throws ClassNotPersistenceCapableException, PersistenceBrokerException
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("getCollectionByQuery (" + collectionClass + ", " + itemClass + ", " + query + ")");
ClassDescriptor cld = pb.getClassDescriptor(itemClass);
ManageableCollection result = null;
OJBIterator iter = null;
boolean isRetrievalTasksCreated = (batchRetrieval && (m_retrievalTasks == null));
int fullSize = -1;
int size = 0;
if (isRetrievalTasksCreated)
// Maps ReferenceDescriptors to HashSets of owners
m_retrievalTasks = new HashMap();
result = (ManageableCollection) collectionClass.newInstance();
// now iterate over all elements and add them to the new collection
iter = pb.getIteratorFromQuery(query, cld);
// BRJ : get fullSizefor Query
// to be removed when Query.fullSize is removed
if (iter instanceof PagingIterator)
fullSize = iter.fullSize();
while (iter.hasNext())
Object candidate =;
* candidate CAN be null in the case of materializing from an iterator based
* on a query for a class that is mapped to a table that has other classes
* mapped to that table as well, but aren't extents.
if (candidate != null)
IndirectionHandler handler = ProxyHelper.getIndirectionHandler(candidate);
if ((handler != null)
|| itemClass.isAssignableFrom(candidate.getClass()))
// BRJ: count added objects
// to be removed when Query.fullSize is removed