java.util.Collection policies = binding.getPolicySubject()
Iterator policyComponents = policies.iterator();
String policyId = "";
while (policyComponents.hasNext()) {
PolicyComponent currentPolicyComponent = (PolicyComponent) policyComponents
if (currentPolicyComponent instanceof Policy) {
policyId = ((Policy) currentPolicyComponent).getId();
} else if (currentPolicyComponent instanceof PolicyReference) {
policyId = ((PolicyReference) currentPolicyComponent).getURI().substring(1);
// Check whether this is a security scenario
scenario = SecurityScenarioDatabase.getByWsuId(policyId);
// If a scenario is NOT applied to at least one non HTTP
// binding,
// we consider the service unsecured.
if ((scenario == null)
&& (!binding.getName().getLocalPart().contains("HttpBinding"))) {
// If the binding level policies are not present, check whether there is a policy attached
// at the service level. This is a fix for Securing Proxy Services.
if(scenario == null){
java.util.Collection policies = service.getPolicySubject()
Iterator policyComponents = policies.iterator();
String policyId = "";
while (policyComponents.hasNext()) {
PolicyComponent currentPolicyComponent = (PolicyComponent) policyComponents
if (currentPolicyComponent instanceof Policy) {
policyId = ((Policy) currentPolicyComponent).getId();
} else if (currentPolicyComponent instanceof PolicyReference) {
policyId = ((PolicyReference) currentPolicyComponent).getURI().substring(1);