args = NO_ARGS;
// get the context data
ThreadContext callContext = ThreadContext.getThreadContext();
BeanContext deployInfo = callContext.getBeanContext();
MdbCallContext mdbCallContext = callContext.get(MdbCallContext.class);
if (mdbCallContext == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("beforeDelivery was not called");
// verify the delivery method passed to beforeDeliver is the same method that was invoked
if (!mdbCallContext.deliveryMethod.getName().equals(method.getName()) ||
!Arrays.deepEquals(mdbCallContext.deliveryMethod.getParameterTypes(), method.getParameterTypes())) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Delivery method specified in beforeDelivery is not the delivery method called");
// remember the return value or exception so it can be logged
Object returnValue = null;
OpenEJBException openEjbException = null;
Operation oldOperation = callContext.getCurrentOperation();
callContext.setCurrentOperation(type == InterfaceType.TIMEOUT ? Operation.TIMEOUT : Operation.BUSINESS);
try {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {"invoking method " + method.getName() + " on " + deployInfo.getDeploymentID());
// determine the target method on the bean instance class
final Method targetMethod = deployInfo.getMatchingBeanMethod(method);
callContext.set(Method.class, targetMethod);
// invoke the target method
returnValue = _invoke(instance, targetMethod, args, deployInfo, type, mdbCallContext);
return returnValue;