraVmJndiReference(jndiName);
            bindings.put(normalize(referenceInfo.referenceName), reference);

        for (ResourceEnvReferenceInfo referenceInfo : jndiEnc.resourceEnvRefs) {
            LinkRef linkRef = null;
            try {
                Class<?> type = Class.forName(referenceInfo.resourceEnvRefType, true, EJBContext.class.getClassLoader());
                if (EJBContext.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
                    String jndiName = "java:comp/EJBContext";
                    linkRef = new LinkRef(jndiName);
                    bindings.put(normalize(referenceInfo.resourceEnvRefName), linkRef);
                } else if (WebServiceContext.class.equals(type)) {
                    String jndiName = "java:comp/WebServiceContext";
                    linkRef = new LinkRef(jndiName);
                    bindings.put(normalize(referenceInfo.resourceEnvRefName), linkRef);
                } else if (TimerService.class.equals(type)) {
                    String jndiName = "java:comp/TimerService";
                    linkRef = new LinkRef(jndiName);
                    bindings.put(normalize(referenceInfo.resourceEnvRefName), linkRef);
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {

            Object reference = null;
            if (UserTransaction.class.getName().equals(referenceInfo.resourceEnvRefType)) {
                reference = userTransaction;
            } else if (referenceInfo.location != null){
                reference = buildReferenceLocation(referenceInfo.location);
            } else if (referenceInfo.resourceID != null) {
                String jndiName = "java:openejb/Resource/" + referenceInfo.resourceID;
                reference = new IntraVmJndiReference(jndiName);
            } else {
                String jndiName = "java:openejb/Resource/" + referenceInfo.resourceEnvRefName;
                reference = new IntraVmJndiReference(jndiName);
            if (reference != null) {
                bindings.put(normalize(referenceInfo.resourceEnvRefName), reference);

        for (PersistenceUnitReferenceInfo referenceInfo : jndiEnc.persistenceUnitRefs) {
            if (referenceInfo.location != null){
                Reference reference = buildReferenceLocation(referenceInfo.location);
                bindings.put(normalize(referenceInfo.referenceName), reference);

            String jndiName = "java:openejb/PersistenceUnit/" + referenceInfo.unitId;
            Reference reference = new IntraVmJndiReference(jndiName);
            bindings.put(normalize(referenceInfo.referenceName), reference);

        for (PersistenceContextReferenceInfo contextInfo : jndiEnc.persistenceContextRefs) {
            if (contextInfo.location != null){
                Reference reference = buildReferenceLocation(contextInfo.location);
                bindings.put(normalize(contextInfo.referenceName), reference);

            Context context = SystemInstance.get().getComponent(ContainerSystem.class).getJNDIContext();
            EntityManagerFactory factory;
            try {
                factory = (EntityManagerFactory) context.lookup("openejb/PersistenceUnit/" + contextInfo.unitId);
            } catch (NamingException e) {
                throw new OpenEJBException("PersistenceUnit '" + contextInfo.unitId + "' not found for EXTENDED ref '" + contextInfo.referenceName + "'");

            JtaEntityManager jtaEntityManager = new JtaEntityManager(jtaEntityManagerRegistry, factory,, contextInfo.extended);
            Reference reference = new PersistenceContextReference(jtaEntityManager);
            bindings.put(normalize(contextInfo.referenceName), reference);

        for (ServiceReferenceInfo referenceInfo : jndiEnc.serviceRefs) {
            if (referenceInfo.location != null){
                Reference reference = buildReferenceLocation(referenceInfo.location);
                bindings.put(normalize(referenceInfo.referenceName), reference);

            // load service class which is used to construct the port
            Class<? extends Service> serviceClass = Service.class;
            if (referenceInfo.serviceType != null) {
                try {
                    serviceClass = classLoader.loadClass(referenceInfo.serviceType).asSubclass(Service.class);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new OpenEJBException("Could not load service type class "+ referenceInfo.serviceType, e);

            // load the reference class which is the ultimate type of the port
            Class<?> referenceClass = null;
            if (referenceInfo.referenceType != null) {
                try {
                    referenceClass = classLoader.loadClass(referenceInfo.referenceType);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new OpenEJBException("Could not load reference type class " + referenceInfo.referenceType, e);

            // if ref class is a subclass of Service, use it for the service class
            if (referenceClass != null && Service.class.isAssignableFrom(referenceClass)) {
                serviceClass = referenceClass.asSubclass(Service.class);

            // determine the location of the wsdl file
            URL wsdlUrl = null;
            if (referenceInfo.wsdlFile != null) {
                try {
                    wsdlUrl = new URL(referenceInfo.wsdlFile);
                } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                    wsdlUrl = classLoader.getResource(referenceInfo.wsdlFile);
                    if (wsdlUrl == null) {
                        logger.warning("Error obtaining WSDL: " + referenceInfo.wsdlFile, e);


            // port refs
            List<PortRefData> portRefs = new ArrayList<PortRefData>(referenceInfo.portRefs.size());
            for (PortRefInfo portRefInfo : referenceInfo.portRefs) {
                PortRefData portRef = new PortRefData();

