// @Override
private void startInternal(final StandardContext standardContext) {
if (isIgnored(standardContext)) return;
final CoreContainerSystem cs = getContainerSystem();
final Assembler a = getAssembler();
if (a == null) {
logger.warning("OpenEJB has not been initialized so war will not be scanned for nested modules " + standardContext.getPath());
AppContext appContext = null;
//Look for context info, maybe context is already scanned
ContextInfo contextInfo = getContextInfo(standardContext);
ClassLoader classLoader = standardContext.getLoader().getClassLoader();
if (contextInfo == null) {
final AppModule appModule = loadApplication(standardContext);
if (standardContext.getNamingResources() instanceof OpenEJBNamingResource) {
final Collection<String> importedNames = new ArrayList<String>(); // we can get the same resource twice as in tomcat
// add them to the app as resource
final OpenEJBNamingResource nr = (OpenEJBNamingResource) standardContext.getNamingResources();
for (final ResourceBase resource : nr.getTomcatResources()) {
final String name = resource.getName();
if (!importedNames.contains(name)) {
} else {
boolean found = false;
for (final ResourceInfo r : SystemInstance.get().getComponent(OpenEjbConfiguration.class).facilities.resources) {
if (r.id.equals(name)) {
found = true;
logger.warning(name + " resource was defined in both tomcat and tomee so removing tomcat one");
if (!found) {
final Resource newResource;
if (DataSource.class.getName().equals(resource.getType())) { // we forward it to TomEE datasources
newResource = new Resource(name, resource.getType());
boolean jta = false;
final Properties properties = newResource.getProperties();
final Iterator<String> params = resource.listProperties();
while (params.hasNext()) {
final String paramName = params.next();
final String paramValue = (String) resource.getProperty(paramName);
// handling some param name conversion to OpenEJB style
if ("driverClassName".equals(paramName)) {
properties.setProperty("JdbcDriver", paramValue);
} else if ("url".equals(paramName)) {
properties.setProperty("JdbcUrl", paramValue);
} else {
properties.setProperty(paramName, paramValue);
if ("JtaManaged".equalsIgnoreCase(paramName)) {
jta = Boolean.parseBoolean(paramValue);
if (!jta) {
properties.setProperty("JtaManaged", "false");
} else { // custom type, let it be created
newResource = new Resource(name, resource.getType(), "org.apache.tomee:ProvidedByTomcat");
final Properties properties = newResource.getProperties();
properties.setProperty("jndiName", newResource.getId());
properties.setProperty("appName", getId(standardContext));
properties.setProperty("factory", (String) resource.getProperty("factory"));
final Reference reference = createReference(resource);
if (reference != null) {
properties.put("reference", reference);
if (appModule != null) {
try {
contextInfo = addContextInfo(Contexts.getHostname(standardContext), standardContext);
contextInfo.standardContext = standardContext; // ensure to do it before an exception can be thrown
contextInfo.appInfo = configurationFactory.configureApplication(appModule);
final Boolean autoDeploy = DeployerEjb.AUTO_DEPLOY.get();
contextInfo.appInfo.autoDeploy = autoDeploy == null || autoDeploy;
if (!appModule.isWebapp()) {
classLoader = appModule.getClassLoader();
} else {
final ClassLoader loader = standardContext.getLoader().getClassLoader();
if (loader instanceof LazyStopWebappClassLoader) {
final LazyStopWebappClassLoader lazyStopWebappClassLoader = (LazyStopWebappClassLoader) loader;
for (final URL url : appModule.getWebModules().iterator().next().getAddedUrls()) {
OpenEJBContextConfig openEJBContextConfig = null;
for (final LifecycleListener listener : standardContext.findLifecycleListeners()) {
