final File generatedJar = cmpJarBuilder.getJarFile();
if (generatedJar != null) {
classLoader = ClassLoaderUtil.createClassLoader(appInfo.path, new URL[]{generatedJar.toURI().toURL()}, classLoader);
final AppContext appContext = new AppContext(appInfo.appId, SystemInstance.get(), classLoader, globalJndiContext, appJndiContext, appInfo.standaloneModule);
appContext.set(AsynchronousPool.class, AsynchronousPool.create(appContext));
final Context containerSystemContext = containerSystem.getJNDIContext();
final Map<String, LazyValidatorFactory> lazyValidatorFactories = new HashMap<String, LazyValidatorFactory>();
final Map<String, LazyValidator> lazyValidators = new HashMap<String, LazyValidator>();
final boolean isGeronimo = SystemInstance.get().hasProperty("openejb.geronimo");
if (!isGeronimo) {
// Bean Validation
// ValidatorFactory needs to be put in the map sent to the entity manager factory
// so it has to be constructed before
final List<CommonInfoObject> vfs = listCommonInfoObjectsForAppInfo(appInfo);
final Map<String, ValidatorFactory> validatorFactories = new HashMap<String, ValidatorFactory>();
for (final CommonInfoObject info : vfs) {
ValidatorFactory factory = null;
try { // lazy cause of CDI :(
final LazyValidatorFactory handler = new LazyValidatorFactory(classLoader, info.validationInfo);
factory = (ValidatorFactory) Proxy.newProxyInstance(
appContext.getClassLoader(), VALIDATOR_FACTORY_INTERFACES, handler);
lazyValidatorFactories.put(info.uniqueId, handler);
} catch (final ValidationException ve) {
logger.warning("can't build the validation factory for module " + info.uniqueId, ve);
validatorFactories.put(info.uniqueId, factory);
// validators bindings
for (final Entry<String, ValidatorFactory> validatorFactory : validatorFactories.entrySet()) {
final String id = validatorFactory.getKey();
final ValidatorFactory factory = validatorFactory.getValue();
try {
containerSystemContext.bind(VALIDATOR_FACTORY_NAMING_CONTEXT + id, factory);
Validator validator;
try {
final LazyValidator lazyValidator = new LazyValidator(factory);
validator = (Validator) Proxy.newProxyInstance(appContext.getClassLoader(), VALIDATOR_INTERFACES, lazyValidator);
lazyValidators.put(id, lazyValidator);
} catch (final Exception e) {
logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
containerSystemContext.bind(VALIDATOR_NAMING_CONTEXT + id, validator);
} catch (final NameAlreadyBoundException e) {
throw new OpenEJBException("ValidatorFactory already exists for module " + id, e);
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new OpenEJBException(e);
// JPA - Persistence Units MUST be processed first since they will add ClassFileTransformers
// to the class loader which must be added before any classes are loaded
final Map<String, String> units = new HashMap<String, String>();
final PersistenceBuilder persistenceBuilder = new PersistenceBuilder(persistenceClassLoaderHandler);
for (final PersistenceUnitInfo info : appInfo.persistenceUnits) {
final ReloadableEntityManagerFactory factory;
try {
factory = persistenceBuilder.createEntityManagerFactory(info, classLoader);
containerSystem.getJNDIContext().bind(PERSISTENCE_UNIT_NAMING_CONTEXT +, factory);
} catch (final NameAlreadyBoundException e) {
throw new OpenEJBException("PersistenceUnit already deployed: " + info.persistenceUnitRootUrl);
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new OpenEJBException(e);
logger.debug("Loaded peristence units: " + units);
// Connectors
for (final ConnectorInfo connector : appInfo.connectors) {
final ClassLoader oldClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
try {
// todo add undeployment code for these
if (connector.resourceAdapter != null) {
for (final ResourceInfo outbound : connector.outbound) {
createResource(outbound);"openejb.connector", "true"); // set it after as a marker but not as an attribute (no getOpenejb().setConnector(...))