            // create the handle chains
            List<HandlerChainData> handlerChains = null;
            if (!referenceInfo.handlerChains.isEmpty()) {
                handlerChains = WsBuilder.toHandlerChainData(referenceInfo.handlerChains, classLoader);

            if (!client) {
                Reference reference = new JaxWsServiceReference(,
                        serviceClass, referenceInfo.portQName,
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        // get JtaEntityManagerRegistry
        JtaEntityManagerRegistry jtaEntityManagerRegistry = SystemInstance.get().getComponent(JtaEntityManagerRegistry.class);

        for (EjbReferenceInfo referenceInfo : jndiEnc.ejbReferences) {

            Reference reference;

            if (referenceInfo.location != null) {
                reference = buildReferenceLocation(referenceInfo.location);
            } else if (referenceInfo.ejbDeploymentId == null) {
                reference = new LazyEjbReference(new Ref(referenceInfo), moduleUri, useCrossClassLoaderRef);
            } else {
                String jndiName = "openejb/Deployment/" + JndiBuilder.format(referenceInfo.ejbDeploymentId, referenceInfo.interfaceClassName, referenceInfo.localbean ? InterfaceType.LOCALBEAN : InterfaceType.BUSINESS_REMOTE);
                if (useCrossClassLoaderRef && referenceInfo.externalReference) {
                    reference = new CrossClassLoaderJndiReference(jndiName);
                } else {
                    reference = new IntraVmJndiReference(jndiName);
            bindings.put(normalize(referenceInfo.referenceName), reference);

        for (EjbReferenceInfo referenceInfo : jndiEnc.ejbLocalReferences) {
            Reference reference;

            if (referenceInfo.location != null) {
                reference = buildReferenceLocation(referenceInfo.location);
            } else if (referenceInfo.ejbDeploymentId == null) {
                reference = new LazyEjbReference(new Ref(referenceInfo), moduleUri, false);
            } else {
                String jndiName = "openejb/Deployment/" + JndiBuilder.format(referenceInfo.ejbDeploymentId, referenceInfo.interfaceClassName, referenceInfo.localbean ? InterfaceType.LOCALBEAN : InterfaceType.BUSINESS_LOCAL);
                reference = new IntraVmJndiReference(jndiName);
            bindings.put(normalize(referenceInfo.referenceName), reference);

        for (EnvEntryInfo entry : jndiEnc.envEntries) {

            if (entry.location != null) {
                Reference reference = buildReferenceLocation(entry.location);
                bindings.put(normalize(entry.referenceName), reference);

            //It is possible that the value and location are both null, as it is allowed to use @Resource(name="java:global/env/abc") with no value is specified in DD           
            if (entry.value == null) {

            try {
                Class type = Classes.deprimitivize(getType(entry.type, entry));
                Object obj;
                if (type == String.class)
                    obj = new String(entry.value);
                else if (type == Double.class) {
                    obj = new Double(entry.value);
                } else if (type == Integer.class) {
                    obj = new Integer(entry.value);
                } else if (type == Long.class) {
                    obj = new Long(entry.value);
                } else if (type == Float.class) {
                    obj = new Float(entry.value);
                } else if (type == Short.class) {
                    obj = new Short(entry.value);
                } else if (type == Boolean.class) {
                    obj = new Boolean(entry.value);
                } else if (type == Byte.class) {
                    obj = new Byte(entry.value);
                } else if (type == Character.class) {
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(entry.value + " ");
                    obj = new Character(sb.charAt(0));
                } else if (type == URL.class) {
                    obj = new URL(entry.value);
                } else if (type == Class.class) {
                    obj = new ClassReference(entry.value.trim());
                } else if (type.isEnum()) {
                    obj = Enum.valueOf(type, entry.value.trim());
                } else {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid env-entry-type " + type);

                bindings.put(normalize(entry.referenceName), obj);
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The env-entry-value for entry " + entry.referenceName + " was not recognizable as type " + entry.type + ". Received Message: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
            } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("URL for reference " + entry.referenceName + " was not a valid URL: " + entry.value, e);

        for (ResourceReferenceInfo referenceInfo : jndiEnc.resourceRefs) {
            if (!(referenceInfo instanceof ContextReferenceInfo)) {
                if (referenceInfo.location != null) {
                    Reference reference = buildReferenceLocation(referenceInfo.location);
                    bindings.put(normalize(referenceInfo.referenceName), reference);

                Class<?> type = getType(referenceInfo.referenceType, referenceInfo);

                Object reference;
                if (URL.class.equals(type)) {
                    reference = new URLReference(referenceInfo.resourceID);
                } else if (type.isAnnotationPresent(ManagedBean.class)) {
                    ManagedBean managed = type.getAnnotation(ManagedBean.class);
                    String name = managed.value().length() == 0 ? type.getSimpleName() : managed.value();
                    reference = new LinkRef("module/" + name);
                } else if (referenceInfo.resourceID != null) {
                    String jndiName = "openejb/Resource/" + referenceInfo.resourceID;
                    reference = new IntraVmJndiReference(jndiName);
                } else {
                    String jndiName = "openejb/Resource/" + referenceInfo.referenceName;
                    reference = new IntraVmJndiReference(jndiName);

                bindings.put(normalize(referenceInfo.referenceName), reference);
            } else {
                final Class<?> type = getType(referenceInfo.referenceType, referenceInfo);
                Object reference;

