Package org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component

Examples of org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXCollection$DefaultClientKeyManager

    FacesBean    facesBean,
    String       clientId)
    UIXCollection table = (UIXCollection) component;
    Object oldKey = table.getRowKey();

      // Set the row key to null to force the clientId to be correct

      String selectionParam = __getSelectionParameterName(facesContext, table);

      Map<String, String> parameters =

      _LOG.finest("Params:{0}", parameters);

      String selection = parameters.get(selectionParam);

      if (selection != null)
        final RowKeySet state;
        if (table instanceof UIXTable)
          state = ((UIXTable) table).getSelectedRowKeys();
          state = ((UIXTree) table).getSelectedRowKeys();

        // If the key is not already selected, or the state is more than one
        // (someone changed the table selection from multiple to single),
        // update the keys
        if (!state.isContained() || state.size() > 1)
          RowKeySet unselected = state.clone();
          // TODO : do not mutate the selectedRowKeys here.
          // instead, mutate when event is broadcast:
          // clone, so that subsequent mutations of "state" will
          // not affect the parameters of this event: bug 4733858:
          RowKeySet selected = state.clone();
          FacesEvent event = new SelectionEvent(table, unselected, selected);
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    if (!getSortable(column, bean))
      return SORT_NO;

    // Otherwise, look at the first sort criteria
    // =-=AEW This seems slow...
    UIXCollection table = (UIXCollection) tContext.getTable();
    List<SortCriterion> criteria = table.getSortCriteria();
    // We currently only show anything for the primary sort criterion
    if (criteria.size() > 0)
      SortCriterion criterion = criteria.get(0);
      if (property.equals(criterion.getProperty()))
        return criterion.isAscending() ? SORT_ASCENDING : SORT_DESCENDING;

    return table.isSortable(property) ? SORT_SORTABLE : SORT_NO;
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  private boolean _assertCurrencyKeyPreserved(Object oldKey, UIComponent table)
    UIXCollection base = (UIXCollection) table;
    Object newKey = base.getRowKey();
    return (oldKey != null)?  oldKey.equals(newKey): (newKey == null);
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  public void decode(FacesContext context, UIComponent component)
    UIXCollection table = (UIXCollection) component;
    Object oldKey = table.getRowKey();

      // Set the row key to null to force the clientId to be correct

      String selectionParam = __getSelectionParameterName(context, table);

      Map<String, String> parameters =

      _LOG.finest("Params:{0}", parameters);

      String selection = parameters.get(selectionParam);

      if (selection != null)
        final RowKeySet state;
        if (table instanceof UIXTable)
          state = ((UIXTable) table).getSelectedRowKeys();
          state = ((UIXTree) table).getSelectedRowKeys();

        // If the key is not already selected, or the state is more than one
        // (someone changed the table selection from multiple to single),
        // update the keys
        if (!state.isContained() || state.size() > 1)
          RowKeySet unselected = state.clone();
          // TODO : do not mutate the selectedRowKeys here.
          // instead, mutate when event is broadcast:
          // clone, so that subsequent mutations of "state" will
          // not affect the parameters of this event: bug 4733858:
          RowKeySet selected = state.clone();
          FacesEvent event = new SelectionEvent(table, unselected, selected);
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  private boolean _assertCurrencyKeyPreserved(
    Object      oldKey,
    UIComponent table)
    UIXCollection base = (UIXCollection) table;
    Object newKey = base.getRowKey();
    return (oldKey != null)?  oldKey.equals(newKey): (newKey == null);
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    UIComponent  component,
    FacesBean    facesBean,
    String       clientId)
    UIXCollection table = (UIXCollection) component;
    Object oldKey = table.getRowKey();

    String tableId = clientId == null ? table.getClientId(facesContext) : clientId;

    Map<String, String[]> parameters =

    String[] unselectedBoxes =

    // check to see if there were any selection boxes in the request.
    // if there were no unselected boxes, then there can't be any selected
    // ones either:
    if ((unselectedBoxes == null) || (unselectedBoxes.length == 0))

