WorkflowAppService wps = Services.get().get(WorkflowAppService.class);
try {
XLog.Info.get().setParameter(DagXLogInfoService.TOKEN, conf.get(OozieClient.LOG_TOKEN));
WorkflowApp app = wps.parseDef(conf, null);
XConfiguration protoActionConf = wps.createProtoActionConf(conf, true);
WorkflowLib workflowLib = Services.get().get(WorkflowStoreService.class).getWorkflowLibWithNoDB();
appPath = conf.get(OozieClient.APP_PATH);
URI uri = new URI(appPath);
HadoopAccessorService has = Services.get().get(HadoopAccessorService.class);
Configuration fsConf = has.createJobConf(uri.getAuthority());
FileSystem fs = has.createFileSystem(wfBean.getUser(), uri, fsConf);
Path configDefault = null;
// app path could be a directory
Path path = new Path(uri.getPath());
if (!fs.isFile(path)) {
configDefault = new Path(path, SubmitXCommand.CONFIG_DEFAULT);
else {
configDefault = new Path(path.getParent(), SubmitXCommand.CONFIG_DEFAULT);
if (fs.exists(configDefault)) {
Configuration defaultConf = new XConfiguration(;
PropertiesUtils.checkDisallowedProperties(defaultConf, DISALLOWED_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES);
XConfiguration.injectDefaults(defaultConf, conf);
PropertiesUtils.checkDisallowedProperties(conf, DISALLOWED_USER_PROPERTIES);
// Resolving all variables in the job properties. This ensures the Hadoop Configuration semantics are
// preserved. The Configuration.get function within XConfiguration.resolve() works recursively to get the
// final value corresponding to a key in the map Resetting the conf to contain all the resolved values is
// necessary to ensure propagation of Oozie properties to Hadoop calls downstream
conf = ((XConfiguration) conf).resolve();
// Prepare the action endtimes map
Map<String, Date> actionEndTimes = new HashMap<String, Date>();
for (WorkflowActionBean action : actions) {
if (action.getEndTime() != null) {
actionEndTimes.put(action.getName(), action.getEndTime());
try {
newWfInstance = workflowLib.createInstance(app, conf, jobId, actionEndTimes);
catch (WorkflowException e) {
throw new CommandException(e);
String appName = ELUtils.resolveAppName(app.getName(), conf);