                if (Request.class.equals(type)) {
                    reference = new ObjectReference(ThreadLocalContextManager.REQUEST);
                } else if (HttpServletRequest.class.equals(type)) {
                    reference = new ObjectReference(ThreadLocalContextManager.HTTP_SERVLET_REQUEST);
                } else if (ServletRequest.class.equals(type)) {
                    reference = new ObjectReference(ThreadLocalContextManager.SERVLET_REQUEST);
                } else if (UriInfo.class.equals(type)) {
                    reference = new ObjectReference(ThreadLocalContextManager.URI_INFO);
                } else if (HttpHeaders.class.equals(type)) {
                    reference = new ObjectReference(ThreadLocalContextManager.HTTP_HEADERS);
                } else if (SecurityContext.class.equals(type)) {
                    reference = new ObjectReference(ThreadLocalContextManager.SECURITY_CONTEXT);
                } else if (ContextResolver.class.equals(type)) {
                    reference = new ObjectReference(ThreadLocalContextManager.CONTEXT_RESOLVER);
                } else if (Providers.class.equals(type)) {
                    reference = new ObjectReference(ThreadLocalContextManager.PROVIDERS);
                } else if (ServletConfig.class.equals(type)) {
                    reference = new ObjectReference(ThreadLocalContextManager.SERVLET_CONFIG);
                } else if (HttpServletResponse.class.equals(type)) {
                    reference = new ObjectReference(ThreadLocalContextManager.HTTP_SERVLET_RESPONSE);
                } else {
                    reference = new MapObjectReference(ThreadLocalContextManager.OTHERS, referenceInfo.referenceType);

                bindings.put(normalize(referenceInfo.referenceName), reference);

        for (ResourceEnvReferenceInfo referenceInfo : jndiEnc.resourceEnvRefs) {

            if (referenceInfo.location != null) {
                Reference reference = buildReferenceLocation(referenceInfo.location);
                bindings.put(normalize(referenceInfo.referenceName), reference);

            final Class<?> type = getType(referenceInfo.resourceEnvRefType, referenceInfo);
            final Object reference;

            if (EJBContext.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
                String jndiName = "comp/EJBContext";
                reference = new LinkRef(jndiName);

                // Let the container bind this into JNDI
                if (jndiName.equals(referenceInfo.referenceName)) continue;
            } else if (Validator.class.equals(type)) {
                String jndiName = "comp/Validator";
                reference = new LinkRef(jndiName);
            } else if (ValidatorFactory.class.equals(type)) {
                String jndiName = "comp/ValidatorFactory";
                reference = new LinkRef(jndiName);
            } else if (WebServiceContext.class.equals(type)) {
                String jndiName = "comp/WebServiceContext";
                reference = new LinkRef(jndiName);
            } else if (TimerService.class.equals(type)) {
                String jndiName = "comp/TimerService";
                reference = new LinkRef(jndiName);

                // TODO Bind the BeanManager
            } else if (BeanManager.class.equals(type)) {
                reference = new LazyObjectReference<BeanManager>(new Callable<BeanManager>() {
                    public BeanManager call() throws Exception {
                        return WebBeansContext.currentInstance().getBeanManagerImpl();

            } else if (UserTransaction.class.equals(type)) {
                reference = new IntraVmJndiReference("comp/UserTransaction");
            } else if (referenceInfo.resourceID != null) {
                String jndiName = "openejb/Resource/" + referenceInfo.resourceID;
                reference = new IntraVmJndiReference(jndiName);
            } else {
                String jndiName = "openejb/Resource/" + referenceInfo.referenceName;
                reference = new IntraVmJndiReference(jndiName);
            bindings.put(normalize(referenceInfo.referenceName), reference);

        for (PersistenceUnitReferenceInfo referenceInfo : jndiEnc.persistenceUnitRefs) {
            if (referenceInfo.location != null) {
                Reference reference = buildReferenceLocation(referenceInfo.location);
                bindings.put(normalize(referenceInfo.referenceName), reference);

            String jndiName = PersistenceBuilder.getOpenEJBJndiName(referenceInfo.unitId);
            Reference reference = new IntraVmJndiReference(jndiName);
            bindings.put(normalize(referenceInfo.referenceName), reference);

        for (PersistenceContextReferenceInfo contextInfo : jndiEnc.persistenceContextRefs) {
            if (contextInfo.location != null) {
                Reference reference = buildReferenceLocation(contextInfo.location);
                bindings.put(normalize(contextInfo.referenceName), reference);

            Context context = SystemInstance.get().getComponent(ContainerSystem.class).getJNDIContext();
            EntityManagerFactory factory;
            try {
                String jndiName = PersistenceBuilder.getOpenEJBJndiName(contextInfo.unitId);
                factory = (EntityManagerFactory) context.lookup(jndiName);
            } catch (NamingException e) {
                throw new OpenEJBException("PersistenceUnit '" + contextInfo.unitId + "' not found for EXTENDED ref '" + contextInfo.referenceName + "'");

            JtaEntityManager jtaEntityManager = new JtaEntityManager(contextInfo.persistenceUnitName, jtaEntityManagerRegistry, factory,, contextInfo.extended);
            Reference reference = new PersistenceContextReference(jtaEntityManager);
            bindings.put(normalize(contextInfo.referenceName), reference);

        for (ServiceReferenceInfo referenceInfo : jndiEnc.serviceRefs) {
            if (referenceInfo.location != null) {
                Reference reference = buildReferenceLocation(referenceInfo.location);
                bindings.put(normalize(referenceInfo.referenceName), reference);

            // load service class which is used to construct the port
            Class<? extends Service> serviceClass = Service.class;
            if (referenceInfo.serviceType != null) {
                try {
                    serviceClass = classLoader.loadClass(referenceInfo.serviceType).asSubclass(Service.class);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new OpenEJBException("Could not load service type class " + referenceInfo.serviceType, e);

