private void cascadeInsertCollectionReferences(ObjectEnvelope source, List descriptor, List alreadyPrepared)
PersistenceBroker pb = getTransaction().getBroker();
for(int i = 0; i < descriptor.size(); i++)
CollectionDescriptor col = (CollectionDescriptor) descriptor.get(i);
Object collOrArray = col.getPersistentField().get(source.getObject());
CollectionProxy proxy = ProxyHelper.getCollectionProxy(collOrArray);
on insert we perform only materialized collection objects. This should be
sufficient, because in method #cascadingDependents() we make sure that on
move of unmaterialized collection objects the proxy was materialized if needed.
if(proxy == null && collOrArray != null)
Iterator it = BrokerHelper.getCollectionIterator(collOrArray);
Object colObj =;
if(colObj != null)
Identity oid = pb.serviceIdentity().buildIdentity(colObj);
only when the main object need insert we start with FK assignment
of the 1:n and m:n relations. If the main objects need update (was already persisted)
it should be handled by the object state detection in ObjectEnvelope
TODO: what is the valid way to go, when the collection object itself is
a unmaterialized proxy object? Think in this case we should materialize the
object when the main object needs insert, because we have to assign the FK values
to the main object
colObj = ProxyHelper.getRealObject(colObj);
ObjectEnvelope oe = getByIdentity(oid);
if(oe == null)
getTransaction().lock(colObj, Transaction.WRITE);
oe = getByIdentity(oid);
// the main objects needs insert, thus add new m:n link
addM2NLinkEntry(col, source.getObject(), colObj);