This class allows you to implement the drag of DnD in your GUI by simply creating an instance of this class, supplying your implementation of a DragCopyCutWorkerInterface and register the Component with the helper using registerCopmponent(). If the default implementation of DnD by this class doesn't satisfy your needs you can override all of the functionality by supplying your own DragGestureListener and DragSourceListener. Those interfaces are part of the Java 1.2/1.3 Dnd framework, so more information about these interfaces can be found in the JDK docs. This class is closely related to DropTargetHelper, the class responsible for the drop in DnD. To implement DnD for any Component, you have to write the following code: new DragHelper(new YourDragCopyCutWorkerInterfaceImplementation()).registerComponent(aComponent);
@author Florian Bruckner
@version $Id:,v 2005/12/21 22:32:42 tomdz Exp $
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