try {
//Setting up hive-default.xml file if specified by the Hive action
Element actionConf = actionXml.getChild("configuration", actionXml.getNamespace());
if (actionConf != null) {
String strConf = XmlUtils.prettyPrint(actionConf).toString();
XConfiguration inlineConf = new XConfiguration(new StringReader(strConf));
if (inlineConf.get(OOZIE_HIVE_DEFAULTS) != null) {
Path hiveDefaults = new Path(inlineConf.get(OOZIE_HIVE_DEFAULTS));
// hive-default.xml will be softlinked to the working dir which is in the launcher CP.
// the softlink is done as 'oozie-user-hive-default.xml' and Oozie HiveMain class will
// check if the Hive being used has a hive-default.xml or not, if not it will rename
// it as hive-default.xml before invoking hive
addToCache(conf, appPath, hiveDefaults + "#" + HiveMain.USER_HIVE_DEFAULT_FILE, false);