private String realm = "PropertiesLogin";
private boolean enabled = true;
private final String wildcard = SystemInstance.get().getProperty("", ".*"); // embedded = regex, tomee = servlet
public void afterApplicationCreated(final AppInfo appInfo, final WebAppInfo webApp) {
final WebContext webContext = containerSystem.getWebContext(webApp.moduleId);
if (webContext == null) {
if (!deployedWebApps.add(webApp)) {
final Map<String, EJBRestServiceInfo> restEjbs = getRestEjbs(appInfo, webApp.moduleId);
final ClassLoader classLoader = getClassLoader(webContext.getClassLoader());
final Collection<Injection> injections = webContext.getInjections();
final WebBeansContext owbCtx;
if (webContext.getWebbeansContext() != null) {
owbCtx = webContext.getWebbeansContext();
} else {
owbCtx = webContext.getAppContext().getWebBeansContext();
Context context = webContext.getJndiEnc();
if (context == null) { // usually true since it is set in org.apache.tomee.catalina.TomcatWebAppBuilder.afterStart() and lookup(comp) fails
context = webContext.getAppContext().getAppJndiContext();
final ClassLoader oldLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
final Collection<Object> additionalProviders = new HashSet<Object>();
addAppProvidersIfNeeded(appInfo, webApp, classLoader, additionalProviders);
Collection<IdPropertiesInfo> pojoConfigurations = null; // done lazily
try {
boolean deploymentWithApplication = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(, APPLICATION_DEPLOYMENT));
if (deploymentWithApplication) {
Class<?> appClazz;
for (final String app : webApp.restApplications) {
Application application;
boolean appSkipped = false;
String prefix = "/";
try {
appClazz = classLoader.loadClass(app);
application = Application.class.cast(appClazz.newInstance());
if (owbCtx.getBeanManagerImpl().isInUse()) {
try {
} catch (final Exception e) {
// not important since not required by the spec
} catch (final Exception e) {