Package org.apache.ode.bpel.rtrep.v1

Examples of org.apache.ode.bpel.rtrep.v1.OAgent

                throw new CompilationException(__msgs

            String xslUri = (String) params.get(0);
            OXslSheet xslSheet = _cctx.compileXslt(xslUri);
            try {
                XslTransformHandler.getInstance().parseXSLSheet(_cctx.getBaseResourceURI(), xslSheet.uri,
                    xslSheet.sheetBody, new XslCompileUriResolver(_cctx, _out));
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new CompilationException(__msgs.errXslCompilation(xslUri, e.toString()));
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        String sheetBody = loadXsltSheet(_processURI.resolve(docUri));
        if (sheetBody == null) {
            throw new CompilationException(__cmsgs.errCantFindXslt(docStrUri));

        OXslSheet oXslSheet = new OXslSheet(_oprocess);
        oXslSheet.uri = docUri;
        oXslSheet.sheetBody = sheetBody;

        _oprocess.xslSheets.put(oXslSheet.uri, oXslSheet);
        return oXslSheet;
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                xslUri = new URI((String) args.get(0));
            } catch (URISyntaxException use) {
                // Shouldn't happen, checked at compilation time
                throw new XPathFunctionException("First parameter of the bpws:doXslTransform isn't a valid URI!");
            OXslSheet xslSheet = _oxpath.xslSheets.get(xslUri);
            // Shouldn't happen, checked at compilation time
            if (xslSheet == null)
                throw new XPathFunctionException("Couldn't find the XSL sheet " + args.get(0)
                    + ", process compilation or deployment was probably incomplete!");
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                throw new CompilationException(

            String xslUri = (String) params.get(0);
            OXslSheet xslSheet = _cctx.compileXslt(xslUri);
            try {
                XslTransformHandler.getInstance().parseXSLSheet(_cctx.getBaseResourceURI(), xslSheet.uri, xslSheet.sheetBody,
                        new XslCompileUriResolver(_cctx, _out));
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new CompilationException(__msgs.errXslCompilation(xslUri, e.toString()));
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    private void requireRecovery() {
        if (__log.isDebugEnabled())
            __log.debug("ActivityRecovery: Invoke activity " + _self.aId + " requires recovery");
        sendEvent(new ActivityFailureEvent(_failureReason));
        final ActivityRecoveryChannel recoveryChannel = newChannel(ActivityRecoveryChannel.class);
        getBpelRuntime().registerActivityForRecovery(recoveryChannel, _self.aId, _failureReason, _lastFailure, _failureData,
            new String[] { "retry", "cancel", "fault" }, _invoked - 1);
        object(false, new ActivityRecoveryChannelListener(recoveryChannel) {
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 8397883882810521685L;
            public void retry() {
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            __log.debug("ActivityRecovery: Invoke activity " + _self.aId + " requires recovery");
        sendEvent(new ActivityFailureEvent(_failureReason));
        final ActivityRecoveryChannel recoveryChannel = newChannel(ActivityRecoveryChannel.class);
        getBpelRuntime().registerActivityForRecovery(recoveryChannel, _self.aId, _failureReason, _lastFailure, _failureData,
            new String[] { "retry", "cancel", "fault" }, _invoked - 1);
        object(false, new ActivityRecoveryChannelListener(recoveryChannel) {
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 8397883882810521685L;
            public void retry() {
                if (__log.isDebugEnabled())
                    __log.debug("ActivityRecovery: Retrying invoke activity " + _self.aId + " (user initiated)");
                sendEvent(new ActivityRecoveryEvent("retry"));
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        _completedChildren = visibleCompensations;

    public void run() {
        sendEvent(new CompensationHandlerRegistered());
        object(new CompensationChannelListener(_self.compChannel) {
            private static final long serialVersionUID = -477602498730810094L;

            public void forget() {
                // Tell all our completed children to forget.
                for (Iterator<CompensationHandler> i = _completedChildren.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
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        Element outboundMsg;
        try {
            outboundMsg = setupOutbound(_oinvoke, _oinvoke.initCorrelationsInput);
        } catch (FaultException e) {
            FaultData fault = createFault(e.getQName(), _oinvoke);
            _self.parent.completed(fault, CompensationHandler.emptySet());
        } catch (ExternalVariableModuleException e) {
            _self.parent.failure(e.toString(), null);

        // if there is no output variable, then this is a one-way invoke
        boolean isTwoWay = _oinvoke.outputVar != null;

        try {
            if (!isTwoWay) {
                FaultData faultData = null;
                getBpelRuntime().invoke(null, _scopeFrame.resolve(_oinvoke.partnerLink), _oinvoke.operation, outboundMsg, null);
                _self.parent.completed(faultData, CompensationHandler.emptySet());

            } else /* two-way */{
                final VariableInstance outputVar = _scopeFrame.resolve(_oinvoke.outputVar);
                final InvokeResponseChannel invokeResponseChannel = newChannel(InvokeResponseChannel.class);

                final String mexId = getBpelRuntime().invoke(invokeResponseChannel.export(),
                    _scopeFrame.resolve(_oinvoke.partnerLink), _oinvoke.operation, outboundMsg, invokeResponseChannel);

                object(false, new InvokeResponseChannelListener(invokeResponseChannel) {
                    private static final long serialVerstmptmpionUID = 4496880438819196765L;

                    public void onResponse() {
                        // we don't have to write variable data -> this already
                        // happened in the nativeAPI impl
                        FaultData fault = null;