            // load the reference class which is the ultimate type of the port
            Class<?> referenceClass = null;
            if (referenceInfo.referenceType != null) {
                try {
                    referenceClass = classLoader.loadClass(referenceInfo.referenceType);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new OpenEJBException("Could not load reference type class " + referenceInfo.referenceType, e);

            // if ref class is a subclass of Service, use it for the service class
            if (referenceClass != null && Service.class.isAssignableFrom(referenceClass)) {
                serviceClass = referenceClass.asSubclass(Service.class);

            // determine the location of the wsdl file
            URL wsdlUrl = null;
            if (referenceInfo.wsdlFile != null) {
                try {
                    wsdlUrl = new URL(referenceInfo.wsdlFile);
                } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                    wsdlUrl = classLoader.getResource(referenceInfo.wsdlFile);
                    if (wsdlUrl == null) {
                        logger.warning("Error obtaining WSDL: " + referenceInfo.wsdlFile, e);


            // port refs
            List<PortRefData> portRefs = new ArrayList<PortRefData>(referenceInfo.portRefs.size());
            for (PortRefInfo portRefInfo : referenceInfo.portRefs) {
                PortRefData portRef = new PortRefData();

            // create the handle chains
            List<HandlerChainData> handlerChains = null;
            if (!referenceInfo.handlerChains.isEmpty()) {
                handlerChains = WsBuilder.toHandlerChainData(referenceInfo.handlerChains, classLoader);

            if (!client) {
                Reference reference = new JaxWsServiceReference(,
                        serviceClass, referenceInfo.portQName,
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        // get JtaEntityManagerRegistry
        final JtaEntityManagerRegistry jtaEntityManagerRegistry = SystemInstance.get().getComponent(JtaEntityManagerRegistry.class);

        for (final EjbReferenceInfo referenceInfo : jndiEnc.ejbReferences) {

            final Reference reference;

            if (referenceInfo.location != null) {
                reference = buildReferenceLocation(referenceInfo.location);
            } else if (referenceInfo.ejbDeploymentId == null) {
                reference = new LazyEjbReference(new Ref(referenceInfo), moduleUri, useCrossClassLoaderRef);
            } else {
                final String jndiName = "openejb/Deployment/" + JndiBuilder.format(referenceInfo.ejbDeploymentId, referenceInfo.interfaceClassName, referenceInfo.localbean ? InterfaceType.LOCALBEAN : InterfaceType.BUSINESS_REMOTE);
                if (useCrossClassLoaderRef && referenceInfo.externalReference) {
                    reference = new CrossClassLoaderJndiReference(jndiName);
                } else {
                    reference = new IntraVmJndiReference(jndiName);
            bindings.put(normalize(referenceInfo.referenceName), reference);

        for (final EjbReferenceInfo referenceInfo : jndiEnc.ejbLocalReferences) {
            final Reference reference;

            if (referenceInfo.location != null) {
                reference = buildReferenceLocation(referenceInfo.location);
            } else if (referenceInfo.ejbDeploymentId == null) {
                reference = new LazyEjbReference(new Ref(referenceInfo), moduleUri, false);
            } else {
                final String jndiName = "openejb/Deployment/" + JndiBuilder.format(referenceInfo.ejbDeploymentId, referenceInfo.interfaceClassName, referenceInfo.localbean ? InterfaceType.LOCALBEAN : InterfaceType.BUSINESS_LOCAL);
                reference = new IntraVmJndiReference(jndiName);
            bindings.put(normalize(referenceInfo.referenceName), reference);

        for (final EnvEntryInfo entry : jndiEnc.envEntries) {

            if (entry.location != null) {
                final Reference reference = buildReferenceLocation(entry.location);
                bindings.put(normalize(entry.referenceName), reference);

            //It is possible that the value and location are both null, as it is allowed to use @Resource(name="java:global/env/abc") with no value is specified in DD           
            if (entry.value == null) {

            try {
                final Class type = Classes.deprimitivize(getType(entry.type, entry));
                final Object obj;
                if (type == String.class) {
                    obj = new String(entry.value);
                } else if (type == Double.class) {
                    obj = new Double(entry.value);
                } else if (type == Integer.class) {
                    obj = new Integer(entry.value);
                } else if (type == Long.class) {
                    obj = new Long(entry.value);
                } else if (type == Float.class) {
                    obj = new Float(entry.value);
                } else if (type == Short.class) {
                    obj = new Short(entry.value);
                } else if (type == Boolean.class) {
                    obj = Boolean.valueOf(entry.value);
                } else if (type == Byte.class) {
                    obj = new Byte(entry.value);
                } else if (type == Character.class) {
                    final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(entry.value + " ");
                    obj = new Character(sb.charAt(0));
                } else if (type == URL.class) {
                    obj = new URL(entry.value);
                } else if (type == Class.class) {
                    obj = new ClassReference(entry.value.trim());
                } else if (type.isEnum()) {
                    obj = Enum.valueOf(type, entry.value.trim());
                } else {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid env-entry-type " + type);

                bindings.put(normalize(entry.referenceName), obj);
            } catch (final NumberFormatException e) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The env-entry-value for entry " + entry.referenceName + " was not recognizable as type " + entry.type + ". Received Message: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
            } catch (final MalformedURLException e) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("URL for reference " + entry.referenceName + " was not a valid URL: " + entry.value, e);

