public static List<String> getCoordActionIdsFromDateRange(String jobId, String range) throws XException{
String[] dateRange = range.split("::");
// This block checks for errors in the format of specifying date range
if (dateRange.length != 2) {
throw new XException(ErrorCode.E0308, "'" + range
+ "'. Date value expected on both sides of the scope resolution operator '::' to signify start and end of range");
Date start;
Date end;
try {
// Get the start and end dates for the range
start = DateUtils.parseDateOozieTZ(dateRange[0].trim());
end = DateUtils.parseDateOozieTZ(dateRange[1].trim());
catch (ParseException dx) {
throw new XException(ErrorCode.E0308, "Error in parsing start or end date. " + dx);
if (start.after(end)) {
throw new XException(ErrorCode.E0308, "'" + range + "'. Start date '" + start + "' is older than end date: '" + end
+ "'");
List<String> list = null;
JPAService jpaService = Services.get().get(JPAService.class);
list = jpaService.execute(new CoordJobGetActionIdsForDateRangeJPAExecutor(jobId, start, end));