Package org.apache.ode.axis2

Examples of org.apache.ode.axis2.Properties

    public void parseSoapResponse(org.apache.ode.bpel.iapi.Message odeMessage,
                                  SOAPEnvelope envelope, Operation op) throws AxisFault {
        BindingOperation bop = _binding.getBindingOperation(op.getName(), null, null);

        if (bop == null)
            throw new OdeFault(__msgs.msgBindingOperationNotFound(_serviceName, _portName, op.getName()));

        BindingOutput bo = bop.getBindingOutput();
        if (bo == null)
            throw new OdeFault(__msgs.msgBindingInputNotFound(_serviceName, _portName, op.getName()));

        SOAPBody soapBody = getSOAPBody(bo);
        if (soapBody != null)
            extractSoapBodyParts(odeMessage, envelope.getBody(), soapBody, op.getOutput().getMessage(), op.getName() + "Response");
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        List<Part> parts = msgDef.getOrderedParts(soapBody.getParts());
        for (Part part : parts) {
            Element srcPartEl = DOMUtils.findChildByName(message, new QName(null, part.getName()));
            if (srcPartEl == null)
                throw new OdeFault(__msgs.msgOdeMessageMissingRequiredPart(part.getName()));

            OMElement omPart = OMUtils.toOM(srcPartEl, _soapFactory);
            if (_isRPC) partHolder.addChild(omPart);
            else for (Iterator<OMNode> i = omPart.getChildren(); i.hasNext();) partHolder.addChild(;
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        if (_isRPC) {
            QName rpcWrapQName = new QName(bodyDef.getNamespaceURI(), rpcWrapper);
            OMElement partWrapper = soapBody.getFirstChildWithName(rpcWrapQName);
            if (partWrapper == null)
                throw new OdeFault(__msgs.msgSoapBodyDoesNotContainExpectedPartWrapper(_serviceName,_portName,rpcWrapQName));
            // In RPC the body element is the operation name, wrapping parts. Order doesn't really matter as far as
            // we're concerned. All we need to do is copy the soap:body children, since doc-lit rpc looks the same
            // in ode and soap.
            for (Part pdef : bodyParts) {
                OMElement srcPart = partWrapper.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(null, pdef.getName()));
                if (srcPart == null)
                    throw new OdeFault(__msgs.msgSOAPBodyDoesNotContainRequiredPart(pdef.getName()));
                message.setPart(srcPart.getLocalName(), OMUtils.toDOM(srcPart));

        } else {
            // In doc-literal style, we expect the elements in the body to correspond (in order) to the
            // parts defined in the binding. All the parts should be element-typed, otherwise it is a mess.
            Iterator<OMElement> srcParts = soapBody.getChildElements();
            for (Part partDef : bodyParts) {
                if (!srcParts.hasNext())
                    throw new OdeFault(__msgs.msgSOAPBodyDoesNotContainRequiredPart(partDef.getName()));

                OMElement srcPart =;
                if (partDef.getElementName() == null)
                    throw new OdeFault(__msgs.msgBindingDefinesNonElementDocListParts());
                if (!srcPart.getQName().equals(partDef.getElementName()))
                    throw new OdeFault(__msgs.msgUnexpectedElementInSOAPBody(srcPart.getQName(), partDef.getElementName()));
                Document doc = DOMUtils.newDocument();
                Element destPart = doc.createElementNS(null, partDef.getName());
                destPart.appendChild(doc.importNode(OMUtils.toDOM(srcPart), true));
                message.setPart(partDef.getName(), destPart);
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        // Is this header part of the "payload" messsage?
        boolean payloadMessageHeader = headerdef.getMessage() == null || headerdef.getMessage().equals(msgType.getQName());
        boolean requiredHeader = payloadMessageHeader || (headerdef.getRequired() != null && headerdef.getRequired());

        if (requiredHeader && header == null)
            throw new OdeFault(__msgs.msgSoapHeaderMissingRequiredElement(headerdef.getElementType()));

        if (header == null)

        Message hdrMsg = _def.getMessage(headerdef.getMessage());
        if (hdrMsg == null)
        Part p = hdrMsg.getPart(headerdef.getPart());
        if (p == null || p.getElementName() == null)

        OMElement headerEl = header.getFirstChildWithName(p.getElementName());
        if (requiredHeader && headerEl == null)
            throw new OdeFault(__msgs.msgSoapHeaderMissingRequiredElement(headerdef.getElementType()));

        if (headerEl == null) return;

        odeMessage.setHeaderPart(p.getName(), OMUtils.toDOM(headerEl));
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    private static String extractServiceName(Definition wsdlDefinition, QName wsdlServiceName, String portName)
            throws AxisFault {
        String url = null;
        Service service = wsdlDefinition.getService(wsdlServiceName);
        if (service == null) {
            throw new OdeFault("Unable to find service " + wsdlServiceName + " from service WSDL definition "
                    + wsdlDefinition.getDocumentBaseURI());
        Port port = service.getPort(portName);
        if (port == null) {
            throw new OdeFault("Couldn't find port " + portName + " in definition " + wsdlServiceName);
        for (Object oext : port.getExtensibilityElements()) {
            if (oext instanceof SOAPAddress)
                url = ((SOAPAddress) oext).getLocationURI();
        if (url == null) {
            throw new OdeFault("Could not extract any soap:address from service WSDL definition " + wsdlServiceName
                    + " (necessary to establish the process target address)!");
        String serviceName = parseURLForService(url);
        if (serviceName == null) {
            throw new OdeFault("The soap:address used for service WSDL definition " + wsdlServiceName + " and port "
                    + portName + " should be of the form http://hostname:port/ode/processes/myProcessEndpointName");
        return serviceName;
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            throw new NullPointerException("Null msgCtx");