        for (final ResourceReferenceInfo referenceInfo : jndiEnc.resourceRefs) {
            if (!(referenceInfo instanceof ContextReferenceInfo)) {
                if (referenceInfo.location != null) {
                    final Reference reference = buildReferenceLocation(referenceInfo.location);
                    bindings.put(normalize(referenceInfo.referenceName), reference);

                final Class<?> type = getType(referenceInfo.referenceType, referenceInfo);

                final Object reference;
                if (URL.class.equals(type)) {
                    reference = new URLReference(referenceInfo.resourceID);
                } else if (type.isAnnotationPresent(ManagedBean.class)) {
                    final ManagedBean managed = type.getAnnotation(ManagedBean.class);
                    final String name = managed.value().length() == 0 ? type.getSimpleName() : managed.value();
                    reference = new LinkRef("module/" + name);
                } else if (referenceInfo.resourceID != null) {
                    final String jndiName = "openejb/Resource/" + referenceInfo.resourceID;
                    reference = new IntraVmJndiReference(jndiName);
                } else {
                    final String jndiName = "openejb/Resource/" + referenceInfo.referenceName;
                    reference = new IntraVmJndiReference(jndiName);

                bindings.put(normalize(referenceInfo.referenceName), reference);
            } else {
                final Class<?> type = getType(referenceInfo.referenceType, referenceInfo);
                final Object reference;

                if (Request.class.equals(type)) {
                    reference = new ObjectReference(ThreadLocalContextManager.REQUEST);
                } else if (HttpServletRequest.class.equals(type)) {
                    reference = new ObjectReference(ThreadLocalContextManager.HTTP_SERVLET_REQUEST);
                } else if (ServletRequest.class.equals(type)) {
                    reference = new ObjectReference(ThreadLocalContextManager.SERVLET_REQUEST);
                } else if (UriInfo.class.equals(type)) {
                    reference = new ObjectReference(ThreadLocalContextManager.URI_INFO);
                } else if (HttpHeaders.class.equals(type)) {
                    reference = new ObjectReference(ThreadLocalContextManager.HTTP_HEADERS);
                } else if (SecurityContext.class.equals(type)) {
                    reference = new ObjectReference(ThreadLocalContextManager.SECURITY_CONTEXT);
                } else if (ContextResolver.class.equals(type)) {
                    reference = new ObjectReference(ThreadLocalContextManager.CONTEXT_RESOLVER);
                } else if (Providers.class.equals(type)) {
                    reference = new ObjectReference(ThreadLocalContextManager.PROVIDERS);
                } else if (ServletConfig.class.equals(type)) {
                    reference = new ObjectReference(ThreadLocalContextManager.SERVLET_CONFIG);
                } else if (ServletContext.class.equals(type)) {
                    reference = new ObjectReference(ThreadLocalContextManager.SERVLET_CONTEXT);
                } else if (HttpServletResponse.class.equals(type)) {
                    reference = new ObjectReference(ThreadLocalContextManager.HTTP_SERVLET_RESPONSE);
                } else {
                    reference = new MapObjectReference(ThreadLocalContextManager.OTHERS, referenceInfo.referenceType);

                bindings.put(normalize(referenceInfo.referenceName), reference);

        for (final ResourceEnvReferenceInfo referenceInfo : jndiEnc.resourceEnvRefs) {

            if (referenceInfo.location != null) {
                final Reference reference = buildReferenceLocation(referenceInfo.location);
                bindings.put(normalize(referenceInfo.referenceName), reference);

            final Class<?> type = getType(referenceInfo.resourceEnvRefType, referenceInfo);
            final Object reference;

            if (EJBContext.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
                final String jndiName = "comp/EJBContext";
                reference = new LinkRef(jndiName);

                // Let the container bind this into JNDI
                if (jndiName.equals(referenceInfo.referenceName)) {
            } else if (Validator.class.equals(type)) {
                final String jndiName = "comp/Validator";
                reference = new LinkRef(jndiName);
            } else if (ValidatorFactory.class.equals(type)) {
                final String jndiName = "comp/ValidatorFactory";
                reference = new LinkRef(jndiName);
            } else if (WebServiceContext.class.equals(type)) {
                final String jndiName = "comp/WebServiceContext";
                reference = new LinkRef(jndiName);
            } else if (TimerService.class.equals(type)) {
                final String jndiName = "comp/TimerService";
                reference = new LinkRef(jndiName);

                // TODO Bind the BeanManager
            } else if (BeanManager.class.equals(type)) {
                reference = new LazyObjectReference<BeanManager>(new Callable<BeanManager>() {
                    public BeanManager call() throws Exception {
                        return WebBeansContext.currentInstance().getBeanManagerImpl();