if (OpenEJBContextConfig.class.isInstance(listener)) {
openEJBContextConfig = OpenEJBContextConfig.class.cast(listener);
if (openEJBContextConfig != null) {
for (final EjbModule ejbModule : appModule.getEjbModules()) {
if (ejbModule.getFile() != null && warPath(standardContext).equals(rootPath(ejbModule.getFile()))) {
openEJBContextConfig.finder(ejbModule.getFinder(), ejbModule.getClassLoader());
appContext = a.createApplication(contextInfo.appInfo, classLoader);
// todo add watched resources to context
eagerInitOfLocalBeanProxies(appContext.getBeanContexts(), classLoader);
} catch (final Exception e) {
logger.error("Unable to deploy collapsed ear in war " + standardContext, e);
undeploy(standardContext, contextInfo);
// just to force tomee to start without EE part
if (System.getProperty(TOMEE_EAT_EXCEPTION_PROP) == null) {
final TomEERuntimeException tre = new TomEERuntimeException(e);
final DeploymentExceptionManager dem = SystemInstance.get().getComponent(DeploymentExceptionManager.class);
dem.saveDeploymentException(contextInfo.appInfo, tre);
throw tre;
} else {
contextInfo.standardContext = standardContext;
final String id = getId(standardContext);
WebAppInfo webAppInfo = null;
// appInfo is null when deployment fails
if (contextInfo.appInfo != null) {
for (final WebAppInfo w : contextInfo.appInfo.webApps) {
if (id.equals(getId(w.host, w.contextRoot)) || id.equals(getId(w.host, w.moduleId))) {
if (webAppInfo == null) {
webAppInfo = w;
} else if (w.host != null && w.host.equals(Contexts.getHostname(standardContext))) {
webAppInfo = w;
if (appContext == null) {
appContext = cs.getAppContext(contextInfo.appInfo.appId);
if (webAppInfo != null) {
if (appContext == null) {
appContext = getContainerSystem().getAppContext(contextInfo.appInfo.appId);
// ensure matching (see getId() usage)
webAppInfo.host = Contexts.getHostname(standardContext);
webAppInfo.contextRoot = standardContext.getName();
// save jsf stuff
final Map<String, Set<String>> scannedJsfClasses = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
for (final ClassListInfo info : webAppInfo.jsfAnnotatedClasses) {
scannedJsfClasses.put(info.name, info.list);
jsfClasses.put(classLoader, scannedJsfClasses);
try {
// determine the injections
final Set<Injection> injections = new HashSet<Injection>();
if (!contextInfo.appInfo.webAppAlone) {
updateInjections(injections, classLoader, false);
for (final BeanContext bean : appContext.getBeanContexts()) { // TODO: how if the same class in multiple webapps?
updateInjections(bean.getInjections(), classLoader, true);
injections.addAll(new InjectionBuilder(classLoader).buildInjections(webAppInfo.jndiEnc));
// merge OpenEJB jndi into Tomcat jndi
final TomcatJndiBuilder jndiBuilder = new TomcatJndiBuilder(standardContext, webAppInfo, injections);
try {
} finally {
// create EMF included in this webapp when nested in an ear
for (final PersistenceUnitInfo unitInfo : contextInfo.appInfo.persistenceUnits) {
if (unitInfo.webappName != null && unitInfo.webappName.equals(webAppInfo.moduleId)) {
try {
final ReloadableEntityManagerFactory remf =
(ReloadableEntityManagerFactory) SystemInstance.get().getComponent(ContainerSystem.class)
.getJNDIContext().lookup(Assembler.PERSISTENCE_UNIT_NAMING_CONTEXT + unitInfo.id);
} catch (final NameNotFoundException nnfe) {
logger.warning("Can't find " + unitInfo.id + " persistence unit");
// add WebDeploymentInfo to ContainerSystem
final WebContext webContext = new WebContext(appContext);
webContext.setJndiEnc(new InitialContext());
webContext.setBindings(new HashMap<String, Object>());
if (!contextInfo.appInfo.webAppAlone) {
final List<BeanContext> beanContexts = assembler.initEjbs(classLoader, contextInfo.appInfo, appContext, injections, new ArrayList<BeanContext>(), webAppInfo.moduleId);
try {