* Create a Count-Query for QueryByCriteria
private Query getQueryByCriteriaCount(QueryByCriteria aQuery)
Class searchClass = aQuery.getSearchClass();
ReportQueryByCriteria countQuery = null;
Criteria countCrit = null;
String[] columns = new String[1];
// BRJ: copied Criteria without groupby, orderby, and prefetched relationships
if (aQuery.getCriteria() != null)
countCrit = aQuery.getCriteria().copy(false, false, false);
if (aQuery.isDistinct())
// BRJ: Count distinct is dbms dependent
// hsql/sapdb: select count (distinct(person_id || project_id)) from person_project
// mysql: select count (distinct person_id,project_id) from person_project
// [tomdz]
// Some databases have no support for multi-column count distinct (e.g. Derby)
// Here we use a SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT ...) instead
// concatenation of pk-columns is a simple way to obtain a single column
// but concatenation is also dbms dependent:
// SELECT count(distinct concat(row1, row2, row3)) mysql
// SELECT count(distinct (row1 || row2 || row3)) ansi
// SELECT count(distinct (row1 + row2 + row3)) ms sql-server
FieldDescriptor[] pkFields = m_broker.getClassDescriptor(searchClass).getPkFields();
String[] keyColumns = new String[pkFields.length];
if (pkFields.length > 1)
// TODO: Use ColumnName. This is a temporary solution because
// we cannot yet resolve multiple columns in the same attribute.
for (int idx = 0; idx < pkFields.length; idx++)
keyColumns[idx] = pkFields[idx].getColumnName();
for (int idx = 0; idx < pkFields.length; idx++)
keyColumns[idx] = pkFields[idx].getAttributeName();
// [tomdz]
// TODO: Add support for databases that do not support COUNT DISTINCT over multiple columns
// if (getPlatform().supportsMultiColumnCountDistinct())
// {
// columns[0] = "count(distinct " + getPlatform().concatenate(keyColumns) + ")";
// }
// else
// {
// columns = keyColumns;
// }
columns[0] = "count(distinct " + getPlatform().concatenate(keyColumns) + ")";
columns[0] = "count(*)";
// BRJ: we have to preserve indirection table !
if (aQuery instanceof MtoNQuery)
MtoNQuery mnQuery = (MtoNQuery)aQuery;
ReportQueryByMtoNCriteria mnReportQuery = new ReportQueryByMtoNCriteria(searchClass, columns, countCrit);
countQuery = mnReportQuery;
countQuery = new ReportQueryByCriteria(searchClass, columns, countCrit);
// BRJ: we have to preserve outer-join-settings (by Andr� Markwalder)
for (Iterator outerJoinPath = aQuery.getOuterJoinPaths().iterator(); outerJoinPath.hasNext();)
String path = (String) outerJoinPath.next();
if (aQuery.isPathOuterJoin(path))
//BRJ: add orderBy Columns asJoinAttributes
List orderBy = aQuery.getOrderBy();
if ((orderBy != null) && !orderBy.isEmpty())
String[] joinAttributes = new String[orderBy.size()];
for (int idx = 0; idx < orderBy.size(); idx++)
joinAttributes[idx] = ((FieldHelper)orderBy.get(idx)).name;
// [tomdz]
// TODO:
// For those databases that do not support COUNT DISTINCT over multiple columns