            } else if (UserTransaction.class.equals(type)) {
                reference = new IntraVmJndiReference("comp/UserTransaction");
            } else if (referenceInfo.resourceID != null) {
                final String jndiName = "openejb/Resource/" + referenceInfo.resourceID;
                reference = new IntraVmJndiReference(jndiName);
            } else {
                final String jndiName = "openejb/Resource/" + referenceInfo.referenceName;
                reference = new IntraVmJndiReference(jndiName);
            bindings.put(normalize(referenceInfo.referenceName), reference);

        for (final PersistenceUnitReferenceInfo referenceInfo : jndiEnc.persistenceUnitRefs) {
            if (referenceInfo.location != null) {
                final Reference reference = buildReferenceLocation(referenceInfo.location);
                bindings.put(normalize(referenceInfo.referenceName), reference);

            final String jndiName = PersistenceBuilder.getOpenEJBJndiName(referenceInfo.unitId);
            final Reference reference = new IntraVmJndiReference(jndiName);
            bindings.put(normalize(referenceInfo.referenceName), reference);

        for (final PersistenceContextReferenceInfo contextInfo : jndiEnc.persistenceContextRefs) {
            if (contextInfo.location != null) {
                final Reference reference = buildReferenceLocation(contextInfo.location);
                bindings.put(normalize(contextInfo.referenceName), reference);

            final Context context = SystemInstance.get().getComponent(ContainerSystem.class).getJNDIContext();
            final EntityManagerFactory factory;
            try {
                final String jndiName = PersistenceBuilder.getOpenEJBJndiName(contextInfo.unitId);
                factory = (EntityManagerFactory) context.lookup(jndiName);
            } catch (final NamingException e) {
                throw new OpenEJBException("PersistenceUnit '" + contextInfo.unitId + "' not found for EXTENDED ref '" + contextInfo.referenceName + "'");

            final JtaEntityManager jtaEntityManager = new JtaEntityManager(contextInfo.persistenceUnitName, jtaEntityManagerRegistry, factory,, contextInfo.extended);
            final Reference reference = new PersistenceContextReference(jtaEntityManager);
            bindings.put(normalize(contextInfo.referenceName), reference);

        for (final ServiceReferenceInfo referenceInfo : jndiEnc.serviceRefs) {
            if (referenceInfo.location != null) {
                final Reference reference = buildReferenceLocation(referenceInfo.location);
                bindings.put(normalize(referenceInfo.referenceName), reference);

            // load service class which is used to construct the port
            Class<? extends Service> serviceClass = Service.class;
            if (referenceInfo.serviceType != null) {
                try {
                    serviceClass = classLoader.loadClass(referenceInfo.serviceType).asSubclass(Service.class);
                } catch (final Exception e) {
                    throw new OpenEJBException("Could not load service type class " + referenceInfo.serviceType, e);

            // load the reference class which is the ultimate type of the port
            Class<?> referenceClass = null;
            if (referenceInfo.referenceType != null) {
                try {
                    referenceClass = classLoader.loadClass(referenceInfo.referenceType);
                } catch (final Exception e) {
                    throw new OpenEJBException("Could not load reference type class " + referenceInfo.referenceType, e);

            // if ref class is a subclass of Service, use it for the service class
            if (referenceClass != null && Service.class.isAssignableFrom(referenceClass)) {
                serviceClass = referenceClass.asSubclass(Service.class);

            // determine the location of the wsdl file
            URL wsdlUrl = null;
            if (referenceInfo.wsdlFile != null) {
                try {
                    wsdlUrl = new URL(referenceInfo.wsdlFile);
                } catch (final MalformedURLException e) {
                    wsdlUrl = classLoader.getResource(referenceInfo.wsdlFile);
                    if (wsdlUrl == null) {
                        logger.warning("Error obtaining WSDL: " + referenceInfo.wsdlFile, e);


            // port refs
            final List<PortRefData> portRefs = new ArrayList<PortRefData>(referenceInfo.portRefs.size());
            for (final PortRefInfo portRefInfo : referenceInfo.portRefs) {
                final PortRefData portRef = new PortRefData();

            // create the handle chains
            List<HandlerChainData> handlerChains = null;
            if (!referenceInfo.handlerChains.isEmpty()) {
                handlerChains = WsBuilder.toHandlerChainData(referenceInfo.handlerChains, classLoader);

            if (!client) {
                final Reference reference = new JaxWsServiceReference(,
                    serviceClass, referenceInfo.portQName,
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        // get JtaEntityManagerRegistry
        JtaEntityManagerRegistry jtaEntityManagerRegistry = SystemInstance.get().getComponent(JtaEntityManagerRegistry.class);

        for (EjbReferenceInfo referenceInfo : jndiEnc.ejbReferences) {

            Reference reference;

            if (referenceInfo.location != null) {
                reference = buildReferenceLocation(referenceInfo.location);
            } else if (referenceInfo.ejbDeploymentId == null) {
                reference = new LazyEjbReference(new Ref(referenceInfo), moduleUri, useCrossClassLoaderRef);
            } else {
                String jndiName = "openejb/Deployment/" + JndiBuilder.format(referenceInfo.ejbDeploymentId, referenceInfo.interfaceClassName, referenceInfo.localbean ? InterfaceType.LOCALBEAN : InterfaceType.BUSINESS_REMOTE);
                if (useCrossClassLoaderRef && referenceInfo.externalReference) {
                    reference = new CrossClassLoaderJndiReference(jndiName);
                } else {
                    reference = new IntraVmJndiReference(jndiName);
            bindings.put(normalize(referenceInfo.referenceName), reference);

        for (EjbReferenceInfo referenceInfo : jndiEnc.ejbLocalReferences) {
            Reference reference;

            if (referenceInfo.location != null) {
                reference = buildReferenceLocation(referenceInfo.location);
            } else if (referenceInfo.ejbDeploymentId == null) {
                reference = new LazyEjbReference(new Ref(referenceInfo), moduleUri, false);
            } else {
                String jndiName = "openejb/Deployment/" + JndiBuilder.format(referenceInfo.ejbDeploymentId, referenceInfo.interfaceClassName, referenceInfo.localbean ? InterfaceType.LOCALBEAN : InterfaceType.BUSINESS_LOCAL);
                reference = new IntraVmJndiReference(jndiName);
            bindings.put(normalize(referenceInfo.referenceName), reference);

        for (EnvEntryInfo entry : jndiEnc.envEntries) {

            if (entry.location != null) {
                Reference reference = buildReferenceLocation(entry.location);
                bindings.put(normalize(entry.referenceName), reference);