for (final MdbContainerInfo inbound : connector.inbound) {
for (final ResourceInfo adminObject : connector.adminObject) {
} finally {
final List<BeanContext> allDeployments = initEjbs(classLoader, appInfo, appContext, injections, new ArrayList<BeanContext>(), null);
if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(SystemInstance.get()
propagateApplicationExceptions(appInfo, classLoader, allDeployments);
if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase("openejb.cdi.activated", "true"))) {
new CdiBuilder().build(appInfo, appContext, allDeployments);
appJndiContext.bind("app/BeanManager", appContext.getBeanManager());
appContext.getBindings().put("app/BeanManager", appContext.getBeanManager());
// now cdi is started we can try to bind real validator factory and validator
if (!isGeronimo) {
for (final Entry<String, LazyValidator> lazyValidator : lazyValidators.entrySet()) {
final String id = lazyValidator.getKey();
final ValidatorFactory factory = lazyValidatorFactories.get(lazyValidator.getKey()).getFactory();
try {
final String factoryName = VALIDATOR_FACTORY_NAMING_CONTEXT + id;
containerSystemContext.bind(factoryName, factory);
final String validatoryName = VALIDATOR_NAMING_CONTEXT + id;
try { // do it after factory cause of TCKs which expects validator to be created later
final Validator val = lazyValidator.getValue().getValidator();
containerSystemContext.bind(validatoryName, val);
} catch (final Exception e) {
logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
} catch (final NameAlreadyBoundException e) {
throw new OpenEJBException("ValidatorFactory already exists for module " + id, e);
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new OpenEJBException(e);
startEjbs(start, allDeployments);
// App Client
for (final ClientInfo clientInfo : appInfo.clients) {
// determine the injections
final List<Injection> clientInjections = injectionBuilder.buildInjections(clientInfo.jndiEnc);
// build the enc
final JndiEncBuilder jndiEncBuilder = new JndiEncBuilder(clientInfo.jndiEnc, clientInjections, "Bean", clientInfo.moduleId, null, clientInfo.uniqueId, classLoader);
// if there is at least a remote client classes
// or if there is no local client classes
// then, we can set the client flag
if (clientInfo.remoteClients.size() > 0 || clientInfo.localClients.size() == 0) {
final Context context =;
// Debug.printContext(context);
containerSystemContext.bind("openejb/client/" + clientInfo.moduleId, context);
if (clientInfo.path != null) {
context.bind("info/path", clientInfo.path);
if (clientInfo.mainClass != null) {
context.bind("info/mainClass", clientInfo.mainClass);
if (clientInfo.callbackHandler != null) {
context.bind("info/callbackHandler", clientInfo.callbackHandler);
context.bind("info/injections", clientInjections);
for (final String clientClassName : clientInfo.remoteClients) {
containerSystemContext.bind("openejb/client/" + clientClassName, clientInfo.moduleId);
for (final String clientClassName : clientInfo.localClients) {
containerSystemContext.bind("openejb/client/" + clientClassName, clientInfo.moduleId);
logger.getChildLogger("client").info("createApplication.createLocalClient", clientClassName, clientInfo.moduleId);
// WebApp
final SystemInstance systemInstance = SystemInstance.get();
final WebAppBuilder webAppBuilder = systemInstance.getComponent(WebAppBuilder.class);
if (webAppBuilder != null) {
webAppBuilder.deployWebApps(appInfo, classLoader);
if (start) {
final EjbResolver globalEjbResolver = systemInstance.getComponent(EjbResolver.class);
// bind all global values on global context
// deploy MBeans
for (final String mbean : appInfo.mbeans) {
deployMBean(appContext.getWebBeansContext(), classLoader, mbean, appInfo.jmx, appInfo.appId);
for (final EjbJarInfo ejbJarInfo : appInfo.ejbJars) {
for (final String mbean : ejbJarInfo.mbeans) {
deployMBean(appContext.getWebBeansContext(), classLoader, mbean, appInfo.jmx, ejbJarInfo.moduleName);
for (final ConnectorInfo connectorInfo : appInfo.connectors) {
for (final String mbean : connectorInfo.mbeans) {
deployMBean(appContext.getWebBeansContext(), classLoader, mbean, appInfo.jmx, appInfo.appId + ".add-lib");
deployedApplications.put(appInfo.path, appInfo);