Package org.apache.nutch.plugin

Examples of org.apache.nutch.plugin.Extension


    String contentType, command, timeoutString, encoding;

    for (int i = 0; i < extensions.length; i++) {
      Extension extension = extensions[i];

      // only look for extensions defined by plugin parse-ext
      if (!extension.getDescriptor().getPluginId().equals("parse-ext"))

      contentType = extension.getAttribute("contentType");
      if (contentType == null || contentType.equals(""))

      command = extension.getAttribute("command");
      if (command == null || command.equals(""))

      // null encoding means default
      encoding = extension.getAttribute("encoding");
      if (encoding == null)
          encoding = Charset.defaultCharset().name();

      timeoutString = extension.getAttribute("timeout");
      if (timeoutString == null || timeoutString.equals(""))
        timeoutString = "" + TIMEOUT_DEFAULT;

      TYPE_PARAMS_MAP.put(contentType, new String[] { command, timeoutString, encoding });
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      throw new ParserNotFound(url, contentType);

    parsers = new Vector<Parser>(parserExts.size());
    for (Iterator<Extension> i = parserExts.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ){
      Extension ext =;
      Parser p = null;
      try {
        //check to see if we've cached this parser instance yet
        p = (Parser) objectCache.getObject(ext.getId());
        if (p == null) {
          // go ahead and instantiate it and then cache it
          p = (Parser) ext.getExtensionInstance();
      } catch (PluginRuntimeException e) {
        if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) {
          LOG.warn("ParserFactory:PluginRuntimeException when "
                 + "initializing parser plugin "
                 + ext.getDescriptor().getPluginId()
                 + " instance in getParsers "
                 + "function: attempting to continue instantiating parsers");
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   *         {@link PluginRuntimeException} instantiating the {@link Parser}.
  public Parser getParserById(String id) throws ParserNotFound {

    Extension[] extensions = this.extensionPoint.getExtensions();
    Extension parserExt = null;

    ObjectCache objectCache = ObjectCache.get(conf);
    if (id != null) {
      parserExt = getExtension(extensions, id);
    if (parserExt == null) {
      parserExt = getExtensionFromAlias(extensions, id);

    if (parserExt == null) {
      throw new ParserNotFound("No Parser Found for id [" + id + "]");
    // first check the cache          
    if (objectCache.getObject(parserExt.getId()) != null) {
      return (Parser) objectCache.getObject(parserExt.getId());

    // if not found in cache, instantiate the Parser   
    } else {
      try {
        Parser p = (Parser) parserExt.getExtensionInstance();
        objectCache.setObject(parserExt.getId(), p);
        return p;
      } catch (PluginRuntimeException e) {
        if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) {
          LOG.warn("Canno initialize parser " +
                   parserExt.getDescriptor().getPluginId() +
                   " (cause: " + e.toString());
        throw new ParserNotFound("Cannot init parser for id [" + id + "]");
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    List<Extension> extList = new ArrayList<Extension>();
    if (plugins != null) {
      for (String parsePluginId : plugins) {
        Extension ext = getExtension(extensions, parsePluginId, contentType);
        // the extension returned may be null
        // that means that it was not enabled in the plugin.includes
        // nutch conf property, but it was mapped in the
        // parse-plugins.xml
        // file.
        // OR it was enabled in plugin.includes, but the plugin's plugin.xml
        // file does not claim that the plugin supports the specified mimeType
        // in either case, LOG the appropriate error message to WARN level
        if (ext == null) {
          //try to get it just by its pluginId
          ext = getExtension(extensions, parsePluginId);
          if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) {
            if (ext != null) {
              // plugin was enabled via plugin.includes
              // its plugin.xml just doesn't claim to support that
              // particular mimeType
              LOG.warn("ParserFactory:Plugin: " + parsePluginId +
                       " mapped to contentType " + contentType +
                       " via parse-plugins.xml, but " + "its plugin.xml " +
                       "file does not claim to support contentType: " +
            } else {
              // plugin wasn't enabled via plugin.includes
              LOG.warn("ParserFactory: Plugin: " + parsePluginId +
                       " mapped to contentType " + contentType +
                       " via parse-plugins.xml, but not enabled via " +
                       "plugin.includes in nutch-default.xml");                    

        if (ext != null) {
          // add it to the list
    } else {
      // okay, there were no list of plugins defined for
      // this mimeType, however, there may be plugins registered
      // via the plugin.includes nutch conf property that claim
      // via their plugin.xml file to support this contentType
      // so, iterate through the list of extensions and if you find
      // any extensions where this is the case, throw a
      // NotMappedParserException
      for (int i=0; i<extensions.length; i++) {
        if ("*".equals(extensions[i].getAttribute("contentType"))){
          extList.add(0, extensions[i]);
        else if (extensions[i].getAttribute("contentType") != null
            && contentType.matches(escapeContentType(extensions[i].getAttribute("contentType")))) {
      if (extList.size() > 0) {
        if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
          StringBuffer extensionsIDs = new StringBuffer("[");
          boolean isFirst = true;
          for (Extension ext : extList){
            if (!isFirst) extensionsIDs.append(" - ");
            else isFirst=false;
"The parsing plugins: " + extensionsIDs.toString() +
                   " are enabled via the plugin.includes system " +
                   "property, and all claim to support the content type " +
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      throw new ParserNotFound(url, contentType);