            //It is possible that the value and location are both null, as it is allowed to use @Resource(name="java:global/env/abc") with no value is specified in DD           
            if (entry.value == null) {

            try {
                Class type = Classes.deprimitivize(getType(entry.type, entry));
                Object obj;
                if (type == String.class)
                    obj = new String(entry.value);
                else if (type == Double.class) {
                    obj = new Double(entry.value);
                } else if (type == Integer.class) {
                    obj = new Integer(entry.value);
                } else if (type == Long.class) {
                    obj = new Long(entry.value);
                } else if (type == Float.class) {
                    obj = new Float(entry.value);
                } else if (type == Short.class) {
                    obj = new Short(entry.value);
                } else if (type == Boolean.class) {
                    obj = new Boolean(entry.value);
                } else if (type == Byte.class) {
                    obj = new Byte(entry.value);
                } else if (type == Character.class) {
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(entry.value + " ");
                    obj = new Character(sb.charAt(0));
                } else if (type == URL.class) {
                    obj = new URL(entry.value);
                } else if (type == Class.class) {
                    obj = new ClassReference(entry.value.trim());
                } else if (type.isEnum()) {
                    obj = Enum.valueOf(type, entry.value.trim());
                } else {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid env-entry-type " + type);

                bindings.put(normalize(entry.referenceName), obj);
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The env-entry-value for entry " + entry.referenceName + " was not recognizable as type " + entry.type + ". Received Message: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
            } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("URL for reference " + entry.referenceName + " was not a valid URL: " + entry.value, e);

        for (ResourceReferenceInfo referenceInfo : jndiEnc.resourceRefs) {
            if (!(referenceInfo instanceof ContextReferenceInfo)) {
                if (referenceInfo.location != null) {
                    Reference reference = buildReferenceLocation(referenceInfo.location);
                    bindings.put(normalize(referenceInfo.referenceName), reference);

                Class<?> type = getType(referenceInfo.referenceType, referenceInfo);

                Object reference;
                if (URL.class.equals(type)) {
                    reference = new URLReference(referenceInfo.resourceID);
                } else if (type.isAnnotationPresent(ManagedBean.class)) {
                    ManagedBean managed = type.getAnnotation(ManagedBean.class);
                    String name = managed.value().length() == 0 ? type.getSimpleName() : managed.value();
                    reference = new LinkRef("module/" + name);
                } else if (referenceInfo.resourceID != null) {
                    String jndiName = "openejb/Resource/" + referenceInfo.resourceID;
                    reference = new IntraVmJndiReference(jndiName);
                } else {
                    String jndiName = "openejb/Resource/" + referenceInfo.referenceName;
                    reference = new IntraVmJndiReference(jndiName);

                bindings.put(normalize(referenceInfo.referenceName), reference);
            } else {
                final Class<?> type = getType(referenceInfo.referenceType, referenceInfo);
                Object reference;

                if (Request.class.equals(type)) {
                    reference = new ObjectReference(ThreadLocalContextManager.REQUEST);
                } else if (HttpServletRequest.class.equals(type)) {
                    reference = new ObjectReference(ThreadLocalContextManager.HTTP_SERVLET_REQUEST);
                } else if (ServletRequest.class.equals(type)) {
                    reference = new ObjectReference(ThreadLocalContextManager.SERVLET_REQUEST);
                } else if (UriInfo.class.equals(type)) {
                    reference = new ObjectReference(ThreadLocalContextManager.URI_INFO);
                } else if (HttpHeaders.class.equals(type)) {
                    reference = new ObjectReference(ThreadLocalContextManager.HTTP_HEADERS);
                } else if (SecurityContext.class.equals(type)) {
                    reference = new ObjectReference(ThreadLocalContextManager.SECURITY_CONTEXT);
                } else if (ContextResolver.class.equals(type)) {
                    reference = new ObjectReference(ThreadLocalContextManager.CONTEXT_RESOLVER);
                } else if (Providers.class.equals(type)) {
                    reference = new ObjectReference(ThreadLocalContextManager.PROVIDERS);
                } else if (ServletConfig.class.equals(type)) {
                    reference = new ObjectReference(ThreadLocalContextManager.SERVLET_CONFIG);
                } else if (HttpServletResponse.class.equals(type)) {
                    reference = new ObjectReference(ThreadLocalContextManager.HTTP_SERVLET_RESPONSE);
                } else {
                    reference = new MapObjectReference(ThreadLocalContextManager.OTHERS, referenceInfo.referenceType);

                bindings.put(normalize(referenceInfo.referenceName), reference);

        for (ResourceEnvReferenceInfo referenceInfo : jndiEnc.resourceEnvRefs) {

            if (referenceInfo.location != null) {
                Reference reference = buildReferenceLocation(referenceInfo.location);
                bindings.put(normalize(referenceInfo.referenceName), reference);

            final Class<?> type = getType(referenceInfo.resourceEnvRefType, referenceInfo);
            final Object reference;

            if (EJBContext.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
                String jndiName = "comp/EJBContext";
                reference = new LinkRef(jndiName);

