Package org.apache.ode.axis2.soapbinding

Examples of org.apache.ode.axis2.soapbinding.AuthenticationHelper

    public void parseSoapRequest(Element odeMessage, SOAPEnvelope envelope, Operation op) throws AxisFault {
        BindingOperation bop = _binding.getBindingOperation(op.getName(), null, null);

        if (bop == null)
            throw new OdeFault(__msgs.msgBindingOperationNotFound(_serviceName, _portName, op.getName()));

        BindingInput bi = bop.getBindingInput();
        if (bi == null)
            throw new OdeFault(__msgs.msgBindingInputNotFound(_serviceName, _portName, op.getName()));

        SOAPBody soapBody = getSOAPBody(bi);
        if (soapBody != null)
            extractSoapBodyParts(odeMessage, envelope.getBody(), soapBody, op.getInput().getMessage(), op.getName());
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    public void parseSoapResponse(Element odeMessage, SOAPEnvelope envelope, Operation op) throws AxisFault {
        BindingOperation bop = _binding.getBindingOperation(op.getName(), null, null);

        if (bop == null)
            throw new OdeFault(__msgs.msgBindingOperationNotFound(_serviceName, _portName, op.getName()));

        BindingOutput bo = bop.getBindingOutput();
        if (bo == null)
            throw new OdeFault(__msgs.msgBindingInputNotFound(_serviceName, _portName, op.getName()));

        SOAPBody soapBody = getSOAPBody(bo);
        if (soapBody != null)
            extractSoapBodyParts(odeMessage, envelope.getBody(),
                    soapBody, op.getOutput().getMessage(), op.getName() + "Response");
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        List<Part> parts = msgDef.getOrderedParts(soapBody.getParts());

        for (Part part : parts) {
            Element srcPartEl = DOMUtils.findChildByName(message, new QName(null, part.getName()));
            if (srcPartEl == null)
                throw new OdeFault(__msgs.msgOdeMessageMissingRequiredPart(part.getName()));

            OMElement omPart = OMUtils.toOM(srcPartEl, _soapFactory);
            if (_isRPC) {
            } else {
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        if (_isRPC) {
            QName rpcWrapQName = new QName(bodyDef.getNamespaceURI(), rpcWrapper);
            OMElement partWrapper = soapBody.getFirstChildWithName(rpcWrapQName);
            if (partWrapper == null)
                throw new OdeFault(__msgs.msgSoapBodyDoesNotContainExpectedPartWrapper(_serviceName,_portName,rpcWrapQName));
            // In RPC the body element is the operation name, wrapping parts. Order doesn't really matter as far as
            // we're concerned. All we need to do is copy the soap:body children, since doc-lit rpc looks the same
            // in ode and soap.
            for (Part pdef : bodyParts) {
                OMElement srcPart = partWrapper.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(null, pdef.getName()));
                if (srcPart == null)
                    throw new OdeFault(__msgs.msgSOAPBodyDoesNotContainRequiredPart(pdef.getName()));
                message.appendChild(message.getOwnerDocument().importNode(OMUtils.toDOM(srcPart), true));

        } else {
            // In doc-literal style, we expect the elements in the body to correspond (in order) to the
            // parts defined in the binding. All the parts should be element-typed, otherwise it is a mess.
            Iterator<OMElement> srcParts = soapBody.getChildElements();
            for (Part partDef : bodyParts) {
                if (!srcParts.hasNext())
                    throw new OdeFault(__msgs.msgSOAPBodyDoesNotContainRequiredPart(partDef.getName()));

                OMElement srcPart =;
                if (partDef.getElementName() == null)
                    throw new OdeFault(__msgs.msgBindingDefinesNonElementDocListParts());
                if (!srcPart.getQName().equals(partDef.getElementName()))
                    throw new OdeFault(__msgs.msgUnexpectedElementInSOAPBody(srcPart.getQName(), partDef.getElementName()));
                Element destPart = message.getOwnerDocument().createElementNS(null, partDef.getName());
                destPart.appendChild(message.getOwnerDocument().importNode(OMUtils.toDOM(srcPart), true));
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        // Is this header part of the "payload" messsage?
        boolean payloadMessageHeader = headerdef.getMessage() == null || headerdef.getMessage().equals(msgType.getQName());
        boolean requiredHeader = payloadMessageHeader || (headerdef.getRequired() != null && headerdef.getRequired() == true);

        if (requiredHeader && header == null)
            throw new OdeFault(__msgs.msgSoapHeaderMissingRequiredElement(headerdef.getElementType()));

        if (header == null)