    String[] selectedBoxes =

    // must work with both table and hgrid:
    final RowKeySet selectionModel;
    if (table instanceof UIXTable)
      selectionModel = ((UIXTable) table).getSelectedRowKeys();
      selectionModel = ((UIXTree) table).getSelectedRowKeys();

//    Object selectMode = tableMap.get(UIConstants.SELECT_MODE_KEY);
//    // select-all/none across all ranges (both visible and invisible)
//    // is disabled for EA6. This is because it is pretty bad if in the email
//    // demo the user does a select-all followed by delete and all of his/her
//    // messages (including the ones that are currently not visible) are deleted.
//    if (false && (selectMode != null))
//    {
//      if ("all".equals(selectMode))
//        selectionModel.addAll();
//      else if ("none".equals(selectMode))
//        selectionModel.clear();
//      // even if we do a select all/none we still need to run through the
//      // regular per row selection code below. this is because the user might
//      // have clicked select-all and then deselected some rows before submitting:
//    }

    RowKeySet selectedDelta = selectionModel.clone();
    RowKeySet unselectedDelta = selectedDelta.clone();

    _setDeltas(table, selectedBoxes, unselectedBoxes,
               selectionModel, selectedDelta, unselectedDelta);
    if ((selectedDelta.getSize() != 0) || (unselectedDelta.getSize() != 0))
      FacesEvent event =
        new SelectionEvent(table, unselectedDelta, selectedDelta);
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    if (!getSortable(column, bean))
      return SORT_NO;

    // Otherwise, look at the first sort criteria
    // =-=AEW This seems slow...
    UIXCollection table = (UIXCollection) tContext.getTable();
    List<SortCriterion> criteria = table.getSortCriteria();
    // We currently only show anything for the primary sort criterion
    if (criteria.size() > 0)
      SortCriterion criterion = criteria.get(0);
      if (property.equals(criterion.getProperty()))
        return criterion.isAscending() ? SORT_ASCENDING : SORT_DESCENDING;

    return table.isSortable(property) ? SORT_SORTABLE : SORT_NO;
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    if (!getSortable(bean))
      return SORT_NO;

    // Otherwise, look at the first sort criteria
    // =-=AEW This seems slow...
    UIXCollection table = (UIXCollection) tContext.getTable();
    List<SortCriterion> criteria = table.getSortCriteria();
    // We currently only show anything for the primary sort criterion
    if (criteria.size() > 0)
      SortCriterion criterion = criteria.get(0);
      if (property.equals(criterion.getProperty()))
        return criterion.isAscending() ? SORT_ASCENDING : SORT_DESCENDING;

    return table.isSortable(property) ? SORT_SORTABLE : SORT_NO;
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    FacesBean    facesBean,
    String       clientId)
    UIXCollection table = (UIXCollection) component;
    Object oldKey = table.getRowKey();

      // Set the row key to null to force the clientId to be correct

      String selectionParam = __getSelectionParameterName(facesContext, table);

      Map<String, String> parameters =

      _LOG.finest("Params:{0}", parameters);

      String selection = parameters.get(selectionParam);

      if (selection != null)
        final RowKeySet state;
        if (table instanceof UIXTable)
          state = ((UIXTable) table).getSelectedRowKeys();
          state = ((UIXTree) table).getSelectedRowKeys();

        // If the key is not already selected, or the state is more than one
        // (someone changed the table selection from multiple to single),
        // update the keys
        if (!state.isContained() || state.size() > 1)
          RowKeySet unselected = state.clone();
          // TODO : do not mutate the selectedRowKeys here.
          // instead, mutate when event is broadcast:
          // clone, so that subsequent mutations of "state" will
          // not affect the parameters of this event: bug 4733858:
          RowKeySet selected = state.clone();
          FacesEvent event = new SelectionEvent(table, unselected, selected);
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    protected String getValueParameter(
      UIComponent component)
      UIXCollection cb = (UIXCollection) component;
      int rowIndex = cb.getRowIndex();
      return IntegerUtils.getString(rowIndex);
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Related Classes of org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXCollection$DefaultClientKeyManager

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