                        Element response;
                        try {
                            response = getBpelRuntime().getPartnerResponse(mexId);
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            __log.error("Exception while processing invoke response", e);
                            throw new RuntimeException(e);

                        try {
                        initializeVariable(outputVar, response);
                        } catch (ExternalVariableModuleException e) {
                          __log.error("Exception while initializing external variable", e);
                            _self.parent.failure(e.toString(), null);
                        // Generating event
                        VariableModificationEvent se = new VariableModificationEvent(;
                        if (_oinvoke.debugInfo != null)

                        try {
                            for (OScope.CorrelationSet anInitCorrelationsOutput : _oinvoke.initCorrelationsOutput) {
                                initializeCorrelation(_scopeFrame.resolve(anInitCorrelationsOutput), outputVar);
                            if (_oinvoke.partnerLink.hasPartnerRole()) {
                                // Trying to initialize partner epr based on a message-provided epr/session.
                                if (!getBpelRuntime().isPartnerRoleEndpointInitialized(_scopeFrame
                                        .resolve(_oinvoke.partnerLink)) || !_oinvoke.partnerLink.initializePartnerRole) {
                                    Node fromEpr = getBpelRuntime().getSourceEPR(mexId);
                                    if (fromEpr != null) {
                                            _scopeFrame.resolve(_oinvoke.partnerLink), (Element) fromEpr);
                                String partnersSessionId = getBpelRuntime().getSourceSessionId(mexId);
                                if (partnersSessionId != null)
                        } catch (FaultException e) {
                            fault = createFault(e.getQName(), _oinvoke);

                        // TODO update output variable with data from non-initiate correlation sets

                        _self.parent.completed(fault, CompensationHandler.emptySet());

                    public void onFault() {
                        QName faultName = getBpelRuntime().getPartnerFault(mexId);
                        Element msg = getBpelRuntime().getPartnerResponse(mexId);
                        QName msgType = getBpelRuntime().getPartnerResponseType(mexId);
                        FaultData fault = createFault(faultName, msg,
                            _oinvoke.getOwner().messageTypes.get(msgType), _self.o);
                        _self.parent.completed(fault, CompensationHandler.emptySet());

                    public void onFailure() {
                        // This indicates a communication failure. We don't throw a fault,
                        // because there is no fault, instead we'll re-incarnate the invoke
                        // and either retry or indicate failure condition.
                        // admin to resume the process.
                        String reason = getBpelRuntime().getPartnerFaultExplanation(mexId);
                        __log.error("Failure during invoke: " + reason);
                        try {
                            Element el = DOMUtils.stringToDOM("<invokeFailure><![CDATA["+reason+"]]></invokeFailure>");
                            _self.parent.failure(reason, el);
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            _self.parent.failure(reason, null);

                }.or(new TerminationChannelListener(_self.self) {
                    private static final long serialVersionUID = 4219496341785922396L;

                    public void terminate() {
                      _self.parent.completed(null, CompensationHandler.emptySet());
                      object(new InvokeResponseChannelListener(invokeResponseChannel) {
                        private static final long serialVersionUID = 688746737897792929L;
            public void onFailure() {
              __log.debug("Failure on invoke ignored, the invoke has already been terminated: " + _oinvoke.toString());
            public void onFault() {
                            __log.debug("Fault on invoke ignored, the invoke has already been terminated: " + _oinvoke.toString());
            public void onResponse() {
                            __log.debug("Response on invoke ignored, the invoke has already been terminated: " + _oinvoke.toString());

        } catch (FaultException fault) {
            FaultData faultData = createFault(fault.getQName(), _oinvoke, fault.getMessage());
            _self.parent.completed(faultData, CompensationHandler.emptySet());
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                getBpelRuntime().invoke(null, _scopeFrame.resolve(_oinvoke.partnerLink), _oinvoke.operation, outboundMsg, null);
                _self.parent.completed(faultData, CompensationHandler.emptySet());

            } else /* two-way */{
                final VariableInstance outputVar = _scopeFrame.resolve(_oinvoke.outputVar);
                final InvokeResponseChannel invokeResponseChannel = newChannel(InvokeResponseChannel.class);

                final String mexId = getBpelRuntime().invoke(invokeResponseChannel.export(),
                    _scopeFrame.resolve(_oinvoke.partnerLink), _oinvoke.operation, outboundMsg, invokeResponseChannel);

                object(false, new InvokeResponseChannelListener(invokeResponseChannel) {
                    private static final long serialVerstmptmpionUID = 4496880438819196765L;

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                // Create the compensation handler scope.
                instance(new SCOPE(ai,compHandlerScopeFrame, new LinkFrame(null)));

                object(new ParentScopeChannelListener(ai.parent) {
                    private static final long serialVersionUID = 8044120498580711546L;

                    public void compensate(OScope scope, SynchChannel ret) {
                        throw new AssertionError("Unexpected.");
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Related Classes of org.apache.ode.bpel.rtrep.v1.OAgent

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