                // Let the container bind this into JNDI
                if (jndiName.equals(referenceInfo.referenceName)) continue;
            } else if (Validator.class.equals(type)) {
                String jndiName = "comp/Validator";
                reference = new LinkRef(jndiName);
            } else if (ValidatorFactory.class.equals(type)) {
                String jndiName = "comp/ValidatorFactory";
                reference = new LinkRef(jndiName);
            } else if (WebServiceContext.class.equals(type)) {
                String jndiName = "comp/WebServiceContext";
                reference = new LinkRef(jndiName);
            } else if (TimerService.class.equals(type)) {
                String jndiName = "comp/TimerService";
                reference = new LinkRef(jndiName);

                // TODO Bind the BeanManager
            } else if (BeanManager.class.equals(type)) {
                String jndiName = "java:app/BeanManager";
                reference = new LinkRef(jndiName);

            } else if (UserTransaction.class.equals(type)) {
                reference = new IntraVmJndiReference("comp/UserTransaction");
            } else if (referenceInfo.resourceID != null) {
                String jndiName = "openejb/Resource/" + referenceInfo.resourceID;
                reference = new IntraVmJndiReference(jndiName);
            } else {
                String jndiName = "openejb/Resource/" + referenceInfo.referenceName;
                reference = new IntraVmJndiReference(jndiName);
            bindings.put(normalize(referenceInfo.referenceName), reference);

        for (PersistenceUnitReferenceInfo referenceInfo : jndiEnc.persistenceUnitRefs) {
            if (referenceInfo.location != null) {
                Reference reference = buildReferenceLocation(referenceInfo.location);
                bindings.put(normalize(referenceInfo.referenceName), reference);

            String jndiName = PersistenceBuilder.getOpenEJBJndiName(referenceInfo.unitId);
            Reference reference = new IntraVmJndiReference(jndiName);
            bindings.put(normalize(referenceInfo.referenceName), reference);

        for (PersistenceContextReferenceInfo contextInfo : jndiEnc.persistenceContextRefs) {
            if (contextInfo.location != null) {
                Reference reference = buildReferenceLocation(contextInfo.location);
                bindings.put(normalize(contextInfo.referenceName), reference);

            Context context = SystemInstance.get().getComponent(ContainerSystem.class).getJNDIContext();
            EntityManagerFactory factory;
            try {
                String jndiName = PersistenceBuilder.getOpenEJBJndiName(contextInfo.unitId);
                factory = (EntityManagerFactory) context.lookup(jndiName);
            } catch (NamingException e) {
                throw new OpenEJBException("PersistenceUnit '" + contextInfo.unitId + "' not found for EXTENDED ref '" + contextInfo.referenceName + "'");

            JtaEntityManager jtaEntityManager = new JtaEntityManager(contextInfo.persistenceUnitName, jtaEntityManagerRegistry, factory,, contextInfo.extended);
            Reference reference = new PersistenceContextReference(jtaEntityManager);
            bindings.put(normalize(contextInfo.referenceName), reference);

        for (ServiceReferenceInfo referenceInfo : jndiEnc.serviceRefs) {
            if (referenceInfo.location != null) {
                Reference reference = buildReferenceLocation(referenceInfo.location);
                bindings.put(normalize(referenceInfo.referenceName), reference);

            // load service class which is used to construct the port
            Class<? extends Service> serviceClass = Service.class;
            if (referenceInfo.serviceType != null) {
                try {
                    serviceClass = classLoader.loadClass(referenceInfo.serviceType).asSubclass(Service.class);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new OpenEJBException("Could not load service type class " + referenceInfo.serviceType, e);

            // load the reference class which is the ultimate type of the port
            Class<?> referenceClass = null;
            if (referenceInfo.referenceType != null) {
                try {
                    referenceClass = classLoader.loadClass(referenceInfo.referenceType);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new OpenEJBException("Could not load reference type class " + referenceInfo.referenceType, e);

            // if ref class is a subclass of Service, use it for the service class
            if (referenceClass != null && Service.class.isAssignableFrom(referenceClass)) {
                serviceClass = referenceClass.asSubclass(Service.class);

            // determine the location of the wsdl file
            URL wsdlUrl = null;
            if (referenceInfo.wsdlFile != null) {
                try {
                    wsdlUrl = new URL(referenceInfo.wsdlFile);
                } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                    wsdlUrl = classLoader.getResource(referenceInfo.wsdlFile);
                    if (wsdlUrl == null) {
                        logger.warning("Error obtaining WSDL: " + referenceInfo.wsdlFile, e);


            // port refs
            List<PortRefData> portRefs = new ArrayList<PortRefData>(referenceInfo.portRefs.size());
            for (PortRefInfo portRefInfo : referenceInfo.portRefs) {
                PortRefData portRef = new PortRefData();

            // create the handle chains
            List<HandlerChainData> handlerChains = null;
            if (!referenceInfo.handlerChains.isEmpty()) {
                handlerChains = WsBuilder.toHandlerChainData(referenceInfo.handlerChains, classLoader);

            if (!client) {
                Reference reference = new JaxWsServiceReference(,
                        serviceClass, referenceInfo.portQName,
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Related Classes of org.apache.openejb.core.ivm.naming.Reference

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