        Message hdrMsg = _def.getMessage(headerdef.getMessage());
        if (hdrMsg == null)
        Part p = hdrMsg.getPart(headerdef.getPart());
        if (p == null || p.getElementName() == null)

        OMElement headerEl = header.getFirstChildWithName(p.getElementName());
        if (requiredHeader && headerEl == null)
            throw new OdeFault(__msgs.msgSoapHeaderMissingRequiredElement(headerdef.getElementType()));

        if (headerEl == null)

        Element destPart = odeMessage.getOwnerDocument().createElementNS(null, p.getName());
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                    OMElement namePart = messageContext.getEnvelope().getBody().getFirstElement().getFirstElement();
                    OMElement zipPart = (OMElement) namePart.getNextOMSibling();
                    OMElement zip = zipPart.getFirstElement();
                    if (!zipPart.getQName().getLocalPart().equals("package") ||
                        throw new OdeFault("Your message should contain a part named 'package' with a zip element");

                    OMText binaryNode = (OMText) zip.getFirstOMChild();
                    if (binaryNode == null) {
                        throw new OdeFault("Empty binary node under <zip> element");
                    try {
                        // We're going to create a directory under the deployment root and put
                        // files in there. The poller shouldn't pick them up so we're asking
                        // it to hold on for a while.

                        File dest = new File(_deployPath, namePart.getText() + "-" + _store.getCurrentVersion());
                        unzip(dest, (DataHandler) binaryNode.getDataHandler());

                        // Check that we have a deploy.xml
                        File deployXml = new File(dest, "deploy.xml");
                        if (!deployXml.exists())
                            throw new OdeFault("The deployment doesn't appear to contain a deployment " +
                                    "descriptor in its root directory named deploy.xml, aborting.");

                        Collection<QName> deployed = _store.deploy(dest);

                        File deployedMarker = new File(_deployPath, dest.getName() + ".deployed");

                        // Telling the poller what we deployed so that it doesn't try to deploy it again
              "Deployment of artifact " + dest.getName() + " successful.");

                        OMElement response = factory.createOMElement("response", null);

                        if (__log.isDebugEnabled()) __log.debug("Deployed package: "+dest.getName());
                      OMElement d = factory.createOMElement("name", null);

                      for (QName pid : deployed) {
                          if (__log.isDebugEnabled()) __log.debug("Deployed PID: "+pid);
                          d = factory.createOMElement("id", null);
                        sendResponse(factory, messageContext, "deployResponse", response);
                    } finally {
                } else if (operation.equals("undeploy")) {
                    OMElement part = messageContext.getEnvelope().getBody().getFirstElement().getFirstElement();

                    String pkg = part.getText();
                    File deploymentDir = new File(_deployPath, pkg);
                    if (!deploymentDir.exists())
                        throw new OdeFault("Couldn't find deployment package " + pkg + " in directory " + _deployPath);

                    try {
                        // We're going to create a directory under the deployment root and put
                        // files in there. The poller shouldn't pick them up so we're asking
                        // it to hold on for a while.

                        Collection<QName> undeployed = _store.undeploy(deploymentDir);

                        File deployedMarker = new File(_deployPath, pkg + ".deployed");
                        FileUtils.deepDelete(new File(_deployPath, pkg));