        BindingOperation bop = binding.getBindingOperation(op.getName(), null, null);

        if (bop == null)
            throw new OdeFault("BindingOperation not found.");

        BindingInput bi = bop.getBindingInput();
        if (bi == null)
            throw new OdeFault("BindingInput not found.");

        SOAPEnvelope soapEnv = msgCtx.getEnvelope();
        if (soapEnv == null) {
            soapEnv = soapFactory.getDefaultEnvelope();
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        if (op == null)
            op = responseOperation;
        BindingOperation bop = binding.getBindingOperation(op.getName(), null, null);

        if (bop == null)
            throw new OdeFault("Binding Operation not found.");

        BindingOutput bo = bop.getBindingOutput();
        if (bo == null)
            throw new OdeFault("Binding Output not found.");

        SOAPBody soapBody = getSOAPBody(bo);
        if (soapBody != null)
             extractSoapBodyParts(odeMessage, envelope.getBody(), soapBody, op.getInput().getMessage(),
                     op.getName() + "Response");
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        if (isRPC) {
            QName rpcWrapQName = new QName(bodyDef.getNamespaceURI(), rpcWrapper);
            OMElement partWrapper = soapBody.getFirstChildWithName(rpcWrapQName);
            if (partWrapper == null)
                throw new OdeFault("Message body doesn't contain expected part wrapper.");
            // In RPC the body element is the operation name, wrapping parts. Order doesn't really matter as far as
            // we're concerned. All we need to do is copy the soap:body children, since doc-lit rpc looks the same
            // in ode and soap.
            for (Part pdef : bodyParts) {
                OMElement srcPart = partWrapper.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(null, pdef.getName()));
                if (srcPart == null)
                    throw new OdeFault("SOAP body doesn't contain required part.");
                message.setPart(srcPart.getLocalName(), OMUtils.toDOM(srcPart));

        } else {
            // In doc-literal style, we expect the elements in the body to correspond (in order) to the
            // parts defined in the binding. All the parts should be element-typed, otherwise it is a mess.
            Iterator<OMElement> srcParts = soapBody.getChildElements();
            for (Part partDef : bodyParts) {
                if (!srcParts.hasNext())
                    throw new OdeFault("SOAP Mesaage body doesn't contain required part.");

                OMElement srcPart =;
                if (partDef.getElementName() == null)
                    throw new OdeFault("Binding defines non element doc list parts.");
                if (!srcPart.getQName().equals(partDef.getElementName()))
                    throw new OdeFault("Unexpected element in SOAP body");
                Document doc = DOMUtils.newDocument();
                Element destPart = doc.createElementNS(null, partDef.getName());
                destPart.appendChild(doc.importNode(OMUtils.toDOM(srcPart), true));
                message.setPart(partDef.getName(), destPart);
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        * */
        Iterator<OMElement> srcParts = soapBody.getChildElements();
        if (srcParts.hasNext()) {
            OMElement srcPart =;
            if (!srcPart.getQName().equals(new QName(null, "part")))
                throw new OdeFault("Unexpected element in SOAP body");
            OMElement hifb = srcPart.getFirstChildWithName(new QName("", "HIFeedback"));
            if (hifb == null) {
                throw new OdeFault("Unexpected element in SOAP body");
            OMElement taskIDele = hifb.getFirstChildWithName(new QName("", "TaskID"));
            if (taskIDele == null) {
                throw new OdeFault("Unexpected element in SOAP body");
            String taskID = taskIDele.getText();
            return taskID;
//            Document doc = DOMUtils.newDocument();
//            Element destPart = doc.createElementNS(null, "part");
//            destPart.appendChild(doc.importNode(OMUtils.toDOM(srcPart), true));
//            message.setPart("part", destPart);
        throw new OdeFault("TaskID not found in the feedback message");
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        // Is this header part of the "payload" messsage?
        boolean payloadMessageHeader = headerdef.getMessage() == null || headerdef.getMessage().equals(msgType.getQName());
        boolean requiredHeader = payloadMessageHeader || (headerdef.getRequired() != null && headerdef.getRequired());

        if (requiredHeader && header == null)
            throw new OdeFault("SOAP Header missing required element.");

        if (header == null)

        Message hdrMsg =wsdlDefintion.getMessage(headerdef.getMessage());
        if (hdrMsg == null)
        Part p = hdrMsg.getPart(headerdef.getPart());
        if (p == null || p.getElementName() == null)

        OMElement headerEl = header.getFirstChildWithName(p.getElementName());
        if (requiredHeader && headerEl == null)
            throw new OdeFault("SOAP Header missing required element.");

        if (headerEl == null) return;

        odeMessage.setHeaderPart(p.getName(), OMUtils.toDOM(headerEl));
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Related Classes of org.apache.ode.axis2.Properties

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