    parsers = new Vector(parserExts.size());
    for (Iterator i=parserExts.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ){
      Extension ext = (Extension);
      Parser p = null;
      try {
        //check to see if we've cached this parser instance yet
        p = (Parser) this.conf.getObject(ext.getId());
        if (p == null) {
          // go ahead and instantiate it and then cache it
          p = (Parser) ext.getExtensionInstance();
      } catch (PluginRuntimeException e) {
        if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) {
          LOG.warn("ParserFactory:PluginRuntimeException when "
                 + "initializing parser plugin "
                 + ext.getDescriptor().getPluginId()
                 + " instance in getParsers "
                 + "function: attempting to continue instantiating parsers");
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   *         {@link PluginRuntimeException} instantiating the {@link Parser}.
  public Parser getParserById(String id) throws ParserNotFound {

    Extension[] extensions = this.extensionPoint.getExtensions();
    Extension parserExt = null;

    if (id != null) {
      parserExt = getExtension(extensions, id);
    if (parserExt == null) {
      parserExt = getExtensionFromAlias(extensions, id);

    if (parserExt == null) {
      throw new ParserNotFound("No Parser Found for id [" + id + "]");
    // first check the cache          
    if (this.conf.getObject(parserExt.getId()) != null) {
      return (Parser) this.conf.getObject(parserExt.getId());

    // if not found in cache, instantiate the Parser   
    } else {
      try {
        Parser p = (Parser) parserExt.getExtensionInstance();
        this.conf.setObject(parserExt.getId(), p);
        return p;
      } catch (PluginRuntimeException e) {
        if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) {
          LOG.warn("Canno initialize parser " +
                   parserExt.getDescriptor().getPluginId() +
                   " (cause: " + e.toString());
        throw new ParserNotFound("Cannot init parser for id [" + id + "]");
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    if (plugins != null) {
      for (Iterator i = plugins.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
        String parsePluginId = (String);
        Extension ext = getExtension(extensions, parsePluginId, contentType);
        // the extension returned may be null
        // that means that it was not enabled in the plugin.includes
        // nutch conf property, but it was mapped in the
        // parse-plugins.xml
        // file.
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        ExtensionPoint point = PluginRepository.get(conf).getExtensionPoint(ScoringFilter.X_POINT_ID);
        if (point == null) throw new RuntimeException(ScoringFilter.X_POINT_ID + " not found.");
        Extension[] extensions = point.getExtensions();
        HashMap filterMap = new HashMap();
        for (int i = 0; i < extensions.length; i++) {
          Extension extension = extensions[i];
          ScoringFilter filter = (ScoringFilter) extension.getExtensionInstance();
          if (!filterMap.containsKey(filter.getClass().getName())) {
            filterMap.put(filter.getClass().getName(), filter);
        if (orderedFilters == null) {
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        if (point == null)
          throw new RuntimeException(URLFilter.X_POINT_ID + " not found.");
        Extension[] extensions = point.getExtensions();
        HashMap filterMap = new HashMap();
        for (int i = 0; i < extensions.length; i++) {
          Extension extension = extensions[i];
          URLFilter filter = (URLFilter) extension.getExtensionInstance();
          if (!filterMap.containsKey(filter.getClass().getName())) {
            filterMap.put(filter.getClass().getName(), filter);
        if (orderedFilters == null) {
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    List normalizers = new Vector(extensions.size());

    Iterator it = extensions.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      Extension ext = (Extension);
      URLNormalizer normalizer = null;
      try {
        // check to see if we've cached this URLNormalizer instance yet
        normalizer = (URLNormalizer) this.conf.getObject(ext.getId());
        if (normalizer == null) {
          // go ahead and instantiate it and then cache it
          normalizer = (URLNormalizer) ext.getExtensionInstance();
          this.conf.setObject(ext.getId(), normalizer);
      } catch (PluginRuntimeException e) {
        LOG.warn("URLNormalizers:PluginRuntimeException when "
                + "initializing url normalizer plugin "
                + ext.getDescriptor().getPluginId()
                + " instance in getURLNormalizers "
                + "function: attempting to continue instantiating plugins");
    return (URLNormalizer[]) normalizers.toArray(new URLNormalizer[normalizers
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Related Classes of org.apache.nutch.plugin.Extension

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