                        OMElement response = factory.createOMElement("response", null);
                        response.setText("" + (undeployed.size() > 0));
                        sendResponse(factory, messageContext, "undeployResponse", response);
                    } finally {
                } else if (operation.equals("listDeployedPackages")) {
                    Collection<String> packageNames = _store.getPackages();
                    OMElement response = factory.createOMElement("deployedPackages", null);
                    for (String name : packageNames) {
                        OMElement nameElmt = factory.createOMElement("name", null);
                    sendResponse(factory, messageContext, "listDeployedPackagesResponse", response);
                } else if (operation.equals("listProcesses")) {
                    OMElement namePart = messageContext.getEnvelope().getBody().getFirstElement().getFirstElement();
                    List<QName> processIds = _store.listProcesses(namePart.getText());
                    OMElement response = factory.createOMElement("processIds", null);
                    for (QName qname : processIds) {
                        OMElement nameElmt = factory.createOMElement("id", null);
                    sendResponse(factory, messageContext, "listProcessResponse", response);
                } else if (operation.equals("getProcessPackage")) {
                    OMElement qnamePart = messageContext.getEnvelope().getBody().getFirstElement().getFirstElement();
                    ProcessConf process = _store.getProcessConfiguration(OMUtils.getTextAsQName(qnamePart));
                    if (process == null) {
                      throw new OdeFault("Could not find process: " + qnamePart.getTextAsQName());
                    String packageName = _store.getProcessConfiguration(OMUtils.getTextAsQName(qnamePart)).getPackage();
                    OMElement response = factory.createOMElement("packageName", null);
                    sendResponse(factory, messageContext, "getProcessPackageResponse", response);
                } else unknown = true;
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                // Trying to extract a meaningful message
                Throwable source = t;
                while (source.getCause() != null && source.getCause() != source) source = source.getCause();
                __log.warn("Invocation of operation " + operation + " failed", t);
                throw new OdeFault("Invocation of operation " + operation + " failed: " + source.toString(), t);
            if (unknown) throw new OdeFault("Unknown operation: '"
                    + messageContext.getAxisOperation().getName() + "'");
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                    copyInputStream(zis, new BufferedOutputStream(
                            new FileOutputStream(destFile)));
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new OdeFault("An error occured on deployment.", e);
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    private static String extractServiceName(Definition wsdlDefinition, QName wsdlServiceName, String portName)
            throws AxisFault {
        String url = null;
        Service service = wsdlDefinition.getService(wsdlServiceName);
        if (service == null) {
                throw new OdeFault("Unable to find service " + wsdlServiceName + " from service WSDL definition "
                        + wsdlDefinition.getDocumentBaseURI());
        Port port = service.getPort(portName);
        if (port == null) {
            throw new OdeFault("Couldn't find port " + portName + " in definition " + wsdlServiceName);
        for (Object oext : port.getExtensibilityElements()) {
          if (oext instanceof SOAPAddress)
                    url = ((SOAPAddress) oext).getLocationURI();
        if (url == null) {
                throw new OdeFault("Could not extract any soap:address from service WSDL definition " + wsdlServiceName
                        + " (necessary to establish the process target address)!");
        String serviceName = parseURLForService(url);
        if (serviceName == null) {
                throw new OdeFault("The soap:address used for service WSDL definition " + wsdlServiceName + " and port "
                        + portName + " should be of the form http://hostname:port/ode/processes/myProcessEndpointName");
        return serviceName;
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    private static String extractServiceName(Definition wsdlDefinition, QName wsdlServiceName, String portName)
            throws AxisFault {
    String url = null;
    Service service = wsdlDefinition.getService(wsdlServiceName);
    if (service == null) {
            throw new OdeFault("Unable to find service " + wsdlServiceName + " from service WSDL definition "
                    + wsdlDefinition.getDocumentBaseURI());
    Port port = service.getPort(portName);
    for (Object oext : port.getExtensibilityElements()) {
      if (oext instanceof SOAPAddress)
                url = ((SOAPAddress) oext).getLocationURI();
    if (url == null) {
            throw new OdeFault("Could not extract any soap:address from service WSDL definition " + wsdlServiceName
                    + " (necessary to establish the process target address)!");
    String serviceName = parseURLForService(url);
    if (serviceName == null) {
            throw new OdeFault("The soap:address used for service WSDL definition " + wsdlServiceName + " and port "
                    + portName + " should be of the form http://hostname:port/ode/processes/myProcessEndpointName");
    return serviceName;
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        _serviceName = serviceName;
        _portName = portName;

        _serviceDef = _def.getService(serviceName);
        if (_serviceDef == null)
            throw new OdeFault(__msgs.msgServiceDefinitionNotFound(serviceName));
        _port = _serviceDef.getPort(portName);
        if (_port == null)
            throw new OdeFault(__msgs.msgPortDefinitionNotFound(serviceName, portName));
        _binding = _port.getBinding();
        if (_binding == null)
            throw new OdeFault(__msgs.msgBindingNotFound(serviceName, portName));

        Collection<SOAPBinding> soapBindings = CollectionsX.filter(_binding.getExtensibilityElements(), SOAPBinding.class);
        if (soapBindings.isEmpty())
            throw new OdeFault(__msgs.msgNoSOAPBindingForPort(_portName));
        else if (soapBindings.size() > 1) {
            throw new OdeFault(__msgs.msgMultipleSoapBindingsForPort(_portName));

        _soapBinding = (SOAPBinding) soapBindings.iterator().next();
        String style = _soapBinding.getStyle();
        _isRPC = style != null && style.equals("rpc");
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Related Classes of org.apache.ode.axis2.soapbinding.AuthenticationHelper

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